
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Filmes
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125 Chs

Cosmic Power

The Mad Titan floated above the chaos of the mirror dimension, his battered body defying gravity. His once majestic purplish armor was filled with cracks, and a viscous purple fluid seeped from the wounds. Despite his pathetic state, the expression on his face was that of a grinning madman. Cosmic energy swirled around him like an unholy halo, and half of his metallic helmet lay cracked and broken. He didn't care. All that mattered was the power he held in his hand – the raw, unbridled force of the Space Stone.

The Ancient One watched him, her eyes narrowing as she prepared for the next stage of their duel. They had been at this for some time now, and the intensity of the conflict had only escalated. Now, with the Titan wielding the Space Stone directly, she knew she must be cautious. One misstep could cost her everything.

The Titan, feeling the thrill of the stone's power coursing through him, decided to adopt a hit-and-run strategy. He teleported near the Ancient One and lunged at her with a hidden blade, while simultaneously launching a barrage of projectiles. The Ancient One, caught off guard, used her magic to block some of the attacks but couldn't evade them all. A few struck her with brutal force, sending her spiraling through the air.

The Titan took advantage of her disorientation and teleported as far away from her as possible, continuing to explore the depths of the Space Stone's power. He marveled at how easily he seemed to be mastering the stone, unsure if it was due to his Titan physiology or the stone's inherent properties. Regardless, he could feel himself growing stronger by the second.

The Ancient One, realizing she couldn't afford to let him escape, teleported after him using her portals. This time, she was careful not to give the Titan an opportunity to turn her powers against her. The Titan taunted her, his voice dripping with disdain, "What's wrong? Are Sorcerers usually this cowardly? Where has your arrogance gone?" He made a face so infuriatingly smug that it made her want to punch him – an expression he had practiced and perfected over the years.

As the fight raged on, the Titan began to notice that the stone's power was gnawing at his very existence. Even a Titan's body had its limits when it came to the Infinity Stones, and he knew he was approaching his. The Ancient One, fed up with the Titan's antics, decided it was time to use her ace card.

With a flourish, she drew power from her own Infinity Stone – the Time Stone. Its green glow intensified as she prepared to unleash its full might upon the Mad Titan. The Titan, sensing the impending danger, took the situation seriously for the first time. The voice in his head screamed, "Not good! She pulled out the shiny rock!"

He knew that if he was caught in the Time Stone's power, it would be the end for him. He didn't know if he would be able to escape a temporal loop or whatever the Ancient One had in store. With time running out, he decided to gamble everything on a risky move.

As the Ancient One unleashed her attack, the Titan teleported and retrieved something from his armor, quickly putting it in his mouth. The hit connected, and he found himself frozen in place, a greenish aura enveloping him. His face was a mixture of desperation and determination. The Ancient One slowly floated towards the Titan, preparing to end his life. "This ends here," she declared, materializing a blade aimed at the Titan's neck.