
Marvel: Blacklight Reaper

Embark on a thrilling journey with Shiro Smith, a seemingly ordinary student who conceals an extraordinary intellect. Little do people know that Shiro has successfully developed an advanced A.I. chip that seamlessly integrates with his own brain. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when a catastrophic accident transmigrate him, along with his revolutionary A.I. chip, into the vast and dangerous Marvel Universe. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Marvel or Prototype. All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owners, except for the MC and other OC (original characters) created for this fanfiction.

PepengAgimat · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration (Rewritten)

In the year 2021, on a rainy day, a man clad in a black shirt and brown shorts maneuvered his car through the wet streets, his destination set to his friend's house.

This man is Shiro Smith, a seemingly unremarkable individual of mixed Japanese and American heritage. With his spiked white hair, piercing blue eyes, and distinct features—such as his pointed nose and modest lips—he possesses an understated charm.

Shiro's pursuit of knowledge led him to enroll at the prestigious Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he dedicated his studies to the realm of Computer Science. Currently, he resides in a private residence situated in the heart of Tokyo, Japan, as he embarks on his academic journey.

Shiro's admission to the esteemed institution was solely attributed to the wealth his parents had amassed, tragically cut short by a fatal car accident. Their affluent status secured his entrance into one of Japan's most prestigious schools. However, within the confines of academia, Shiro appeared to be an unremarkable student, lacking standout talents or remarkable physical appearance. He led a solitary existence, finding solace in his friendship with John, his closest companion, whose sister happened to captivate Shiro's heart.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Shiro concealed an extraordinary brilliance in the realms of nanotechnology and anatomy. With his innate genius, he crafted a revolutionary nanotech device housing an AI assistant. This cutting-edge creation boasted unmatched information processing capabilities and seamlessly melded with Shiro's own mind through a groundbreaking integration with his brain.

"A.I chip. When will this rain end according to weather forecast?" Shiro said while humming at the song playing in a radio.

[According to weather forecast the rain will end tomorrow afternoon] said by the A.I Chip.

"Is that so?" said Shiro while looking at the 3D hologram that appeared before his eyes.

Today is my best friend sister's birthday and I went to buy a Necklace for her as my gift. "A.I Chip, do you think she will like the necklace that I bought for her?" Shiro said asking the A.I chip.

[Considering the personality and behavior of his sister, there is a 95% chance that she will like your present] A.I Chip said

"I see" said Shiro.

"Today is a rainy day and I hope nothing bad happens…." His words were abruptly interrupted by an unfortunate accident..


{Shiro's POV}

As I slowly regained consciousness, a wave of dizziness washed over me. Fragmented memories flooded my mind—I had been behind the wheel, en route to my friend's house for his sister's birthday celebration. But then, an unfortunate accident unfolded like a tragic tableau, my car colliding with a massive truck.

"Where am I?" I muttered, disoriented and bewildered.

My gaze wandered upward, fixing upon the piercing brightness emanating from the ceiling. Confusion etched across my face as I surveyed my surroundings, only to discover my hands and legs bound tightly by a confluence of leather belts and metallic restraints.

"Am I in a hospital?" I pondered aloud, my eyes scanning the room. Amidst the unfamiliar environment, a crumpled newspaper caught my attention. Its headline left me dumbfounded—Stark Industries.

'Why would a newspaper showcase a fictional company?' I wondered, perplexed by the peculiar sight before me.

'Could it be that I have actually passed away?'

'Is this what they refer to as reincarnation?' My thoughts raced, trying to make sense of the bewildering circumstances.

Curiosity piqued, my mind drifted towards the existence of the A.I. chip within me. To my delight, a 3D hologram materialized, presenting itself before my eyes.

[Scanning the host body]




[Status: Healthy]

"I'm still alive," I exclaimed, relief washing over me.

As Shiro fixated on the mesmerizing 3D hologram suspended before him, his attention was abruptly drawn to a distinct sound—a footstep resonating from beyond the room. The door creaked open, revealing the arrival of a mysterious figure. It was an elderly man, sporting a head of black hair, deep brown eyes, and a nose with a subtle flatness to its shape.

