

Coralline's pov

'What do you think you are doing?' John asked again. 'What does it look like I'm doing?' I asked rudely. He was shocked by my remark but regained his composure immediately. 'So because I broke up with you, you decided to murder my unborn child right?'

'How pathetic' I muttered. John wanted to reply but was stopped by Vivian's fake tears 'John don't be angry with her. It was just a mistake, right Coralline?' She asked batting her eyelashes like a wh*re. I just scoffed and continued to pack my stuffs.

John, seeing I ignored them was furious and uttered the most foolish I've ever heard ' I know you still love me, that's why you're acting this way. If you would just beg me, I'd consider taking you back' Vivian stared at him in shock

I chuckled and said 'I'd rather die single than take you back'

'Oh stop saying nonsense, I know you can't do without me so I'm giving you a chance now.' 'Baby what are you doing?' Vivian asked in anger. He ignored her and stared at me probably waiting for my answer.

'I was doing fine before I met you so what makes you think I can't live without you. You've got a really unique way of asking me to go back to you but guess what, that'll never happen' I uttered and left with my luggage.

Vivian's pov

I stared angrily at Coralline as she left. Why does she always get the good things? What about me? I won't deny she's got the perfect looks, curves and rich men chasing after her even the popular Damon Gonzales. Now the only person I've managed to get wants her back, it would never happen. 'John, what was the meaning of that?' I asked when I saw him looking at the door even after she had left.

'Nothing baby, I just wanted to see if she would knell so we can ridicule her' I could tell he was lying but I didn't oppose. After all he still thinks of me as his 'obedient and submissive' Vivian.

'You said you were going to introduce me to your family, when are we going?' I asked him

'Soon baby, soon' He said

'I can't wait to get married to you, you know I'm an upcoming model and a public figure, so I wouldn't want to spoil my reputation by having a baby out of wedlock'

'Just wait a little bit, we'll get married before your baby bump shows' He said patting my hair.

I smiled inwardly and snuggled close to him. Finally' all my fantasies are becoming reality. After I get married to John, I'll gain all the power and popularity I want, divorce him and then Damon Gonzales would be next. I know he wouldn't be able to resist my charm. No man can. Just a little seduction and he would be mine.

John's pov

I was still surprised by what Coralline said earlier. I just broke up with her yesterday and she's gotten over me already. Maybe my strategy was wrong. I've got to find a new way to win her back so I can fulfill my plans and then I can finally get married to my darling Vivian so we'll raise our child together. I smirked when I finally got an idea, just you wait Coralline. I'm coming for you.