
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Filmes
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125 Chs

The Power Squad

The Power Squad charged as one, their unique abilities blending into a symphony of destruction. The Hulk, fueled by rage, fought back with unbridled ferocity. Fists collided, sending shockwaves through the air, while blades sliced and energy blasts seared the air around them.

The warehouse became a cacophony of chaos and destruction, the very walls trembling as the combatants clashed. Each member of the Power Squad attacked with lethal precision, their combined might forcing the Hulk to dig deep into his reserves of strength and fury. The petite blonde woman manipulated the environment, hurling heavy objects at the green behemoth, who responded by smashing them to pieces with his powerful fists.

The invisible assailant darted in and out of sight, striking at the Hulk's weak points with cunning and guile. The Hulk snarled, his senses heightened, and managed to catch glimpses of the evasive foe, retaliating with bone-crushing blows.

The woman with the blade danced around the Hulk, her sword a deadly blur. She slashed at his limbs, attempting to weaken him, but the Hulk roared in defiance, his regenerative abilities countering her efforts. He swiped at her with a massive hand, forcing her to retreat.

The man who had blocked the Hulk's earlier charge reappeared, his body now encased in a suit of powerful armor. He engaged the Hulk in a brutal hand-to-hand contest, the force of their blows sending tremors through the warehouse floor.

The purple-skinned warrior, smirking at the unfolding chaos, decided it was time to join the fray. He strode forward, his immense power radiating from him like a tidal wave. The Hulk, recognizing the strength of his new opponent, focused his rage on the approaching titan.

As the two giants collided, their battle became a cataclysmic event, the very air crackling with the force of their blows. The Hulk's fury seemed limitless, but the purple-skinned titan fought with a cunning and power that matched the Hulk's rage.

The warehouse walls buckled, and the ceiling threatened to collapse as the titanic struggle continued. Both the Spider Squad and the Power Squad watched in awe as the two behemoths traded blows that could level cities. Despite their immense power, it became clear that neither side would back down, and the outcome of this epic battle remained uncertain.

Through the chaos and the noise, a faint, urgent voice crackled over the communication devices of both squads. "Enough!" The voice belonged to Thanos, who had been observing the fierce clash from a distance. "You have all proven your worth. But we have a greater purpose to fulfill, and time is of the essence."

The combatants hesitated, their attention momentarily diverted from the ongoing battle. The Hulk, sensing the momentary lapse, capitalized on the opportunity and slammed his fists into the ground, unleashing a thunderous shockwave that sent both squads sprawling.

As the dust settled, the warehouse lay in ruins, a testament to the destructive force unleashed within its walls. The Hulk, his rage abating, reverted to his human form of Bruce Banner, battered and bruised but alive, falling down, he lied on the floor, unconscious.

The Spider Squad and the Power Squad regrouped, their determination unbroken. The purple-skinned titan, his eyes narrowed with respect, looked at Frank slowly approaching him "We will have another opportunity to face the Hulk, but for now, we must focus on our true objective." Frank exclaimed, his face impassive.

With a nod from Frank, Dave, one of the Power squad members slowly appearead with a bag, his unnerving smile as noticeable.

"Mission accomplished, thanks to these little babies, I got enough blood." The man showed two glistening, transparent black daggers filled with a greenish substance. Before Frank could add something however, Thanos said via the comms, "Good Job, despite some minor mistakes, I have but praises for all of you." His deep, commanding voice echoing, "Clean up and make sure to give our friend the 'pill' and to bring him back safely to his home."

The squad nodded and skillfully began to clean anything that could be a link to their previous fight. A battle ended where a Hulk had fallen and where a squad showed their worth to a Mad Titan