
Mariano & Olivia (The Forgotten Wife Series Book 1)

In the Giordano family, it is tradition for women to be in arranged marriages going back centuries. Frank Giordano had already had to put marriage for his other twin daughter Olive; it was a successful match. They had daughters and were happily married. Now he had to focus on his youngest daughter Olivia. This marriage was arranged to bond families together in business. He didn’t want to involve his brother in Sicily in his new business. He was trying to break away from the family. So, he had a solution to bond his family with Di Vaio. He decided to pair his daughter with Mariano Di Vaio. This is how their story begins. Oliva's life has drastically changed by marrying a man she didn't know. Arranged marriage has always been a family tradition. The only difference was that my husband hated me before even giving me a chance to get to know him. To think I had to start my marriage life without him. Mariano married me and then got on a plane and left with his mistress. That was the moment I became the forgotten wife. I'd like you to please follow the journey to learn how I survive being the forgotten wife.

MsAuthoMiss · Urbano
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

Olivia's POV

As a result, I am preparing for Rico's week. I'm so excited to spend a week bonding with him. We will fly to the Bahamas tonight. To enjoy some great beaches and excellent food. This is a chance to bond with Rico and really get to know him personally.

Even though I feel slightly out of my comfort zone. This is a chance to get him without family or anyone interfering. The plan is to totally focus on him this week.

Well, he came to pick me up at the airport. Looking so sexy in his jeans and t shirt. I've never seen him dress down. It feels glancing to see him looking like a regular person. So, Olivia, you are ready for the time of your life. I couldn't help but smile at Rico. This week is off to a good start already.

Rico's POV

In this ideal, I'm first, which is beneficial to me. We are already friends, I just have to take it to the next level. It's difficult once a woman puts you in the friend zone. I know she likes Santos. I have the advantage because we have develop a friendship over the past two years. I can't believe my brother ask for a week to get know her as well. The worst part about it is that she is concerned about giving him a week.

Well we are off to the Bahamas. My family owns a beach house there. So we will have some private time on the beach without any distractions.

She is already asleep on the plane. I plan to have a spa treatment set up to relax her. I really want her to be my wife and I'm determined to do everything to convince her. Santos has the upper hand because he has connections with her family in Italy.

Olivia's POV

I'm excited to go on this trip with Rico. He has been so sweet the entire flight to the Bahamas. I've always enjoy trips to Bahamas, I own a resort there. Plan to visit it while I'm there. It was built last year and isran by my brother-in-law.

Still I'm excited about this trip with Rico. Suddenly I look at him because I can feel him staring at me. Rico, what is the first thing you plan to do? Well Olivia, I was thinking we could have a picnic on the beach and enjoy swimming. I think that will give you and I a chance to talk. Lately I feel like you have been putting me in the friend zone Olivia.

Honestly, I couldn't laugh. Rico was obtrusive about me placing him in the friend zone. Sometimes I feel funny around him since I am married to his brother. With his brother calling me every day. Trying to get me to give him another chance.

Rico is the only reason I am allowing him to date me. It is because Mariano and I never had a sexual relationship. Hell I'm still a virgin and I think about sex regularly. I was confused about how I wanted to take this relationship with you. It's more than a friend I like you, but I don't know if I want to be related to your brother for the rest of my life.

It is a pleasure to meet your parents. They are such a sweet couple. My family sometimes makes me want to cut ties with you. As my best friend, I do view her as such. You have gotten me through some tough situations.

Suddenly, Rico looked at me funny. He seems to be thinking deeply about what I just said. Well I'm glad you decided to give it another chance. I like you and could see myself as your husband someday. I tried to smile at the possibility of being his wife.

Rico's POV

I tried not to take offense at what she had just said. I couldn't believe my brother was still attempting to contact her. That is really hurting my chances with her I think. Mariano believe she will make a good wife. Suddenly he wants me to step back so he can have a second chance with Olivia. I told him to give her the chance she deserves instead of being with that model.

Olivia appears to be the perfect wife in my opinion. She has a career, money and a good reputation in the business community. She is worth billions of dollars currently. Among the richest people in the world, Olivia is one of them. Marrying her will increase my status in the business community. This was accomplished within three generations of my family by providing her with 300 million dollars. Hell, she is worth more than triple what she was worth.

I like her quite a bit, but I can see how marrying her will increase my status in the business world? She is almost equal to Bill Gates. From what I understand she has met him several times. And she is only 23 years old and she has all that power within her hands. She needs a man to maintain her standing in the community.

I'm glad you gave me a chance Olivia. Attempted to smile at her thinking. My job on this trip was to convince her to pick me over Santos. He is real competition for me. I can see how she looks at him. Her and him are attracted. Then he is really close to her family. The one thing that helps me is that he has been married already. He also has a son. Every time they are in the same place. She remained with a dreamy look on her face.

There is a mafia connection between him and her uncle, then. I didn't know she was associated with the mafia. She is considered a Mafia princess of some sort. Her uncle in Sicily is a Mafia Don. Therefore, I do not understand why father set up a marriage arrangement to aid their business. His family would do well to help him.

Salvatore has her family on his side as well. Before she makes a decision, I have to travel to Sicily to meet her entire family. The only opinion that matters is her grandfather's. So I have impress her this week and then impress her family when I visit them. Sadly I have to visit her uncles and grandparents without her present.

We finally landed in the Bahamas. Olivia stood up smiling at me. We got off the plane and were pleased to see that transportation was present. She smiled at the sight before us. We decided to take a nap before doing anything else.

Olivia's POV

Then I went to my room for a couple of hours to relax. I wanted to text Santos to let him know I made it safely. I will admit that I am attracted to him in many ways. I don't care that he is a widower or has a child. He sees my goals and ambitions to succeed in the business world.

In the event that I choose Rico, I will discuss what he expects from me. I don't want someone to take over my business. I don't mind marrying an Alpha male, but I would like to still run my business affairs.

The majority of men recognize my status within the business community. Then they decide to use me to obtain status. I have a powerful connections that many would love to have. My connection extends to many countries. I have connections from entertainment to the government. As a designer for the government, I have designed some weapons. Many don't know how long my connections last.

Honestly I believe Rico has a motive for marrying me. I don't understand why he would want me after marrying his brother. Even though we never were together. This is the main reason he is in the friend zone. He does not receive much trust from the public. There is something about him that won't allow me to let my guard down. Now with Salvatore I don't feel a motive for my business. Despite the fact that he is more mafia-like. I really don't have much to do with it except for the fact that I have blood related to the mafia. I'm consider a Mafia Princess in Sicily.

My family is one of the top Sicilians. If I marry Santos, my family will grow in Sicily. He appears to have been watching for quite some time. My plan is to figure out his true motive for marrying me. I've learned that everyone has a motive these days. I refuse to be the forgotten wife again. I must choose the right man. I'm ready to have a true relationship with a man. I don't want to be thrown on the back burner again. Mariano really hurt me to my core. Even though we didn't know each other. He never gave me a chance.

The minute he got on a plane with her, It hurt me to my core. I deserve a chance for him to at least establish a friendship with me. He never talked to me. Simply abandoned me and never call or even communicate me only through his assistant. I knew we didn't know each other but he agreed. Instead, he engaged me in an ongoing relationship with the model. He thinks he deserves a change now. That will never happen. I can't forget how deeply he kissed me on my wedding night. He should have married her instead of me if he loved her so much. I deserve happiness and for three years he forgot about me. I had Rico to keep me going as my friend.

That is why I'm giving him a chance now.