
Marvel’s Big villain

Jason brought Harley Quinn, Magneto, Darth Vader, Voldemort, Red Tank, Apocalypse, General Zod and other villains to the battlefield, looking at thanos not far away : “Are you really inevitable?!” Follow jason’s journey in becoming the most evilest villain of all time —————————-X—————————— Author here i just want to say that this ff is not written by me but i found it on google and i am just uploading it here so all the credits to the real author

Lord_dio69 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 8: A case that shocked America

In the morning, the weather is fine.

The sun shines into the dim warehouse through the slits of the rolling shutters.

Jason was sleeping on the old sofa, his face was bloodless, his brows were furrowed, and he was holding a Glock 20 pistol tightly in his hand.

[Ding! [Escape from the pursuit of the Russian Mafia] The task is completed, the reward is 500 villain points, the current progress is 2460/2000]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 3, gaining 10 attribute points, current progress: 460/3000]

Jason, who was awakened by the system, stood up abruptly.


The Glock pistol was loaded instantly.

After raising the gun for a while, there was nothing abnormal in the warehouse.

A false alarm.

Jason breathed a sigh of relief, and ejected the loaded 10mm bullet into the magazine.

Sitting back on the sofa, he took out mineral water to wash his face and rinsed his mouth. He took off his coat to check the wound on his left arm.

Fortunately, the wound was not infected.

Sitting back on the sofa, eating bread and drinking water, Jason turned on the system light curtain.

When the level is upgraded to level three, the system will reward ten attribute points.

How should attribute points be added?

Jason clicked on the system mall and studied it carefully.

The skill level of the mall, from low to high, is from level 1 to level 10, the higher the level, the more points are required.

Levels 1 to 5 require 10 to 50 points respectively, or $100,000 to $500,000.

Starting from the sixth level, the points required for each level increase rapidly.

Level 6 requires 100 points, level 7 requires 300 points, level 8 requires 500 points, level 9 requires 800 points, and level 10 requires 1000 points.

That is to say, it takes a total of 28.5 million US dollars to upgrade a skill from level 1 to level 10.

The last thing you need to pay attention to is the attribute requirements for purchasing skills.

The attribute requirements of each skill are different, but they can be roughly divided into main attributes and secondary attributes.

Take [Firearm Proficiency] as an example, the key to shooting is speed.

Quickly draw the gun, aim quickly, shoot quickly, and kill the enemy before the enemy shoots or even draws the gun. The importance of agility is self-evident.

In such a short period of time, many factors such as firearm performance, target distance, wind direction resistance, etc. need to be considered. It is impossible to have a brain that responds quickly and has a clear mind.

Therefore, firearms proficiency has higher requirements for agility and intelligence, which are the main attributes.

Strength can reduce the impact of firearm recoil and improve shooting accuracy.

Endurance is helpful in long-term high-intensity shooting.

Both of them have limited improvement in shooting ability, so the system has lower requirements on strength and endurance, which are secondary attributes.

However, the attribute requirements of [Fighting Mastery] are just the opposite. Strength and endurance are the main attributes, while agility and intelligence are secondary attributes.

This makes it easier to understand.

In real hand-to-hand combat, whoever has the greater strength and who has the stronger ability to fight, often wins.

Those fancy boxing techniques and steps will only appear in film and television dramas.

In actual combat, as long as the distance between the enemy and us is less than one meter, it is almost impossible to avoid the opponent's punches.

Even if the eyes can keep up with each other's movements, the body can't react in time.

Therefore, the most important thing for combat mastery is strength and endurance, and agility and intelligence can only work when the two sides are evenly matched.

To be honest, Jason likes melee combat, like the feeling of punching to the flesh.

He thinks this is the way men solve problems. Those who like to hide in the distance and shoot cold shots are women.

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is cruel.

The simplest and most effective killing tool in modern society is always the gun.

For his own safety, Jason decided to temporarily give up [Fighting Proficiency] and continue to develop in the direction of [Firearm Proficiency].

[Firearms Proficiency Level 6 (unobtained)]

[Required: 100 points; Strength: 35, Agility: 40, Endurance: 35, Intelligence: 40]

After thinking for a moment, Jason decided to add strength and stamina to 35 points first, and add the remaining 3 points to agility.

[Host: Jason Walter]

[Level: 3 (460/3000)]

[Strength 33→35]

[Agility 35→38]

[Endurance 30→35]

[Intelligence 35→35]

[Remaining attribute points: 0]

[Reputation: 13→37]

[Party: none (reputation required for next recruitment: 100)]

[Points: 3]

[Ability: Fighting Proficiency (Level 4), Driving Proficiency (Level 3), Firearm Proficiency (Level 5), Cold Weapon Proficiency (Level 2)]

[Shopping mall: click here]


[Ding! Trigger quest: [Don't be a fool], quest reward: 500 villain points. ]

[Mission introduction: The host and Vanessa went to bed very secretly. Where did Jin Bian know about it? Please find the answer and complete the task. ]

The words on the light curtain made Jason fall into contemplation.

As the system said, he and Vanessa didn't tell anyone.

The two were also very careful when they were together. It stands to reason that this matter was unknowingly, how could it be discovered by Jin Nang?

Could it be that the people in the gang noticed something and followed them secretly?

Jason thought it was unlikely.

Because he had a ghost in his heart, he had a surprisingly strong sense of anti-investigation during that time. When he went to a place for a date, he had to change several taxis, and he didn't find any problems during that time.

Besides, he knows everyone in the gang.

As long as they flickered in front of Jason's eyes, he would recognize them immediately, so the problem shouldn't be within the gang.

After sitting on the sofa for an hour, Jason couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Jason muttered to himself.

"As long as you find him, all your doubts will be solved."


Laying back on the sofa to rest, taking out the new phone to watch the news.

With such a big incident in Midtown Manhattan yesterday, the newspapers and TV stations are probably going to blow up.

When I log on to CNN's official website, the first picture that catches my eye is a picture of black smoke billowing from the window of Jason's apartment.

What a pity, what a nice house.

Jason felt a little distressed.

The apartment cost more than two million dollars, including renovations.

Jason saved it for five years before buying it, but he was killed by himself.

With a helpless sigh, Jason clicked on the news and read it carefully.

The press release was stinky and long, with more than 10,000 words and 20 or 30 photos. It took Jason half an hour to read it.

There are only three important pieces of information.

First: Jason Walter, the owner of the apartment involved, is a notorious gang member in Hell's Kitchen. The whereabouts of this person are currently unknown, and the NYPD suspects that he has been kidnapped or killed.

Therefore, this vicious case that shocked the United States is just a simple gang vendetta, and has nothing to do with an overseas al-Qaeda organization. Please rest assured to the American people, especially the people of New York.

Second: NYPD has basically identified the murderer of this case by investigating the personal information of more than a dozen masked deceased. killed in the firefight.

Third: On the roof of the apartment building involved, there was the body of a white woman who was tortured to death and disfigured. According to the DNA comparison results, the NYPD confirmed that the deceased was the owner of a gallery in Manhattan.