
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Filmes
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125 Chs

A Titan's Wish

In an alternate reality of the MCU timeline, a different titan stood at the precipice of universal change. With all the Infinity Stones in his grasp, Kai Thanos, clad in his dark robes, gazed upon the gauntlet with a sense of purpose. As he snapped his fingers, a wave of cosmic energy rippled through the fabric of reality, rewriting the fate of the universe.

On the battlefield of Wakanda, a miraculous phenomenon unfolded. Bodies of fallen Wakandians and allies, lifeless just moments ago, began to disappear, only to reappear moments later, fully restored and alive. They looked around in astonishment, their eyes wide with disbelief. The living warriors, equally stunned, witnessed the resurrection, their hearts filled with a mix of joy and confusion.

The scene of revival expanded beyond Wakanda. Thor, his eyes scanning the battlefield, froze as a particular group materialized before him. His hands trembled, and his heart swelled with a mixture of elation and sorrow as he saw the Asgardians who had perished at the hands of Thanos aboard the ship.


Among them were Loki, his mischievous brother, and Heimdall, the loyal guardian. The sight was overwhelming, a moment Thor had never imagined possible.

Kai Thanos, observing the unfolding scene, announced to the gathered crowd, "I have resurrected everyone who was killed by Thanos, on the condition that they were victims of his quest to halve the universe's population." His voice carried the weight of his words, echoing the magnitude of his actions.

Turning his gaze towards Wanda, who stood frozen in shock next to annother stunned vision, he smiled gently. Mentally, he assured her, "We will have a good conversation with the others later." Without another word, he vanished, leaving the battlefield to absorb the enormity of what had just occurred.

Minutes later, a portal opened, and the team that had been fighting Thanos on Titan returned. Among them was Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord. As he stepped through the portal, his gaze was immediately drawn to a figure not far away. His breath caught in his throat, disbelief and hope etched across his face. There, standing amidst the crowd, was Gamora.

Peter's steps quickened into a run, his expression a mixture of incredulity and overwhelming emotion. Tears streamed down his face as he approached her. The air around them seemed to still, the background noise of the battlefield fading into insignificance. As Peter reached Gamora, a poignant and bittersweet reunion unfolded. He looked into her eyes, seeking confirmation that this moment was real, that the most important person in his life had returned.

Meanwhile, Kai Thanos moved stealthily around Kamar-Taj, the sanctuary of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. He navigated the ancient corridors and chambers with ease, his dark robes fluttering in the wind. The sorcerers within, deep in their studies and meditations, remained unaware of his spectral presence.

Kai Thanos' attention was drawn to a familiar figure - Wong, engaged in deep meditation. Approaching the sorcerer, Kai Thanos stood silently, observing him with an air of curiosity. The Mind Stone on the gauntlet began to glow softly, emitting a subtle but powerful energy. Moments later, Wong's eyes fluttered open, and he seemed to sense the presence of the invisible titan. With a respectful bow towards the seemingly empty space, Wong acknowledgedthe titan's presence, acknowledging the power that now stood before him.

Without a word, Wong stood and conjured a portal leading to a remote, snow-covered mountain. The scene through the portal was serene, a stark contrast to the chaos of the battlefield Kai left behind. Wong gestured towards the portal, inviting the unseen Kai Thanos to follow.

After a brief pause, Kai Thanos stepped through the portal, his form gradually becoming visible as he entered the snowy landscape. The cold wind whipped around him, but he seemed unaffected, his focus entirely on the task at hand.

The two figures, Wong and Kai Thanos, now stood side by side atop the snow-covered peak. The mountain was a place of isolation and tranquility, far removed from the turmoil of the world below. The air was crisp and clean, the only sound the howling of the wind and the occasional distant cry of an eagle.

Within the serene landscape of the snowy mountain, Wong, with a gesture of his hands, conjured the Mirror Dimension. It replicated the reality of the mountain, creating an ethereal and slightly distorted version of the world around them. Kai Thanos observed this alternate reality, his understanding of the stones, especially the Reality Stone, allowing him to perceive the subtle differences between this dimension and the real world. He acknowledged its impressiveness, knowing he could render it even more realistic if he desired, but he found it sufficient for his purposes.

