
Marvel: Clone Master.

Disclaimer: I say, I am the author-sama, I concede that I do not own Marvel or any brand that is involved in this story, everything is completely fictional and any resemblance is merely coincidental, so I don't want lawsuits, thank you. Slow Development

Winter_Wolf_1646 · Filmes
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Charles Xavier.

After eating, Nikolai called his clone.

"Mother, do you need anything?" asked the clone.

"Mm... it's annoying to call you a clone, you'll be called Kai from now on, also, don't call me 'Mother', you can call me Boss or Lord." Nikolai said thoughtfully, it would be strange if others heard it.

Kai nodded and said. "In that case, you should go to school now."

On second thought, now you don't need to personally attend the school, you can just send a clone and not waste time, plus he can access the library and learn knowledge that would not be easily available.

Clones have strong learning abilities, if you compare them with an ordinary person, they can learn 7 times faster, they only need to sleep 4 hours a day, and go to the bathroom once or twice, stress-wise, it is almost non-existent.

Thinking so, Nikolai let him go.


After a while, Kai came back.

"Mm? Shouldn't you be in class now? Why did you come back?"

Kai explained. "The reason is that you haven't attended for a month, so the teachers made the decision that if you fail to get at least 90-grade points on the next exam, you will be expelled."

"What?! He was about to die, who would be in the mood to ask for permission?!" growled Nikolai sulkily.

This is the case, but there is no problem, on the contrary, you can actually profit from it.

On second thought, Nikolai said. "Okay, now the most important thing is the clones, first, we have to move."

Now it's just him and Kai, but in the future, as there are more and more clones, it will be very suspicious, after all, with so many people, a lot of resources will be consumed, and a lot of garbage will be generated, if the neighbors suspect something, it will be very dangerous.

Everyone is clear, if the government finds out, they will definitely come to take the bone marrow out of him, there is still the Hulk, when General Ross saw the power that he has, he chased him for years without rest.

Nikolai broke out in a cold sweat thinking about it.

"Kai, you can connect to the network and learn knowledge, mainly computer science, we need to get off the radar first." Nikolai ordered.

Kai nodded and went to the stadium to find the computer.

Now we live in Queens, it's a pretty safe place, at least if you compare it to Hell's Kitchen, the main reason for concern is the cameras, if someone wants to find it, it will be easy.

After that, Nikolai contacted the real estate agency, although his late parents left him a tidy sum as compensation, after a month of endless waste, he has only a few dollars left in his torn pocket.

So a first wave of money is needed for future plans, the first thing Nikolai thought of is his parents' old house, although his predecessor has a lot of feelings about this old house, that's not true for him, a transmigrator.

After speaking with the agent, he agreed to come tomorrow to complete the contract and find a buyer quickly.

When he finished the call, Nikolai sighed and went back to his room, all this exhausted him mentally and physically, he still needs to rest to recover for his first clone.


Meanwhile, at the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters.

Scott asked. "Professor, did you find it?"

The professor nodded, but then said with the doubt evident on his face. "That's right, I managed to triangulate his location, but then the connection dropped as he disappeared, I just know he's in Queens."

Everyone was shocked, after all, this is Professor Xavier, one of the biggest telepaths on earth and even the universe, moreover, using "Cerebro" there really are few existences that can hide from him, including the ancient one.

Jean stepped forward to say. "Professor, you said he's in Queens, right? In that case, we can go look for him, it won't be hard to find him if his ability goes out of control, we can also use my mind scan ability to search." Jean suggested.

When Scott heard that, he stepped forward to fawn. "That's a great idea, Jean, with you, we'll definitely find it."

The professor nodded. "Very well, then get ready to leave, but remember, you must not cause unnecessary trouble, our priority is to find him and help him if necessary, we don't want to scare him or put him in danger." Professor X said and expelled them.

"Yes, teacher!" they all said.