
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
206 Chs

Chapter 167: Mr. Bo Obs

Leaving Shield's HQ after having revealed my identity to Fury and Coulson once more, I took to the skies and flew to California, intending to speak with the foolish four. Enjoying the breeze against my skin for a few seconds, I hovered just above the warehouse before descending right in front of the entrance.

'The computer should still remember, right?' Thought Pharaoh with a raised eyebrow as he approached the door and placed his hand on it, causing it to open a few seconds later.

Greeting the womanly robotic voice, I entered the place, only to be attacked with a wave of intense fire from Johnny, causing me to grab the bridge of my nose in slight annoyance as I looked at him through the flames.

"Why is your first instinct always to attack, Johnny?" Asked Tut in annoyance as he approached Johnny through this wave of flames before grabbing both of his hands and separating them, causing the wave of fire to stop suddenly.

"Johnny? How do you know my name, Blacksteel!?" Exclaimed Johnny angrily as he glared at Tut while his body was instantly set aflame, though it did nothing to him.

"Nice to meet you, stupid; I'm Pharaoh Kent." Replied Tut with a faint smirk as he looked at Johnny, who suddenly froze before his eyes widened in surprise.

"Eh, Tut, what the hell just happened to me? How come I didn't know you existed?" Questioned Johnny in confusion as his flaming body returned to normal while Tut released his arms.

"I'll tell you after I reintroduce myself to everyone; where are Mr. Grim, Mr. Richards, and your hot sister, Ms. Storm?" Said Tut with a shake of his head before walking towards the sound of Hana's voice while faintly smirking as Johnny grunted from behind.

"Tch, don't act like you can't hear them, Tut; you just said that 'cause you wanted to call my sister hot." Replied Johnny with an annoyed expression and a scoff as he walked behind Tut, who smiled in response.

"Hehe, true." Said Tut with a smile and a slight chuckle as he neared multiple voices, while Johnny folded his arms, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

Once I arrived at the other side of the warehouse, the living area, which is in the backside, I saw Mom enthusiastically speaking with Mr. Richards while Mr. Grimm and Ms. Susan were sitting at the table eating; however, that all changed when they noticed me. Mom looked completely ecstatic, while the other three sowed confused and wary expressions, which died down a little when they saw Johnny.

"Hello, fools, I'm Pharaoh Kent." Said Pharaoh as he reintroduced himself while looking at the three, causing them to all suddenly widen their eyes, just in time for him to catch Hana, who had practically thrown herself at him.

"Ah, my baby boy! You're not hurt or anything, are you?" Remarked Hana in excitement as she latched onto Pharaoh like a koala before dropping down and intently checking his body, looking for any sort of wound, while he chuckled in response.

"I know you're referring to my battle in Manhattan, but it's funny you say that 'cause Jean and I had a little predicament, and I ended up badly injured, even happened to pass out, though I'm fine now, Mom." Replied Pharaoh lightly with a smile, his words causing Hana to be filled with worry and concern before she sighed in relief and hugged him.

"Haa, don't scare me like that, dear." Muttered Hana softly while looking up at Pharaoh, who nodded wryly.

"I won't, I promise; it was just an unfortunate accident, that's all. anyways, Mom, you need to be careful as well; you're still injured; you can't be acting so energetic." Remarked Tut with a nod as he looked at Hana before glancing at her neck brace and arm cast, though she promptly scoffed at his words.

"Hmph, if it's regarding my son, I shall behave as energetic as I want; though, since my precious baby boy had advised me to take it easy, I will." Said Hana, glaring at Tut before grudgingly nodding, causing him to chuckle as he leaned down and kissed her forehead before approaching the couch where she was previously sitting.

"So, y'all done looking like a bunch of confused morons or what? Actually, you can stay like that, Mr. Richards; it's quite a nice change of pace." Asked Tut with a raised eyebrow as he sat on the couch next to Hana before snuggling up to her rather intimately, though there was no sexual or romantic tension whatsoever.

"W-What happened to us? How come we didn't have any knowledge of your existence until you introduced yourself?" Questioned Richards as he glanced at Tut before looking at Johnny, who shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

"It was like we didn't know you at all." Remarked Grimm lightly in his deep, raspy voice as he looked at Tut, who smirked.