Utilizing his profound knowledge from the world of cultivation, Kai Thanos began casting an intricate array of barriers and anti-detection measures. His techniques were a blend of his personal power, his cultivation expertise, and the amplified abilities granted by the Infinity Stones. Each spell and enchantment woven into the fabric of the Mirror Dimension added layers of security and concealment.

Having set his protections, Kai Thanos instructed Wong to wait at a distance, preparing for the monumental moment that lay ahead. Taking a deep breath, Kai Thanos murmured to himself, "It's finally time, huh." The voice in his head, tinged with a hint of melancholy, responded, "Yeah, we've come a long way."

Kai Thanos' mind wandered back through his journey – the promise of immortality he made in that dark alley in Florida, the allies he gained, the unexpected twists and turns, and the emotions he thought were long extinguished. A smile crept across his face as he reflected on the path that led him to this pinnacle moment.

With a sense of drama and purpose, Kai Thanos snapped his fingers, initiating a transformation that transcended the bounds of mortality. As he executed the snap, he felt an extraordinary surge of energy coursing through him, an experience of becoming something beyond mortal comprehension – something immortal.

The reality around him shimmered and shifted as the Infinity Stones responded to his will. He had theorized that combining the power of all the stones would grant him true immortality. The Time Stone would protect him from temporal attacks, ensuring his continuous existence. The Soul Stone would preserve his sense of self across any form of reincarnation or bodily loss. The other stones would contribute in their unique ways to fortify his existence against all conceivable threats.

As the flash from the snap faded, Kai Thanos opened his eyes and immediately sensed the profound changes within him. To test the limits of his newfound immortality, he materialized an energy blade and cut off his left arm. The severed limb disintegrated under the blade's power, but almost instantaneously, a new arm was in its place. The titan was momentarily unsure whether the arm had regrown or if some temporal manipulation had occurred to restore it.

"So this is... immortality," he mused, outwardly unphased but inwardly shaken by the realization of his achievement.

The voice in his head, recognizing the profound impact of this moment on Kai Thanos, inquired about the next step. Kai Thanos smirked, his ambition undimmed, "Obviously, it's to eliminate those cosmic gods and become the top dog of this universe."

He pondered why cosmic entities like Eternity, Infinity, or even Death had not yet sought him out. Determined to remove any threat to his immortality, he resolved to confront these beings, regardless of their near omnipotent powers.

The voice in his head cackled at the audacity of Kai Thanos' plan. The titan himself laughed heartily, envisioning the fall of these cosmic gods, even playfully taunting the manifestation of Death. He was eager to see this vision become a reality, now holding the key to such power on his arm.

"With 'that' being's power, my cultivation art, and my Titan physique, I think I can snap another eight times," he calculated. "The snaps are limited due to their huge toll it gives to the wielder, but I can use the stones as I wish otherwise. It's a pity I used the

first snap for resurrection, but it will prove useful later."

Kai Thanos gazed up at the illusory sky of the Mirror Dimension, his eyes piercing through the fabric of the simulated reality. It was as if he could see beyond the confines of this world, gazing into the boundless cosmos that awaited him. A smile played on his lips, a mix of anticipation and resolve etched on his face.

"Let's begin," he said to the voice in his head, ready to embark on his next grand endeavor. The potential of his actions was immense – challenging cosmic entities, reshaping the universe, and asserting his newfound dominion.

The snowy mountains of the Mirror Dimension, now the witness to this pivotal moment, stood silent and majestic. The air was filled with a sense of impending change, a prelude to Kai Thanos' quest for ultimate power.

In this quiet, remote corner of the universe, a new chapter in cosmic history was about to unfold. The titan, now an immortal being with the power of the Infinity Stones at his disposal, was poised to challenge the very fabric of reality. His laughter echoed through the Mirror Dimension, a sound that symbolized the dawn of a new era, an era where Kai Thanos would seek to ascend to the highest echelons of cosmic power and etch his name in the annals of the universe.


(Hey guys, this is the official ending of my fanfic, hope you enjoyed it till the end.

I wanted to make a second book but decided against it because I want to move on to other fanfics. No spoiler but the next fanfic will be linked to this book, and will give many hints at what could have been the second book of Marvel: A Titan's Dream. 

I thank you again, everyone who read this book, let's see each other again one day :)