
Marvel: A New Avenger

By a weird stroke of fate, Alex woke up to find himself in a familiar, yet unfamiliar world. With the news about Tony Stark being Iron man flashing in the Daily Bugle, one of his classmates being Peter Parker, and coupled with the fact, there was a holographic prompt hovering in front of him, Alex knew this was just the beginning. [Do you want to be a hero or a villain?] *** Weekly schedule: 10 chaps Discord link: https://discord.gg/RAvedg6xsr Editor: Leo and Cyeven If this novel reach the top of the rankings, there will be more chapters.

Extra26 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
107 Chs

Chapter 008 A good boy

Chapter 008

The wolf, made entirely out of a dark energy, seemed proud as he flopped down onto his haunches and looked at Alex.

His tongue lolled from its mouth and it panted in the middle of the abandoned factory.

"Good boy! You are such a good boy!"

Alex smiled and scratched behind one of his ears. The wolf whined for more attention as Alex filled his heart with delight on finally completing his dream of owning a pet.

Although he had never even imagined it would be a wolf of all animals.

The wolf was made out of energy but Alex was able to touch him without any problems.

The fur was even soft and glossy.

With the thoughts of making the wolf his pet and playing fetch with him roaming in his mind, Alex kept patting and giving it all the love in the world.

After a while of scratching and patting, he had already discovered most of the sweet spots on its body.

'Oh wait! I didn't call it to play!'

It was then that Alex recalled that he hadn't called the wolf to play with him.

He stopped scratching the wolf and took two steps away from him. The wolf looked at him with curiosity as Alex brought up his status screen in front of him.

With the screen in front of him, he looked down at the soul companion and focused on it. Suddenly, another window appeared in front of him with information about his shadow wolf.

"It sure is interesting to use the system."

Alex smiled, already gotten used to the mechanics of his system.

He stared at the new screen in front of him.


[Soul companion]

*Shadow wolf [LV 1]

–A special companion has been granted to you.

–A wolf that lives and hunts in the shadows. It has linked with your soul and has accepted you as his master.

–You can benefit from his powers.

–Due to the shadow wolf covering you, you can hide yourself for 1 minute from your surroundings.

– The wolf protects the soul of his master if danger arise.


'I can use him in a lot of ways.'

Alex thought silently, his mind thinking of the various scenarios that the wolf would prove handy in.

Aside from being a great pet, the main purpose of the wolf was to aid and protect him in battles and he can already sense that his new pet has all the qualities to be his hidden weapon.

"Okay, I want you to show me what you can do."

Alex commanded as he stared at the wolf and in an instant, the wolf's expression changed.

It nodded his head and looked towards a piece of machinery that has already become the home of several spiders. It was rusty and Alex had no idea what the machine did.


Moving towards the machinery, the wolf made a growling sound and suddenly jumped at it. One of his paws glowed with a dark light and the wolf slashed at the machinery.

A large screeching sound flowed with a small explosion as the machinery broke down into two parts.

A puff of smoke came out of it as the wolf turned back to Alex, feeling proud of himself.

"Wow! You sure are powerful."

Alex exclaimed as the wolf nodded along with his words, it's intelligent eyes appreciating the praise.

For the next one hour or so, Alex thoroughly enjoyed his time testing his and his wolf's powers. Just the feeling that he was doing something that a human can't possibly do was amazing for him.

He also made some amazing discoveries.

For example, his flexibility skill was way better than he had imagined. Not like it makes him a natural gymnast, it also helped him maintain his balance at all times.

There was one instance where he was gonna fall while jumping over the fence when he was testing his jumping skills.

He thought he was gonna fall hard, but his flexibility skill helped him maintain a balance even while he was falling.

It enabled him to land safely without any injuries.

Alex was pretty happy with all these discoveries and knowing that he can really do well as a hero.

But there were still a lot of things he needed to think about.

'Being a hero isn't just about superpowers.'

Alex thought silently on his way back home.

He needed a costume to hide his identity or his enemies could just abduct his family. The thought of someone like Green goblin or Kingpin knocking on his door was terrifying enough.

Other than the costume, Alex also needed to be mentally prepared for being a hero and choose his villains carefully.

Even if he has powers, not like he will be able to fight someone like Loki or Doctor doom, especially with no fighting experience.

They can kill him and he won't even notice.

The idea of fighting people like evil gods wasn't something that Alex liked.

He needed to begin with the small criminals like street gangsters. After that, he can slowly work his way up the ladder and when the events of Marvel movies start happening, he can take a part in it.

'I need to keep getting stronger. These powers seem nice currently, but compared to someone like Thor or Hulk, they are nothing.'

Alex's mind kept thinking of ways to become stronger.

He thought of heroes that constantly improve themselves like Batman and Iron Man.

Both of them were just crazy rich individuals with a high intelligence, but they were able to stand their ground against anyone cause they kept improving.

He obviously didn't have the money or technology to make suits and gadgets like Iron man and Batman, but Alex had one thing that no one had.

'Hero points.'

They were exclusive to him and he could use them to buy a lot of stuff that can help him out to reach the level of top superheroes.

His new sneakers were a great example of it.

"I need to plan more to become a good enough hero!"

Alex said, glancing at his sneakers.

Now chapters at reset.

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