Two minutes later, the power couple comes in.
Nick Fury and Phil Coulson walk side-by-side.
The female agent salutes and walks out.
The day would be like deja vu if it wasn't for the new additions.
I look intensely at Nick Fury and I remember some things. Some parts of the movie. I remember some parts of him.
「Nicholas Joseph Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the world's greatest Spy. He's very paranoid of everyone and everything. The whole Asgardian God event isn't really helping」
Paranoid? He just offered me an I.D. card to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. That's not what a paranoid person would do.
Unless he wants to keep his enemies close.
"Good morning." Coulson said as he looked at his watch.
"Morning Phil." I said with a smile.
「Phil Coulson, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury's favorite employee. He's calm and collected with a magnetic personality」
Confusion formed on Agent Coulson's face as he glanced at Fury.
"You know Agent Coulson?" He asked.
"Maybe." I said with a smile.
It feels nice. Now that I have the high ground. The power of knowledge has tipped in my favor.
I gesture to my hands. "Mind untying me?"
"What do you think about our talk? From last tine." He asks as he completely ignores my question.
Straight to the point.
"Seeing as I have no other choice - yes. I - look, I don't want to get off on the wrong foot but do I look at the eye or the patch?" I ask.
Fury was silent while Coulson was slightly shocked. Didn't Stark say the same thing?
"We'll be providing you a new identity." He says as he puts a file on my lap. "Memorize it's contents. I'll meet you for a mission briefing in two days." He says as he walks out of the room.
Coulson drops a briefcase in front of me.
"It has you're clothes, cellphone, and keys for your room." He says before turning around and leaving the room.
"Wait! What about me!" I yell.
"Figure it out." He says from outside the room.
I tug on my suit.
It's a midnight blue Italian style suit jacket with matching tapered trousers.
Snug but not too tight that it takes away from motion.
I didn't know S.H.I.E.L.D. had a fashion designer working for them.
I feel the material and I couldn't tell what it was. That's rare. It almost never happens.
I sit down on my 'bed' as I look through the file.
An I.D. card fell out.
[Nicko Novale]
[Field Officer]
[Sex: Male | Hair: BLN | Height: 5-10]
[Card info: PO A7W0495]
I am Nicko Novale. Adoptive son of Ted Novale, one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s biggest backers. Well, he used to be one until he got killed in a shooting when I was four years old. Then I was put into an orphanage as I was rotated through the foster care program. After seven years of a quiet life, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent approached me and asked if I wanted to know about my dad.
Sh*t happens and I want to be like my dad but better, so I became a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
Not a bad story, but it's too difficult to prove. It says I've been in the foster care program for seven years. How are you going to get that many families to testify having me? It's too troublesome.
But luckily, that isn't my problem. All I have to do is remember my background story.
There are a lot of minor stuff I need to remember too. Nicko hates getting touched. A phobia he got from getting assaulted by a foster family when he was 7 years old.
This sadly means I need to change my fighting style. Grappling skills, which are my go-to, will be used as a last resort.
It also says I'm good at using a handgun which, is true, but it's not my favorite form of killing. Poison is. It's quick and quiet.
But those aren't an issue. I've dealt with worse.
Normally I'd be required to go to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operations academy but I've also got a story for that. Agent Romanov found me promising and taught me in her free time. That's an explanation of why our fighting styles look similar.
Which brings me to that point. Our fighting styles aren't similar! She uses grappling moves every single fight! I can't do that much because I hate being touched. I feel like whoever worked on my file must have a score to settle with me.
Wait, was it that woman from before? So unprofessional.
I get up and put everything I don't need in my case.
I take the file and burn it. I can't leave any traces.
The next thing on my list is finding my room in this place.
Room 403, 3rd floor.
I walk through the halls while making a mental map of the place.
「No need. I, Guardian-1, have already constructed schematics using molecular seismic waves while you were stationary」
A light blue map showed up in front of me.
A dark blue marker, indicated where I was.
Let's see, I'm on the second floor.
I get to the elevator and walk past it. I prefer the stairs. It's more safe, stable, and free.
I find the stairs and walk up. I instinctively glance at corners and dark places, looking for any dangers. Bombs. Cameras. Recorders. Anything really.
I don't have any hopes in finding anything. The technology I can comprehend is 10 years older than now. In the digital age, even two months is a lifetime.
The first thing on my list is officially get information. Keep myself updated.
This is crucial as an espionage agent. I'm always on the move so I've always had to look at the news to get local information. To have something to chat about. To understand little references. To make jokes. To fit in.