"That's all thanks to my friend, Jean. After my little battle in Manhattan, my identity would've been exposed quite quickly, so I asked Jean to lock every single memory of Pharaoh Kent in their minds, and in order to unlock it, I must do what I just did: introduce myself while wearing my suit. She did this for everyone in the world, and for the past hour or so, I've been flying around, reintroducing myself to a few people and whatnot." Remarked Pharaoh with a faint smile as he glanced between the four while playfully tickling Hana, only for her to lightly smack his hand away, causing him to pout while she rolled her eyes and ignored him.

"I-I see; that is true; your identity was easily going to spread. I even happened to see a few articles about you, Blacksteel, being Pharaoh Kent, though they were all promptly taken down quite quickly." Said Richards with a thoughtful expression while rubbing his chin before nodding.

"Yeah, I have Shield helping me with that part; I don't want my identity to be exposed because it would be putting my Mom, girlfriend, and friends in possible danger. I'm sure you four can imagine how governments and organizations will act now that my existence isn't really a secret; after all, I'm much more of a threat than any mutant." Stated Tut as he gave looked at the four, causing them all to nod while Susan shivered and rubbed her butt.

"Speaking of danger, why did you wait so long to visit me, your own Mother?" Asked Hana with a slight frown as she looked at Pharaoh, who coughed awkwardly before looking away.

"Eh, w-well, I happened to meet with Sara, and you know, we hadn't done it in a while, so-" Replied Tut awkwardly, not even needing to finish speaking for Hana to scoff in anger and annoyance.

"Tch, stupid Sara, taking my son away from me." Said Hana as she grumbled under her breath while Tut just wryly smiled in response.

"Anyways, that's about it; nothing else interesting had happened. What were you and Mom talking about?" Remarked Tut lightly as he glanced at the four before shifting his focus to Richards, who suddenly smiled.

"He was telling me about one of his scientific articles regarding bioengineering and biochemistry, and that's exactly what I specialize in!" Remarked Hana, her enthusiasm returning as she looked back at Richards, who glanced at Tut, the two sporting a wry smile.

"M-Mrs. Kent, since you've read the article, you should know I wasn't the only one who worked on it." Said Richards lightly as he cleared his throat and looked at Hana, who rapidly nodded her head.

"Yes, it was you and a person who calls themselves Bo Obs; you two must be pretty good friends as I see his or her name appear on a lot of your works." Remarked Hana with a slight smile while Tut started coughing to hide his laughter.

"Y-Yes, we are pretty good friends, though the thing is, I-I actually have little knowledge regarding bioengineering and biochemistry; in fact, regarding that specific article, the most I did was probably write my name on it. Which I did not wish to do initially, but Mr. Bo Obs forced my hand, literally." Replied Richards with a nod, his words slightly confusing and surprising Hana.

"Really? W-Well then, do you think I could possibly meet this, Mr. Bo Obs, or does he prefer to stay hidden?" Asked Hana lightly as she leaned forward, practically pleading as she looked at Richards while Tut used his hands to cover her cleavage, intently glaring at Richards the whole time.

"To most people, he'd prefer to stay hidden, though I'm sure he wouldn't mind meeting with you; in fact, you've actually met him numerous times at that, Mrs. Kent." Remarked Richards nervously as he maintained eye contact with Hana, feeling two intense glares coming from behind and from in front.

"Eh, really? Does Mr. Bo Obs work at LexCorp? No, I would've heard about him; I've been working there for nearly 18 years." Muttered Hana with a frown in confusion as she backed away, causing Tut to retract his hand before removing himself from her and standing.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kent; I'm Mr. Bo Obs." Said Tut as he cleared his throat, and with a wry smile, he outstretched his hand toward Hana, who simply furrowed her brows before shaking her head.

"I'm being serious, Pharaoh." Said Hana as she looked at Tut before shaking her head.

"A-About that, Mrs. Kent; Pharaoh is actually Mr. Bo Obs." Said Richards lightly with an awkward expression, his words causing Hana to look at Pharaoh in disbelief.



First off, Hana is kinda sorry for believing someone with the name Bo Obs actually existed. Though, I still would just saying.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 247: Elaine's True Self) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 129: Road To Floor 15) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 223: Blueno's Three Friends)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 192: Carol Vs Magneto) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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