
Marvel : Arkham Knight

Ethan Hunt is a boy from Earth who suddenly finds himself transported into the Marvel universe. He is determined to raise his own power and find a place in the new world he has found himself. In the world filled with Heroes and Villains, he chooses to stand at the middle as an antihero. An angel to one while being a demon to the other, this is his journey. This is Marvel's Arkham Knight.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 8

Ethan immediately moved from his place and the next second a bullet was shot into the spot. He changed the tranquilizer to a bullet and then ran out of his spot. He looked at the map on his visor which showed the location of the Widowmaker. He also zoomed in with his visor and could make out the assassin aiming at him.

He did a summersault as another bullet passed close to him. He jumped onto the roof of an adjacent building as he made sure to take cover and move quickly as he shortened the distance between the two. He used the scope of his gun to see the assassin as said assassin was taking aim at him.

He bolted away as he proceeded to jump from building to building as he came closer to the assassin. But another bullet grazed past him which made him realise that she was starting to get closer to hitting him.

'She's getting used to my movements. I'm only a few more rooftops before getting to her. I must destroy her gun.' Ethan thought to himself as he readied his rifle.

He then jumped from the roof of the building and when he was in the air he took aim with his rifle. He looked through the scope to see that the assassin was aiming at him. He angles his rifle so that it was aiming straight at the assassins gun barrel.

'Here goes.' Ethan thought to himself as he pulled the trigger.

Inside his rifle the bullets bottom shot flames as it accelerates out of the barrel and shot straight at the target. On the Widowmaker's side she had seen him aiming at her and chuckled thinking that he was desperate. She also pulled the trigger of her rifle as the bullet started to go as well.

But the bullet shot by Ethan reached her before her gun could shoot its bullet out and the two met inside the gun barrel. The resulting collision sent the assassin rolling back while her guns barrel was now destroyed. She was a bit disoriented from being sent backwards but she regained clarity as she looked at her rifle shocked.

'No way, he shot my gun barrel. What kind of training did he get?' Widowmaker thought shocked before she turned to look at Ethan's direction.

She saw that Ethan was closing in on her location and she stood up to get away from him. She deployed her grappling hook as it connected to a building as she was about to use it to jump. Except for the fact that the wire of her equipment was cut by a bullet from Ethan's rifle. Her helmet opened as she looked at her damaged equipment.

Then she changed her direction as she tried to run away. But Ethan had managed to catch up to her in that short time and was right behind her. She had sent a distress signal from her helmet when her gun was destroyed and she was getting information that her getaway vehicle was coming to her location.

But Ethan threw a flashbang in front of her which blinded her causing her to flinch from it. Ethan took this chance to tackle her onto the ground. Widowmaker punched him in the chest but the armor was strong so he didn't feel it. He sat on top of her stomach to limit her movement and held her hands on top of her head as he looked at her.

Widowmaker growled at him as she tried to get herself out of this mess. But unfortunately for her the female body lacks the amount of muscles found in the male body and since he had also trained himself rigorously he was very strong.

Ethan used his free hand to take a smile grenade out of his belt before he opened it in front of her face. She coughed at the sudden action but then started to feel woozy from the gas. She tried to keep conscious by not breathing but she succumbed to the gas and went under in a minute.

'Usually a person would've already gone under but she was able to hold on for a full minute. I should retrieve her fast.' Ethan thought to himself before he sent a message to his employer.

He was told to go to the randezvous point. He noted the location and then hefted the woman on his shoulder before breaking in a sprint. His rifle was held in his left hand as he jumped over buildings. He then reached the randezvous point where his ride was waiting. He handed the woman to the mercenaries as they tied her up and strapped her onto the vehicle.

Ethan was about to enter when a notification came to his visor showing the location of an approaching helicopter. He turned and used his guns visor to look and saw that the helicopter had the Hydra symbol on it. Ethan grew a bit nervous but nonetheless aimed at the vehicle.

'No hard, just doing the job I was assigned.' Ethan thought as he aimed his rifle below the spinning blades.

He took careful aim and then shot the bullet. It sailed through the air before it met it's target and the top of the helicopter burst into flames. He could see the panic on the Hydra soldier's actions as he smirked inside his visor. Then to add more into the chaos he shot the pilot straight in the head.

With the pilot dead and no one to correct it the flying vessel crashed onto the roof of a nearby building before bursting into flames. Ethan checked the location with his helmet and was happy to know that the soldiers were dead. He then turned and entered his own vehicle and after the pilots made sure that they were safe they took off.

Ethan looked at the knocked out Widowmaker and then pulled out a scanner with which he scanned the latters helmet. The scanning was completed in a few seconds as the information was sent to Maestro. Ethan looked at the woman and wondered what his employer wanted to do with the assassin. He also thought about the action he had taken a few moments ago and knew that it will become more difficult for him.

'Things are going to become hectic after this. Especially if it involves Hydra.' Ethan thought to himself as he leaned into his seat.

"Well, let's see what happens after this." Ethan said to himself as he looked at the target.

*In SHIELD Helicarrier*

"What is it Agent Hill?" Nick Fury, the Director of SHIELD asked his subordinate as he was currently in his office.

He is a black man with a bald head. He is wearing an eye patch. He was wearing a black overcoat over his SHIELD uniform as he addressed her. (A/N: Basically Nick Fury from MCU. Can't think of another Nick Fury.)

"Sir, this just came in. Two hours ago, the top assassin of Hydra, Windowmaker had been captured by an unknown group." Maria Hill, a SHIELD agent said to him.

She is a woman with fair skin, black hair and eyes. She has an attractive body as she was wearing the woman's suit for SHIELD agents.

Fury's eyes widened a fraction when he heard the news before they narrowed as he looked at the agent.

"Do we have any information regarding this group?" Fury asked her.

"No sir, from the report it seems that the group consists of mercenaries, highly trained mercenaries. But there is one curious character." Hill said to him as she presented a file to the director.

He took the file and opened it and looked at it. On it the image of Ethan in his Arkham Knight Suit is shown along with some information like his height, equipment he used etc. Fury went through the file and looked at Hill.

"So, this is the one who managed to capture her?" Fury asked her.

"Yes, from what we managed to gather he is an expert marksman as he seemed to have managed to shoot a bullet right into the barrel of Widowmaker's rifle. His physical capabilities also seemed to reach the level of Olympic athletes from the Parkour skills he had used. Though we could only get limited footage it is apparent that he is well trained." Hill said to him.

(A/N: If anyone is about to ask how they got the information then all I have to say is that they are SHIELD. They get these types of information in some way or another, which is a bit creepy by the way.)

"Hmm, and he also seems to have gunned down a Hydra helicopter." Fury comments as he looked at the file.

"Yes sir. It would seem that whoever he is, he isn't afraid to go against an organisation like HYDRA. I suppose it should be the same for his employer as well." Hill said to him.

"Focus on this mercenary and try to find any information you can on him. If he is a new player then we need to know his background or at the very least his affiliation." Fury said to her seriously.

"Yes sir. I will do it at once." Hill said as she left his office.

Fury looked at the image of Ethan as he sighed to himself.

"So another one joins the fray. These people are going to be the death of me. Why can't this world be at peace for one goddamn day?" Fury said as he sighed before putting the file away and looking at other information in his computer.