
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

Contract with a Mad Titan

Thanos sat back in his chair, lost in thought as he contemplated the events of the day. He replayed his session with Samson in his mind, trying to decipher what he might have accidentally revealed. The enigmatic Titan couldn't help but feel that his therapist was onto something, despite Thanos' efforts to reveal as little as possible.

As he pondered, Thanos opened a secret compartment in his desk and withdrew two vials of a pristine liquid. "Reindeer Milk," he mused, "I couldn't even afford a gallon in my past life." With a deep sigh, Thanos took a long sip of the drink, savoring the taste and texture. He continued to drink and the more he consumed, the more he talked.

"If destroying a world could give me a ton of these, I would gladly do it," Thanos said, half-jokingly, the liquid emboldening him. The voice in his head chuckled at Thanos' addiction, but the Titan couldn't help but feel that he had some truth to his words.

Just then, a woman entered his office and quickly noticed the numerous empty bottles in the bin next to Thanos' desk. She skeptically looked at him, but Thanos ignored her gaze and smoothly handed a contract to Ava Starr, who had decided to join his organization.

Without the experimental suit that she had tested earlier, Ava already felt the pain of her unstable powers, but she accepted the contract nonetheless. As she probed further about her role in the organization, Thanos disclosed only that her missions would involve intel gathering, spying, and retrieving certain objects. When Ava tried to pry further, Thanos simply told her that it was all in the contract.

After carefully reading the contract, Ava was surprised by its contents, particularly the generous pay. Thanos explained that he was always generous with his hardworking employees. He also informed her that she could stay in the building, in designated chambers, since she had nowhere else to go for the moment.

Before leaving, Thanos assured her that when the suit was fully operational, she would be the first to know. Ava smiled and thanked him, but Thanos waved it off. He then called someone on his desk device to guide Ava to her new room.

Once alone, Thanos turned his chair toward the transparent glass that offered a stunning view of Jersey City. As he retrieved another bottle of the milk, he muttered, "Soon."