I find my room and use a key-card to swipe myself in.
I scan the room for potential dangers. I brace the walls before turning the corners. I check the bathrooms and inspected the windows and the locks.
I do this three times. Checking the rooms in case the slightest chance I've missed something.
I found four mini-surveillance systems and nine miniature sized, voice recorders. They're not messing around.
It takes about thirty minutes. The scan and settling down.
After all that I finally let a breath out.
「You've missed a couple devices. I've updated the map, you can check it now」
What do you mean?
A holographic diagram of the room appeared. There were four red dots. One under the diner table, one inside a pot, one hidden under the AC moniter, the last right below my bed frame.
That's weird. I've never made this many mistakes before.
I stand up and go to the closest red-dot. The one under my dining table.
I stretch my hand and grab for the device. All I felt was the surface of the table.
Guardian, are you sure?
「Affirmative. Using 10 V-coins, you can get access to the X-ray mode」
X-ray mode? Fine, how much V-coins do I have?
『Balance | 10』
Okay. I guess.
「Assimilating New Perk」
『Balance | 0』
「Activating Specialized X-Ray」
The table turned transparent and a small chip was located near the side of the table. Far enough that it wouldn't get accidentally destroyed, close enough to be accessible without making too much of a mark on the table.
It's not like I had much to hide.
「It would be best to ignore these hidden devices. If they ask you how you found them, you won't have a viable excuse. Keep your mouth shut and they won't learn anything」
What about the rest of the devices.
「There is no camera function with them. As long as you're quiet they won't get any information」
That's - that's okay.
I go to the laptop that came with the room and I surfed the web.
I walk through the halls and go to the bottom floor. I follow the instructions and enter the janitor's closet. I pull a couple mops and a trap door opens.
I walk in and immediately a couple of red dot pointers aim at my chest.
"Stand down." I heard a gruff voice say.
I look around the room and it was swarmed by armed guards.
I raise my eyebrows at the amount of security.
"A failed assassination. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't want to take any chances." Coulson clarifies.
"Dang. Someone beat me to it." I joked.
The amount of glares I received was shocking.
"Too soon?" I ask.
"Too soon." Coulson agrees.
"Welcome Agent Novale. Sit down. Everyone else can leave." Fury says as he points to a seat.
All the remaining agents besides one left.
He passes me another file.
I look at him before opening the files.
"Sharon Carter? Is that my target?" I ask as I do a little skim of the information.
The people in the room look at each other.
"She's your partner." He says.
"No way." I say
"Yes way." He says with a smile
"Sir, you've seen my track-record! I don't need a babysitter." I reasoned.
"She's not you're babysitter. She's your S.O." He says.
"Excuse me?" I ask.
I've scoured the Urban Dictionary for hours. I know S.O. stands for significant other.
"Supervising Officer." He clarifies.
"Fine. What's the mission details sir?" I ask.
He makes a gesture and the table lights up as a hologram appears.
"A couple days ago, we sent a team of highly trained operatives to the deep mountains of Siberia. We haven't heard from them since and they haven't made contact with the extraction teams. We will send you two to find them and bring them back." He says.
"What if they're dead?" I ask.
He looks me in the eyes. "Then complete their mission."
"So what's their mission?" I ask assuming the worse.
"Gathering information on a potential dangerous weapon manufacturer. I want names and locations." He informs.
"Is there a specific person we should be targeting?" I ask.
"Alexander Grants. He's the leader of the rebels in Siberia." He informs.
"Wait. Rebels. There's a war in Siberia?" I ask.
"Read the files on the plane. You'll get the gist. Until then meet your partner Agent 13." He says while pointing to the remaining armed guard.
"Hello." I say.
"Hello." She says back.
Before I think of anything to say, Fury clapped his hands.
"Great, now that you know each other. Get to the plane." Fury says with a smile. "I've got pressing things to deal with in the Middle East."
As I was reading the mission details, I realized that there was a lot of sh*t that advanced in ten years. I might have to go study some of these terms and concepts so I don't get too far behind.
I mentally make a list of what to research and put it on the back of my mind.
I look at my phone as I reviewed the details.
There is a time constraint and we don't have an extraction plan.
Basically, even if we complete the mission or get caught, there isn't anyone coming for us. We'll have to make it back on our own.
Luckily, all I need to find is information.
Okay, there is the rescue part but that isn't necessary. What Fury needs is information!
[Approaching the locations] My teammate said through the comms.
I breath in as the side-doors of the plane open.
I hate sky diving.
Am I the only one who thinks the quality of the writing dropped? Compared to the beginning?