

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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Three days later, I had reached the level required to use the infinity stone that controlled the aspect of the universe known as space.

I wasn't gonna lie.

I was nervous.

This was going to be a big step in my end game, with it, power beyond my wildest dreams would be within the tip of my fingers.

"Ok, time to bring the stone out," I muttered to myself, opening my inventory.

[The Space Stone - Aspect Of The Universe.

The Space Stone gives the user total power over space. Anyone holding the Space Stone with enough power can not only create portals from one part of the universe to another but bend space itself.



Currently, the space stone is trapped within the tesseract.]

Here goes nothing.

Taking a deep breath, I cracked the tesseract open, revealing the stone in all its glory.

The stone was relatively small, but even with its fragile look, I could feel the density of the power it emanated.

[Do you wish to equip the space stone?


Click ? for more information.]

Wait, what?

Shocked at the revelation I could equip the space stone, I opened the tab for more information.

[The Infinity Stones - The Aspects Of The Universe

At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then... with a boom. The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence.

Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind, and Time.

Together these aspects give the user almighty powers, but to use all six of the stones, the user requires power to control the cosmic radiation these elemental stones generate.







Using more than one stone without the required level can result in death or permanent injuries, so it's recommended for the aspiring user to be the level required, or close at the very least.

Once you have the required level, and one of the six aspects, then it's time to equip the stone, you might be wondering, how does this work?

Well, by accessing your inventory, you can equip the stone as an accessory to yourself, keeping the stone within the deeps of your pocket dimension, but with access to its power.

Word of advice, this equipping system only works if you already have the required level for use.]

I can equip the space stone, and not have it on the outside?

Well, this is free real estate.

Happy with the explanation I had read, I equipped the stone, who in turn disappeared into my inventory as the explanation had said.

Immediately after, I felt a pulse of power, it was as if I was still holding the stone, but at the same time, no.

[The Space Stone has been equipped]

[Do you wish to reveal the map of the universe?


Click ? for more information.]

Of course, I want!

Without hesitating, I smashed the button, and waited, one, two, three, massive headache.

I had not considered how painful revealing the entire universe would be, well, painful was a strong word, it was more like a migraine I was having.

[The Entire Universe has been explored and revealed…

+2926899456 EXP]









[Hidden Quest Completed: Leave no corner unexplored. 

You are in a new universe, so go and explore it, leave nothing hidden on your map!

Rewards: The Boons of The Living Tribunal x 10.

Additional Reward: Search Bar on the map.]

The Boons of The Living Tribunal? 

Confused, I checked my inventory.

[The Boons of The Living Tribunal - Legendary Item

Quantity = 10

Each boon grants the user one level, and +10 on each stat.]

A rare candy basically.

Well, I am obviously saving that for a later date using it now would be a waste.

"Well, this turned out to be great," I smiled, seven levels just for discovering the entire universe, how wonderful was that, and to add a cherry on the top, ten rares candies, which I was happy to have.

But enough about that, now, now it was time to find where was the precious metal I so desperately wanted.

"Let's see," I chuckled, opening my map.


[Ego the Living Planet POV]

I felt something, a pulse of cosmic energy expanding throughout the cosmos.

The question now was, who was responsible for such display? A celestial if I had to take a guess, perhaps they were searching for me, perhaps they had discovered my plan to overthrow them.

Regardless of that, I had to move, and then find out who had done such a thing.

Perhaps it was simply an idiot that had used the Space Stone and died, releasing such energy into the cosmos, perhaps I was moving to another corner of the universe for nothing, but it was best to assume the worst, and get the best than assume the best, and get the worse.


[Alex Walker POV]

I… I could see everyone's movements on my map, all I had to do was type a name on the map, and my map would move to that person, or in my current case, planet, aka Ego.

I could see his dot moving, at great speeds may I add, as if running from something.

Then, I moved to Thanos, he was currently alone on his home planet, Titan.

This… this reward, was broken.

The Search Bar not only showed me people, but things, like with it, I had found the planet from which the meteor that had hit Wakanda had come from, I think, there were three planets with the metal, one of them uninhabited called Sufuro, one with only animals Rohirsch, and the last one, being the only one with a civilization, Torfa.

Fuck Wakanda, quite literally.

I now had access to more Vibranium that I could possibly use.

"Well…" I cracked my neck, "Time to farm some vibranium,"