
Marvel : Arkham Knight

Ethan Hunt is a boy from Earth who suddenly finds himself transported into the Marvel universe. He is determined to raise his own power and find a place in the new world he has found himself. In the world filled with Heroes and Villains, he chooses to stand at the middle as an antihero. An angel to one while being a demon to the other, this is his journey. This is Marvel's Arkham Knight.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

"Well, this is an interesting resume. Wife of a SHIELD agent, got captured by Hydra then rescued then she killer her husband and went back to Hydra. Then she seems to have gone through some form of modification and then gained her blue skin. After that she has been racking up kills for HYDRA and is now their top assassin. This is one interesting file." Ethan said as he read through the whole file.

"I know. So I hope you won't be cocky when you go after her and capture her." Maestro said to him as he drank his wine.

"This might put you and me under Hydra's radar you know. They won't just turn a blind eye when their top assassin is captured." Ethan said to him.

"Oh I'm sure they won't turn a blind eye to this. I'll try to make it so that they won't know it's me for a short time." Maestro said as he drank his wine.

"I guess you will. Though, how did you get this much information on her, especially about someone from hydra." Ethan asked as he looked at the detailed report on the assassin.

"I have my ways." Maestro simply said not elaborating further.

"Yeah I know. So, how am I going to capture cause I don't think she will stand with a sigh saying she's there and asking me to come catch her." Ethan said to him jokingly.

"No she won't. But I have the information about her next target." Maestro said as he gave another file to Ethan.

Ethan took it and read through it as his eyes widened a bit.

"Hmm, this will help nicely." Ethan said with a smile as the file.

"That's why I gave it to you. So I suppose you know about your mission." Maestro said to him.

"Yeah, I think I can manage. If what it says here is correct then she doesn't have that much prowess in close quarters combat. If I'm able to close the gap between us then I will be able to take her down more easily." Ethan said as he looked at him.

"Good, also the suit you requested has also been made." Maestro said to him.

"Wait really. That was fast." Ethan said surprised.

"What did you expect I like to do things quickly and perfectly so I made sure the suit is ready by the time your training ended. I can say that it is also a nice design." Maestro said to him.

"Well if that's the case then where is it?" Ethan asked the man.

To this Maestro gestured to a door to his right. Ethan turned to the door and looked at the man as he nodded to him. Ethan then went through the door to find himself in a room which has his suit at the farthest end. He walked and looked at his suit and smiled as he looked at it.

"Hmm? Oh, this is the instruction manual." Ethan said as he looked at the sheet showing the capabilities of the suit.

He read through it carefully and tested the suit and became familiar with it before he smiled and then started to wear it. He wore the armor and looked at himself before he wore the helmet as well. The visor covered his face as the interface showed his surroundings as he smiled.

"Not bad." Ethan said as he looked at himself in the mirror.

'It was a good idea to use the design of the Arkham Knight suit.' Ethan thought to himself.

(A/N: His suit is the Arkham Knight Suit but full black.)

The suit has armor on the inside for extra protection along with the armor on the outside. The suit looked like the Arkham Knight Suit but was fully black as he wanted it to blend to its surroundings, which included it's visor as well. The suit was a bit heavy but due to his training he is considerably more powerful than before and as such could work just fine with it.

Nodding to himself he exited the room and saw Maestro looking at his direction. The two bodyguards were surprised when they saw him wearing the suit. Ethan stood a few metres away from the man as his visor opened to show his face.

"This is good." Ethan said to him.

"I'm glad. So you're ready for your mission yes?" Maestro said to him.

"Absolutely." Ethan said confidently.

"Wonderful, then please choose your weapons and gadgets and get used to the suit." Maestro said to him seriously.

"Roger." Ethan said seriously to show that he is taking the mission seriously.

After that Ethan got used to the suit as he trained to become familiar with its movements and limits so that he doesn't accidentally damage it. He trained until it was time for him to go to Chicago City. It was there that Widowmaker's target will appear and the place where he will go to capture her.

Ethan was seated on the plane owned by Maestro as he was sitting alongside a few other mercenaries. Maestro being the cautious man he is didn't want HYDRA to trace him and since Ethan is still new he can't be found to be under the man so this is quite a good plan.

'If I am unable to capture her then the mercenaries will go after her. Let's see how I fare against them.' Ethan thought to himself.

He has his visor down as he looked at the people around him who were wearing masks as well. His visor showed some information like latitude and longitude, body temperature and such as he went through the information. An image of Widowmaker and some basic information was displayed on it as he went through it.

He then opened the big suitcase beside him which has his sniper rifle and tranquilizers as he nodded to himself. They then reached the place they need to jump out of as the team took out their parachute's as the back of the plane opened. The mercenaries and Ethan walked and jumped out of the plane as they free falled downwards.

'Can't believe I'm actually doing this.' Ethan thought nervously as he fell with his suitcase.

After they reached a considerable height the team opened their parachute's and landed on the top buildings. The moment Ethan landed he bolted from the place with the suitcase while the mercenaries spread out. Ethan reached a vintage point at a tower as he opened his suitcase and arranged his sniper rifle.

After he assembled it he made sure that he made it clearly and nodded to himself in satisfaction. After that he checked the weapons on his person which were a few smoke grenades and flash bangs, four knives on his feet, two guns on his hips and the gauntlet guns he requested to be made.

'This will clearly catch my opponent by surprise. Deadshot's idea is quite innovative.' Ethan thought to himself as he looked at his gauntlet/guns.

He then waited at the place till night fell and the function to which he was waiting for finally began. Ethan has been keeping a lookout for the assassin as he looked at all the ideal point's from which an assassin can kill their target. He made sure that he wasn't in one so that he wouldn't be spotted.

He waited for half an hour and he got information that his targets target has come to the function which caused him to go into overdrive as he scanned throughout the landscape. He kept on looking until he stopped when he spotted something shining. He zoomed using the scope and couldn't help but smile when he saw what was at the end of it.

"Bingo." Ethan said with a smirk as he now had the Widowmaker in his field of vision.

He could see that she is crouching on the top of a building as she is taking careful aim with her modified sniper rifle while her helmet is fully encasing her head. Her stance was first class as she was aiming her gun and it seems that she isn't aware of his presence, most likely because she wouldn't be thinking of someone other than SHIELD coming after her.

Ethan gripped his rifle firmly in his hand as he took aim at her and had gotten a clear shot but was stopped when he got a message from Maestro which appeared at the side of the visor. He read the message which practically said to protect the Widowmaker's target which caused Ethan's eyes to twitch.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Ethan muttered as he read the message.

He then decided to knock her out quickly but it seemed his delay gave the assassin the time she needed to adjust her aim as she looked through her helmet as her finger is about to pull the trigger.

"Dammit!" Ethan cursed as he had to stop the assassination.

He immediately changed the tranquilizer with a bullet as he took aim. Widowmaker had pulled the trigger as the next split second Ethan also pulled the trigger of his gun as his bullet sailed through the air. Both bullets flew through the air but fortunately for the VIP's Ethan's bullet met Widowmaker's in the air.

Ethan sighed in relief before quickly putting a tranquilizer and then aimed back at Widowmaker, except what he saw surprised him.

Through his scope he saw Widowmaker looking straight at his direction with her gun pointed at him as her helmets spider eyes were glowing. Ethan widened his eyes a fraction as he saw the assassin looking at him as one thought crossed his mind.

"Shit." Ethan cursed with wide eyes as he made eye contact with the assassin.