
Manifestation of Balance

Rachel didn't live the most ideal life. After the death of her mother, her father started to abuse her, more so verbal than physical. She tried her hardest to survive, working job after job just to make end meet. On the day when she was fired from her job, she was pulled into an ally. A mysterious man had taken her life without much context, however, she left at peace. She just wisher she could of been a better friend to the few people who appreciated her. However, she awoke in the body of new born, within a world of abilities. Watch as she travels around the world, even visiting different worlds. Eventually becoming a Manifestation, one of the strongest beings in creation. ————— English is my 3rd language so there will be some mistakes here and there, I apologies in advance. Discord: https://discord.gg/4WBYqHBX {(Cove is not mine)}

FallenEclispes2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Bloodline Transfusion (Part:1)

• • • • • •

Highest Floor Of The Tower

Inside a large room, a dark brown circle wooden table stood in the middle of the hall.

Seats were neatly arranged around it, with equal spacing between each one. They were made of the same wood, but each had a cushion on the seat and back rest.

Each seat was occupied by men and women alike, a total of ten people, eight of whom were dressed in black uniforms with the same design. The only difference between them was the number of metals pinned to them.

Val, who had grown a bushy beard, was number eight.

The two people who remained were dressed in white uniforms with white colored lab coats.

Each of their faces held no emotion, only cold stares that would send shivers down many people's spines. In addition to irritation.

They were well aware that they would have to attend such meetings on a regular basis, but this did not prevent them from being dissatisfied with being taken away from their work.

"I'm sure you want to get back to work, so we'll get this done as soon as possible." Val was the first one to speak up. Everyone else nodded, signing him to containment.

"We've gathered here to talk about this beach of bloodlines, and the subjects that will receive them." Val stated.

Hearing his statement, a woman on the opposite side of the tablet frowned; she wasn't the only one, but she was the only one that spoke.

"There was no need to call a meeting for such matters, Major Val. We are here to ensure that everything goes smoothly and to train them after the Bloodline Transfusion and their abilities are awakened. Not before."

She was a slender woman with little muscle in comparison to those around her. She had short black hair and emerald green eyes, her beauty was comparable to Marry's.

Marry was known for her beauty and kindness, even to the test subjects. Many people admired her for her kindness, but it wasn't a place for such things.

Kindness gets one killed in a world where money and power are many people's top priorities.

A man next to the woman agreed with a nod. "I agree with Major Vox, these aren't matters worth our time."

"I'd agree if it weren't for this batch of... unique bloodlines." Val indicated one of the two men in white uniforms.

Nate was one of them, he hadn't changed much over the years. He rose from his seat and walked around the tablet, handing out files to everyone.

He stood in front if everyone flipped through the files that he had kept for himself.

"We have seven new bloodlines in our position. They are the purest we've ever seen. However, one of them, or should I say two, stand out."

Nate nodded as he looked at the other man wearing a uniform identical to his. He took a box and placed it on the wooden table. Everyone looked closely, their interest peaked.

The box contained seven small glass bottles, each containing a different colored liquid.

Nate took out two bottles and placed them on the table, one was filled with a pitch black liquid, while the other had a white liquid, it almost seemed to be glowing.

"Here, you see the blood of a demon and an angel–"


The sudden burst of laughter cut Nate off. His brows folded as he look at the tall man, who stood at least seven feet tall. He had dark brown hair and amber eyes.

"Do you have a problem, Liam?" Val inquired.

Liam snickered as he shook his head. "I apologize, but I'm sure you understand. Demons and angels vanished over a millennium ago, before the birth of our kingdom.

"And now you want me to believe you got your hands on, not one, but both of their blood?"

"Although you would be correct, the blood is real. I am confident after conducting numerous tests." Nate stated. "And, to correct you, demons and angels may have vanished long ago, but the Secret Words have not.

You have participated in many adventures into them yourself, did you not? You are aware that there are numerous races within them."

Liam scuffed and crossed his arms, not saying anything else. Nate continued, looking down.

"However, the reason for this meeting is to discuss who will undergo Bloodline Transfusion for them."

"Wait." Vox stated. "Are you saying you'll give one child both of them? I thought we'd given up on that little theory of yours."

"This isn't my doing; it's an order from the king and queen."

The news made everyone in the room stiffen; they had no intention of questioning the king, let alone the queen. The royal family were not tyrants, but they weren't saints either.

"The king wants to test both of them on one subject to see what happens; the process will take days, if not weeks. But, if we are successful, we will have a soldier who can fight alongside those of royal blood in a few years.

We intend to gradually infuse the blood into the subject at first, and if everything goes well, we will infuse the rest. This will strengthen the subject's body just enough to absorb the rest of the blood. The remainder is up to the subject." Nate stated.

"This seems too risky to me." Liam tapped the table with his index finger.

"Perhaps, but it's a risk with many rewards if we succeed."

"How about the candidate?" A woman sitting next to Val said.

"I've got one in mind." Val stated. "7646."

Val pulled out his own files and passed them around the table. There was a picture of a girl with short black hair and dark blue eyes on the first page if all of them.

Under her picture was basic information about her, while the other pages contained more detailed information.

