
Married Off To A Cold Eyed Knight

Rosemary was born into royalty, but unlike the princesses in fairy tales, she doesn't enjoy the perks that come with the title. In fact, she's looked down on by those around her for failing to live up to what her society expects of her as one born into the Kuroriku clan's main family, strength, durability, and vigor. Rosemary was born with a frail body and inadequate mana, not like the other members of her family who were all born with hardy bodies and vast potential. The only ones around who seem to treat her nicely are her brother and his girlfriend, Artemia. Despite their moral support, Rose still desires to escape her unloving father and those around her who made her life a living hell. One day, the chance finally presents itself in the form of a tall, dark, and handsome upstart knight with a cold stare. Will she accept even though it might mean entering a loveless marriage. But, what if love were to bloom in the most unlikely of places? Or is that only a thing that happens in fairy tales?

sun_imperial · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
463 Chs

Chapter 291: Journey Home

Hideyoshi PoV

As I soared over the dense forest which began on our side of the Kuroki border, the wind tore through my hair, carrying with it the crisp, fresh scent of pine. Below me, a sea of green stretched out as far as the eye could see, the towering trees standing like sentinels guarding the border. The forest was a sprawling patchwork of different shades of green, the light filtering through the leaves and dappling the forest floor with shifting patterns of sunlight and shadow.

From up here, the world felt both immense and beautifully minute. The forest, so daunting and labyrinthine at ground level, was a mere tapestry of verdant hues from the sky. The birds that flew beside me were mere specks against the vast expanse of the sky, their chirping barely audible over the rush of wind in my ears.