
Mariano & Olivia (The Forgotten Wife Series Book 1)

In the Giordano family, it is tradition for women to be in arranged marriages going back centuries. Frank Giordano had already had to put marriage for his other twin daughter Olive; it was a successful match. They had daughters and were happily married. Now he had to focus on his youngest daughter Olivia. This marriage was arranged to bond families together in business. He didn’t want to involve his brother in Sicily in his new business. He was trying to break away from the family. So, he had a solution to bond his family with Di Vaio. He decided to pair his daughter with Mariano Di Vaio. This is how their story begins. Oliva's life has drastically changed by marrying a man she didn't know. Arranged marriage has always been a family tradition. The only difference was that my husband hated me before even giving me a chance to get to know him. To think I had to start my marriage life without him. Mariano married me and then got on a plane and left with his mistress. That was the moment I became the forgotten wife. I'd like you to please follow the journey to learn how I survive being the forgotten wife.

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Chapter 15

Rico's POV

I think I made progress on the jet. She is slowly liking me. While she rests, I will plan our first adventure. Today we will walk on the beach. I plan a picnic on the beach. I want to bond with her personally. Looking forward to seeing her in a bikini. I need to take this relationship to a deeper level to compete with Santos.

Her and he just met, and they have formed a bond. I've known her for three years. Yet she still looks dreamily at Santos. Today I got a clearer view of why she feels that way. So I'm taking it overboard this weekend. She is also visiting her resort while here. It is a very popular resort catering to celebrities and royal families. I heard that she owned an island in the Bahamas. Is there another resort that she is building?

The resort will be open to certain people. She design to give people with fans a place to be with worry about bother while on vacation. Apparently, she is building one in Hawaii and one in Cancun. Among celebrities, the Jamaican event is very popular. Marrying her would benefit me and my family.

First night

I had it all planned out we were going to have a wonderful night in the cabana.

There was no doubt in my mind that we were going to have a wonderful night in the cabana. Then walk to the beach and maybe take a late night swim

Hey Olivia, you look beautiful this evening. Thanks Rico, I can't wait to see what you have planned for tonight.

I wear a black elegant dress with heels

I wear a black elegant dress with heels. Hopefully I will not fall into all this sand. I'm not nervous about this date. Honestly I feel beautiful and you should see my room. So glad he didn't try to share a room with me.

The thought of Salvatore has crossed my mind several times today. I almost texted him to see what he was doing. That wouldn't have been fair to Rico. There is something about Rico that wants me to keep him in the friend zone. Hopefully after this weekend I will figure out what that is.

Let me make my entrance, let's see how it goes. He Rico how do you like my dress? Olivia you look lovely tonight. Are you ready for the best time of your life? He then attempted to kiss my lips, but I gave him the cheek instead.

He looks offended but I'm not ready for that yet. Let me have my date and decide if he deserves to kiss my lips. I can't help but giggle at my own inside joke.

Well Olivia we go and he loops his arm with his mind. We walked to the beautiful beach with a long walkway with a beautiful gazebo Rico you really out did yourself this is so beautiful. When I am inspired by your beauty, I am romantic.

I'm giggled again because I still thought he was a little corny.

Rico Pov

I didn't know what to think when she gave me the cheek. Then I flirted and she started giggling. Hopefully what I have planned will impress her. I can't believe I have a opportunity to marry a billionaire. That is my motivation to impress her tonight. I want her to finally see me as husband and father to her future heirs.

If I can pull this off I can get more shares of the company back in my family. You see as apart of her marriage arrangement with my brother she was given 600 million and ownership of 8 of our business. She was also given 50% of one of our major hotels. Then she revamp her father's business and turn it into success. Whatever she touches in the business world turns into profits. Don't get me wrong I'm attracted to Olivia. She is an elegant woman but she is worth billions.

I'm a millionaire in my own right. My family isn't wealthy like her due to her marriage to my brother. Having ties with her family in Sicily is always beneficial.

My overall goal is to reinvest some of the money back to my family. The only obstacle I have is Santos. Now my parents believe she suspects I have motives. This is the reason she put me in the friend zone, according to them. Simply because she tried to date me. She suddenly changed her mind.

Olivia, please tell me what you want in a husband. She didn't answer me at first. Then she reacts in shock when I ask her a question. Despite the fact that I am on a mission, I don't care.

Well Rico, I want a husband who will not take over my business ventures. Whoever I marry will sign a prenup? My mother didn't raise a fool. I have to protect my assets.

I didn't know how to respond to the prenup. I would never sign one. So Rico, how do you feel about signing a prenup if you are chosen? I knew I had to be careful about how I answered this question. Well I understand your reason for a prenup. I just believe a prenup says you will divorce me.

She stared at me like I had a second head. In an instant, she got a headache after getting up talking. There was no way I could believe that for a second. This date didn't turn out as expected.

Tomorrow we go to her resort. Hopefully I can redeem myself.