
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

Forgotten Temple

In the sky above, a bright sun illuminated the plains. But what caught the eye were numerous small creatures bowing down to various giant statues around them. The statues were pure white, forming the figures of some kind of giant dragons. To look upon one was to feel the urge to bow down in fear. Thanos and Lee, even with their high cultivation, couldn't help but frown a little as they gazed at these titanic effigies. But they kept walking down the path nevertheless.

After waking up and receiving the news about the voice in his head, more mysteries appeared. The voice itself was clueless about its ability to take possession of Kai Thanos, which made the titan wonder. Was the voice actually a byproduct of his own psychopathic mind, or was it a soul that had entered his body when he was young? Theories proliferated in the mad titan's mind, each one more bewildering than the last. The only clue was the blood-red ring that made it all happen, and Thanos' gaze was firmly fixed on the ring in his palm.

Lee, who had been with the titan for years, knew that something was bothering him. The latter's expression was emotionless, but Lee could read his master well. He kept quiet, not wanting to disturb his internal reverie.

They walked past an uncountable number of these creatures while occasionally bowing to the giant dragons' statues. Thanks to the ethereal being's knowledge that the voice had extracted, he knew that such gestures would make those strange creatures worshipping the statues less likely to attack. After all, in the minds of these creatures, anyone who worshipped their gods could not be an enemy.

A few more miles later, Thanos' heightened senses detected something: a small temple, flanked by similar statues of dragons at its entrance. The titan strode forward, Lee following with calculated caution.

The temple's history was seeped in lore, resonating with tales from an age long past. It was said to represent the very epicenter of a catastrophic attack that had descended from the heavens, reshaping the fabric of reality. This attack had been aimed at two colossal figures, Fang Yuan and Yao Yao, leaders of their respective factions. The rift was a testament to that cataclysmic event. The temple could potentially house remnants of their existence, and the idea of discovering such treasures only added to the Titan's growing excitement.

Though the outer facade of the temple bore marks of age and erosion, it retained a dignified aura, whispering tales of ancient might and forgotten battles. The statues outside were a preamble to the grandeur within. Their whiteness contrasted sharply with the temple's entrance, which was shrouded in darkness.

Thanos and Lee approached cautiously, the Titan's recent soul-snatching incident a stark reminder that even he wasn't invincible. It made him approach every new situation with a newfound respect and heightened awareness.

Upon entering, they were met with a series of intricately designed arches and pillars, culminating in a spacious chamber at the temple's heart. The air was heavy, scented with a mixture of incense and age. The ambient sound of gentle chimes filled the space, making the atmosphere eerie yet oddly comforting.

But what caught their attention wasn't the architectural beauty or the mesmerizing ambience—it was the figure seated on a black throne, nestled deep within the chamber. The throne, despite its age, seemed untouched by time, exuding a formidable presence. On it sat a being that defied description. His long, silver hair cascaded down his back, flowing almost to the ground, and his majestic appearance bore a hint of demonic allure due to the twin sets of horns protruding from his temples. The ensemble was completed by robes as dark as the night and eyes as red as freshly spilled blood. Their gaze was so captivating it was easy to get lost in its depths.

"Thanos?" The voice broke the silence, echoing across the chamber and chilling them to the bone. It was a voice that bore the weight of millennia, laced with curiosity and, perhaps, a hint of amusement.

"Something is wrong," the Titan thought. From the voice's information, there should have been stairs at the entrance of the temple. The temple itself was a little like the T.A.R.D.I.S, a machine seen in one of Kai Thanos' favorite shows—bigger on the inside than the outside. Upon entering, a set of stairs should have come into view. It was impossible that the dead being's memories could be lies. Thanos knew that the problem must be the temple; something or someone had changed the 'entrance' of the temple, and the being seated before them was likely that person.

But what startled him the most wasn't the altered architecture; it was the casual utterance of his name, something no one in this world should have known. This was a dangerous situation, and it made his guard shoot up to unprecedented levels. His posture shifted, muscles tightening in anticipation. Even Lee, his subordinate, would be considered expendable if it meant saving his own life.

The air was thick with tension. Daggers of various designs materialized around the Titan, hovering like unholy halos made of deathly metal. Lee, for his part, summoned two primordial swords—artifacts they had discovered in the nest where the ethereal being was found.

Amidst the clashing energies and gathering darkness, the figure on the throne remained as calm as ever, amusement playing across his peach-colored lips. His devilish physique was a sight to behold—hair cascading like a waterfall of silver, twin sets of horns that looked both regal and sinister, and a pair of eyes so blood-red they could freeze one's soul.

"Who are you?" Thanos finally spoke, his voice echoing against the chamber walls.

The figure's lips curled into a more pronounced smile. "I have many names," he replied, each word laced with an irresistible demonic charm that made Lee's heart beat faster.

But the Titan merely furrowed his brows, his fingers gripping the air as if willing his levitating daggers to fly forward.

The figure continued, "But most people refer to me as... Fang Yuan."

The atmosphere in the room seemed to solidify at the revelation. The Titan's gaze hardened, narrowing onto this individual who held a reputation that shook the heavens. Fang Yuan, a powerhouse from ages past, a being so formidable that gods had descended just to punish him.

To face such a character was to walk on the edge of a knife. But the Titan had no choice, and as his eyes met those blood-red orbs, he knew the real battle was about to begin.