Draped in a traditional white lab coat, the man donned round eyeglasses that perched upon his nose. His demeanor exuded a sense of sinister delight, his countenance reminiscent of the archetypal mad scientist one might encounter in a thrilling movie. Pushing forward a medical cart commonly found in hospital settings, he advanced toward Shiro with an unsettling confidence.

"Greetings, TS04. How are you feeling?" the unknown individual uttered in a chilling, ghastly voice.

'TS04? Who in the world is that?' Shiro's mind raced, baffled by the unfamiliar designation bestowed upon him.

"Who are you?" Shiro mustered, his voice trembling with nervousness. "And where am I?"

'Scan him, A.I. Chip,' Shiro silently commanded, hoping to glean any information about this mysterious person.


[Name: Unknown]

[Background: No recorded information available about this person.]

'Search for any resemblance to individuals from my past encounters,' Shiro instructed the A.I. chip desperately.


[No matches found]

'Damn it!' Shiro's inner frustration echoed, realizing that the person before him remained mysterious, disconnected from any known memories or encounters.

"Don't be nervous, brat," the eerie figure taunted, his voice sending shivers down Shiro's spine.

"Furthermore, you are currently within my laboratory—located underground, beneath my own residence," he disclosed, adding an unsettling layer of information.

Apprehension consumed Shiro as he posed the inevitable question, "What do you intend to do with me?"

'Does he plan to experiment on me? Has he discovered the existence of my A.I. chip?' Anxious thoughts raced through Shiro's mind, fueling his fear.

"Relax, young test subject. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Doctor Alex, a scientist," the man introduced himself, attempting to assuage Shiro's growing unease.

"I go by the name Shiro Smith, not TS04. Since you claim to be a scientist, what exactly do you have in mind for me?" Shiro countered, his voice laced with a mixture of defiance and concern.

"Ah, so your name is Shiro. Nevertheless, I will continue referring to you as TS04—Test Subject Number 4, mwahahaha!" Alex chuckled sinisterly, reveling in his own amusement.

"What I intend to do with you is to administer the Super Soldier Serum, developed by Abraham Erskine, into your body. This serum possesses the remarkable ability to enhance both the human physique and cognitive capacities, effectively transforming you into a super soldier—an entity far surpassing ordinary human capabilities," Dr. Alex explained.

'He's talking about the Super Soldier Serum? That serum isn't even real. This guy must be living in his own fantasy world,' Shiro seethed angrily in his thoughts.

"During World War II, I served as an assistant to Abraham Erskine as he devised this serum. Intrigued by its potential, I pilfered some of the serum's data and formulas. Upon perfectly recreating it, I sought to augment the serum to grant invincibility to the individual who receives it," Alex elaborated, recounting his dubious past.

"You mentioned that I am Test Subject Number 4. Does that imply there were three others who were subjected to your experiments before me?" Shiro inquired.

"Yes," Alex nodded, a sinister grin stretching across his face.

"And they all perished, mwahahaha!" he added, erupting into disturbing laughter.

The mixture of fear and excitement surged within Shiro, his scientific curiosity piqued despite the overwhelming sense of dread. It reminded him of the very sensation he experienced when he undertook the operation to integrate the A.I. chip into his brain—an endeavor that pushed the boundaries of his understanding. Uncertainty loomed ahead, but Shiro couldn't help but embrace the challenge.

"I will return shortly. There are preparations to be made for the experiment, including the setup of the room and gathering the necessary materials. But before that, take this vitamin. It will help improve your well-being during the procedure," Dr. Alex declared, compelling Shiro to ingest the vitamin forcefully.

"See you later, mwahahaha," Dr. Alex smirked, his gaze meeting Shiro's as he exited the room, leaving behind an unsettling air of anticipation.

This is my first time writing a story. I choose to make a fanfiction so I can improve my story and how I write. Hope you like it <3.

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