
Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

I am Gilderoy Lockhart, Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. But who can tell me why I am in the Marvel world? Oh my God, I was still being watched by Ancient One and Odin, how to avoid this? ······ Reform to the world in the world of Harry Potter. Grindelwald: "For the greater good!" Dumbledore: "Order is above all else!" Lockhart: "Make wizards great again!" Go back in the Marvel universe. Ancient One: "Lockhart, the responsibility of protecting the earth is entrusted to you..." Tony: "Jarvis, let's start the development of the 36th version of the anti-magic armor." ······ I, Gilderoy Lockhart, the wizard who can travel back and forth between the worlds of Harry Potter and Marvel, using the magic of Karma Taj and Asgard, is here.

GarudaTranslation · Filmes
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185 Chs

Chapter 45

"No, Professor," Harry shook his head.

"I do, Professor," Hermione raised her right hand high, unlike Harry's silence. Hermione asked a series of questions directly.

"Professor, would you like to ask if there are any other training techniques for the stunning spell? I just felt that the magic power I output was a little stagnant. Does the pixie have a weakness? Why is the pixie blue? Also, I think they are so pitiful. Can you let them go?"

Hearing Hermione's series of questions, Lockhart stroked his forehead helplessly. Okay, what he just said a few days ago was forgotten so quickly. This thirst for knowledge is really strong. As for whether or not to release the Pixie. He didn't really want to; it is his resource and it would be a waste to throw it away. Then, with a gentle smile on his face, he silently looked at Hermione who kept asking questions but said nothing. And Hermione, as if she had thought of something, her voice became smaller and smaller, and her speaking speed became slower and slower. Seeing this, Lockhart nodded secretly in his mind. Sure enough, for someone who kept chattering, staring into her eyes and saying nothing is the best solution. When Hermione stopped talking completely, Lockhart spoke, his tone slightly serious.

"Hermione, I just told you a few days ago, but you forgot about it so quickly. Just for that, you can write a paper based on what I said a few days ago when you go back. There is no limit to the number of words. Then come to me on Sunday with your paper and the three questions you think are most important. Now, you can go to the Gryffindor house and take a rest. If I remember correctly, you should have an astronomy class in the evening, so prepare in advance."

Looking at the three little ones who nodded, Lockhart especially looked at the departing figure of Hermione who was a little disappointed. Lockhart thought silently. They all need to be cultivated slowly. Some ways of thinking, behavioral habits, including vision must be cultivated. Although he understood Hermione's plea for mercy for the pixie, he didn't agree with it at all. After all, she is a young girl and naive, so it is normal to feel some pity. He thought Hermione should learn from the Ancient One. Tsk tsk! They are both women, and they are all magic users. Did the Ancient One show mercy on those dimensional demons? Those weak dimensional demons were all beaten by the Ancient Ones. Well, Lockhart had seen the records praising the Ancient One from the magic books borrowed by Kamar Taj.

The next morning, at the Hogwarts cafeteria. Lockhart carried a plate of food, walked over to Snape, sat down, and tasted it slowly. Professor Snape glanced at Lockhart without any expression and continued eating today's breakfast. Lockhart didn't care and slowly ate the food on his plate. He was recently trying something unimportant but very stress-relieving. That is, eating every kind of food in Hogwarts. Then attach a rating. As for the bad ones, he will never touch them again. As for the good ones, he can eat a few more bites in the future and study how to make them. Add a touch of his own gourmet skill! According to his experience, as long as he doesn't gain weight, good food is one of the best tools to relieve stress. Well, now the problem of gaining weight can be solved through magic. In order to carry out magical research efficiently, it is natural to relieve stress. The only pity is that the variety of food in the UK is not as rich as in his previous life. He is afraid that after eating for a while, he will have to face the trouble of finding delicious food. Soon, Snape finished his breakfast, and Lockhart almost controlled the speed and finished it at the same time. Then "Tell me, Professor Lockhart, what's the matter?" A cold tone came from Snape's mouth. In this situation, even the Muggles knew that Lockhart was definitely looking for something to do with him. Although his impression of Lockhart is average, he is a colleague after all. If there is anything he wants from him, it is still necessary to listen. Otherwise, Lockhart will be as annoyed as he was a few days ago. But Lockhart didn't care. He still knew very well what kind of person Snape is and said directly:

"Professor Snape, do you know about the Golden Clover?"

"Oh, it's that magical plant that you and Professor Sprout said can restore magic power." Snape raised his eyebrows and said with curiosity in his tone: "Professor Lockhart, if you have some, can you give some to me? We can conduct research on this."

Lockhart was a little surprised when he heard what Snape said, but then he suddenly understood. It seems either Snape was also paying attention to him on the first night of school, or Professor Sprout also asked Snape for advice on the golden clover. But it doesn't matter, as long as Snape is curious about the golden clover, it's enough.

"If you need it, Professor Snape, I have access to the Golden Clover. I can send you some for research in a few days," Lockhart said with a smile.

"Tell me, what do you want for it?" When Snape heard that Lockhart will give it to him for free, although Snape knew that it must not be completely free, the corners of his mouth still curled up slightly on his indifferent face.

"Haha, it's not that difficult." Lockhart heard Snape's gentle tone and knew that this time the matter was done. Sure enough, Snape, like me, is a smart person who knows everything.

"I would like to purchase a batch of potions from you. There are some special ones. If the quantity is large, I would like to ask if there is a discounted price."

Upon hearing Lockhart's request, Snape looked at Lockhart suspiciously and said rudely, "I definitely have the potion here. Even if I don't have it, I can prepare it."

"But...what are you going to do with it? Are you preparing to smuggle it?"

Hearing Snape's question, Lockhart smiled and said the reason he had prepared: "Of course not."

"On the one hand, I need some potions myself, and on the other hand, my channels also need potions to maintain relationships. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with smuggling. Look at me, a dignified Hogwarts professor and a famous writer. Does smuggling make as much money as me?"

Hearing Lockhart's answer, Snape nodded in agreement.

"That's right. For someone as generous as you and pursuing fame, it's natural that you won't be stigmatized by smuggling."

Well, it seems that his reputation has spread from students to professors.

"However, it is impossible to get a discount, but I can guarantee that the quality is definitely much better than what you can buy in the market."

Hearing Snape's reply, Lockhart pondered slightly and nodded slowly. "Okay!"

"However, my latest royalties won't come out until the end of the month, so can I take this batch of potions in advance? I'm anxious to use them."

Well, regarding the money he got from the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook for Hogwarts students, they will indeed have to wait until the end of the month before it is distributed to him.

However, seeing that Snape's face was slightly ugly, Lockhart still added.

"Don't worry, as a price, I will give you another rare magical plant, a plant that can nourish your spiritual power."

After hearing Lockhart's promise, Snape thought about it. He also knew about Lockhart's change of textbooks this year. He felt that there shouldn't be any problem, but he still nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, what potion do you need? I'll go back and sort it out here."

It's only the beginning of the month, and there will still be more than twenty days until the end of the month, which is a bit long. However, the unknown magical plant is worth the wait. As for Lockhart running away with the money or deceiving him, he thought about it, but put it behind him in the blink of an eye. Lockhart is a professor and a well-known writer, especially since he has been so generous these days. It is not his style.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
