
Chapter 11: into the Unknown 

Ethan and Jill found themselves outside the research facility. It was an austere, square-shaped building encircled by menacing barbed wire and guarded by vehicle screening posts. Although it appeared deceptively modest, standing at merely five stories tall, Ethan had an inkling that more levels lurked beneath, a construction that seemed to delve from the surface down into the depths. Silent, motionless infected beings littered the premises, lying in wait like dormant predators, ready to spring into action at the slightest disturbance.

The power had failed, plunging them into a shroud of darkness and fog. Yet, it was not as impenetrable as the hours before; dawn approached, and time was of the essence. Ethan turned to the woman at his side, nodding toward the lifeless infected figures nearby. "So, who's up for it? You, or should I handle this?"

Jill gazed at her hand, her thoughts tangled in uncertainty. "You go ahead."

Ethan shrugged indifferently. "Your loss."

Methodically, tendrils emerged from Ethan's hand, slithering across the asphalt. They divided and multiplied, ensnaring the infected creatures. One by one, they succumbed, devoured by Ethan's tendrils, their biomass assimilating into his own.

Ethan closed his eyes, savoring the rush of consuming biomass, even though it left a revolting aftertaste. "How do you stand it?" Jill suddenly inquired, observing the tendrils retracting as the infected vanished.

"What?" Ethan raised an eyebrow, the tendrils now fully reabsorbed.

"Isn't it...disgusting?" Jill frowned. "They were once human."

"Emphasis on 'were'," Ethan replied. "You're part of the special ops team, Jill. You kill for a living."

"Killing and devouring are entirely different," she retorted. "Besides, I only take out the bad guys."

Ethan snorted. "We both know that's not entirely true."

"That's not the point. I'm asking if you don't find it disgusting to consume human flesh."

"As I said, I haven't actually consumed human flesh," Ethan responded. "They're mindless monsters, Jill, not human. We can discuss this when we reach that point." Ethan began moving toward the entrance. "While we wait, maybe you should think whether you're still human or not."

Jill frowned in response to Ethan's words. Was she truly human anymore? A human couldn't shoot tendrils and convert human flesh into their own biomass.

Pushing aside her thoughts, Jill followed Ethan, and together, they opened the facility's entrance, stepping into the interior.

Inside, it resembled a normal hospital. Despite the lack of light, their vision discerned the contours and hues of the place. The corridors evoked the desolation of hospital hallways, with rooms and doors lining the walls, and before them, a reception desk.

"It seems completely abandoned," Jill murmured.

"And there don't appear to be any infected inside, just outside," Ethan added. "Your gut feeling, up or down?"

"Don't you have your own instincts?" Jill retorted.

"I'm checking if they align," Ethan replied. "Just in case."

Jill sighed. "Down."

"Alright, a match," Ethan acknowledged. "Let's explore a bit before descending."

"Do you even know where the elevator is?" Jill raised an eyebrow.

"I have the memories of the top two officials here, Jill," Ethan rolled his eyes. "Of course, I know."

Jill simply hummed. "Fine, let's go."

Without the need for a flashlight, they began their search. Ethan moved down the corridor, while Jill investigated the reception area, searching for clues.

Ethan passed through various doors, some with windows, others without. The doors with windows led to offices filled with desks but devoid of any scientific equipment. They seemed more like clerk offices, possibly occupied by non-essential personnel.

Ethan couldn't help but notice the absence of corpses, a stark contrast to the memories he'd seen. Perhaps those bodies had transformed into the infected beings now outside, prompting evacuation.

Finding nothing of interest, Ethan returned to Jill, finding her rifling through drawers, pulling out piles of papers.

"What are you doing?" Ethan asked, intrigued.

"I'm trying to find a record of the facility's visitors," Jill explained. "Receptionists usually keep that kind of information." She opened a file containing a list of names and corresponding dates. "Here it is... hmm..."

"Whose name are you searching for?" Ethan inquired.

"Albert's," she replied simply.

"He probably didn't sign in, Jill," Ethan chuckled. "He wreaked havoc in this place."

"You're right," Jill sighed, yet she pocketed the file, tucking it into her small pocket. "Let's keep it just in case."

After that, both of them then went through the corridor again, with Ethan leading the way. Not long after, they arrived at the elevator, pressing the button to go down.

A 'ting' sound quickly entered their ears. But then, both of them seem to realize something at the same time.

"You know, elevators don't work when there's no electricity, right?" Ethan asked rhetorically. "Why does it work?"

"Maybe backup power?" Jill answered with another question.

"Yeah, backup power running this long? I doubt it…"

Not long after, the elevator door opened, and both of them entered the box. Ethan looked at the floor list, and Ethan picked the lowest level he could find.

"You sure it's that one?" Jill asked again.

"Yes. I'm sure, Jill." Ethan affirmed. "Besides, haven't you seen any movies lately? The secret lair is always at the very bottom."

Jill scoffed at the answer, and the elevator doors closed. As they descended, the elevator music played, and the lights remained on.

"This isn't strange at all," Jill mumbled, gazing at the illuminated surroundings.

The numbers on the display dwindled steadily, and then it stopped, not at their intended floor but in the middle.

Ethan sighed. "The guy behind this door is him, isn't it?"

The door slowly slid open, revealing a tall, blonde haired man, wearing a black sunglasses in a dark room. The man looked at Ethan and Jill, before entering the elevator with them. He closed the door with the push of the button, and the elevator continued to move.

"Hello Jill." he said calmly, hands in his pockets. "And this must be the gentleman that kept removing my connection with my puppets. Ethan Hunter, is it? I almost got the lovely lady over here, but you destroyed that connection, very rude."

"Albert…" Jill simply said. "What the hell are you doing?"

"A simple act of revenge, Jill," Wesker shrugged. "I'm sure you can appreciate that."

"But you tried to kill us," Jill growled. "You've been hunting us down."

"I simply didn't want any loose ends," Wesker explained. "I couldn't risk you disclosing what happened here, especially when all three of you had the best chance of surviving. That sheriff and his family... I could have easily wiped out everyone here if not for your intervention."

"Is that it? That's your reason?"

"Well, that's not the only reason," Wesker conceded. "You're all my esteemed colleagues, and I need your assistance."

"By turning us into monsters?" Jill retorted. "Go to hell, Albert."

Wesker chuckled and shifted his attention to Ethan. "So, Agent Hunter, how did you achieve this... transformation?"

"What?" Ethan raised an eyebrow.

"How did you become... like this?"

"You've probably heard my explanation several times now," Ethan replied. "Through whose ears? Miss Redfield's? I know you've been eavesdropping on their group ever since Jill got infected."

"That's true," Wesker acknowledged. "But what's the true extent of your abilities, Agent Hunter? Care to share?"

The elevator emitted a 'ding,' and the doors slid open, revealing a brilliantly lit laboratory.

Ethan grinned. "Why don't I show you instead?"