[Subject: 7646]

[Sex: Female]

[Age: 4 Years, 7 Months]

[Race: Human]

[Place of Birth: SilverLake Tower]

[Birth Mother: Lily Enid]

[Birth Father: Duke Theodore Valentine]

[Talent: S]

[Threat Level: A]

[Ability: Not Awaken]

[Intelligence: S]

[Combat: Not Decided]

[Subject 7646 is one of, if not the smartest child in her year. She is rarely ever seen speaking to her pears, and follows the introductions given to her without question. Subject 7646 is only ever seen speaking to Subject 7692]

"Subject 7646 is our best candidate; she is intelligent and obedient enough to carry out orders." Val stated. "She may be young, but I believe she will make it through the ordeal. We'll get started as soon as possible. The crown has demanded results, and results are what they will receive."

• • •

With Lira, Inside Of A Cafeteria

"Hey, Lira?"

"What, I'm busy here."

"I know, but why do you eat so much. I really want to know."


Lira was silent as she put down her bowl of meat and looked at Seth. Her hands were on her lap while her legs were crossed, one over the other.

She just sat there, silently staring at the boy. In the months she and him have become... better acquainted.

She no longer wants to use him... all of the time, at least. They are more comrades if anything, both them wanting to escape the hell they were imprisoned in.

Lira has used the boy for her personal gain a few times. Most of the those times it has been to get candy for her. The girl had a huge sweet tooth after all.

She has many planes to get out of the tower, but none of them would work. She has gone through them in her head countless times over.

There were just to many holes, and even more unknowns. She has tried to get to lower floors, but the security is just to tight.

Even at night, there is a guard that checks on every child every three hours. And one a random day, at least once a month, they search everyone's rooms.

Thus, she couldn't keep anything there. She was grateful that she had some time before the Bloodline Transfusion though.

Seth and everyone else are either five, or pass it. They will be taken to go through the process and awaken their ability any day now.

"It's rude to ask a girl such questions." Lira said, going back to eating her rise.

Seth blinked and shrugged his shoulders. He looked over at a table not to fair away from them and saw another boy with dark blue hair and red eyes.

Seth signaled him to come to their table, and the boy did. Lira noticed this, obviously, but said nothing. She was mostly thinking of new ways to use her magic.

She had very few spells, beside from the basic ones, like creating a wall of earth or fire. Or walking on air, in her eyes, those were very basic spells. They had no substance to them.

Creating spells took time, and all of the ones she had were small scale. It's not like she could test them.

Lira still tried to better her vocabulary, she knew so many words but she couldn't barely pronounce half of them.

Seth was very different in that regard, he had a limited vocabulary. His accent wasn't as strong as hers, allowing him to easily pronounce words, he uses common words and repeats them over and over.

She didn't know what she was expecting from a five year old, he was smart, yes. But not that smart.

She once asked him what 'coincidence' means,needless to say, the boy ended up learning a new word that day.

Lira didn't mean to use such a word, it wasn't something she put a lot of thought into. She just had an idea, and said it. She does that quite a lot.

The boy came over to their table and sat down, without saying a thing. Lira looked at Seth while eating her food, obviously wanting an explanation.

"Oh, this is Michael. I meet him soom weeks ago. He isn't boring too." Seth said with a hint of pride. "Michael this is Lira, Lira, Mike."

"Hi!" Michael's said trying to get Lira's attention, but failed, miserably.

Lira, being the introvert that she is, and someone who doesn't care about many things, just ignored Michal's entire existence.

Not because she didn't know what to say, but because she didn't care enough to make the effort.

"Don't worry about her." Seth said. "She is like that with everyone, give her a few years. And candy. Candy is the key to her heart."

"Are you really giving away my secrets with me sitting, right here." Lira said gesturing the entire time.

Seth and Michael snickered looking away from the girl, casuing her to tilt her head.

'Did I say something funny? I'm sure I didn't, either I did or children just laugh at everything. I don't even remember my life before I was six.

To me I kinda just appeared. It's like I lived the first six years of my life as a husk, then POP. Oh, I freaking exist now.'

Lira reminisced about the good old times... that she didn't even remember.

• • •

That night, Lira was in her room doing her usual thing. Strengthening her body, messing around with Aether, all that stuff.

It had become a routine for her ever since she realized that there were no other places to train. She had looked, she even looked twice, but nothing.

Every room had guards except for the rooms they slept in, even then, it's not like she could sneak out. She tried that, didn't even get pass the door.

Lire could blow it down but that wouldn't be very sneaky, she could of made a sound bubble. But again, how would she fix a metal door.

So, the girl just decided to keep her behind in her room. Unfortunately, she couldn't account for decisions made by the higher-ups last minute.

When Lira heard the door opening, she stopped everyone and sat on her bed. It was still quite early so they wouldn't ask why she was awake.

Every night she could use light magic to create a fake image of her sleeping right in from of the glass window in the door.

The guards would come, open a tiny hatch from the other side and see the image. It was almost full proof... besides from the many things that could go wrong.

A guard stepped into the room with bulky gold handcuffs, behind him there were children in a line walking through the hall with the same thing one.

Lira frowned but said nothing.

"Get up."

'Is 'please' not in your damn vocabulary?' Lira thought, but she did as she was told.

She had spent too much time making sure to make a good girl act just to destroy it now. Worse case scenario, she uses Aether to blow some crap up and run for the hills.

Best case, they are just moving the children to another part of the tower.

Lira got off her bed and stood in front of the guard, rasing her hands. He took them harshly, petting the handcuffs on her.

'What do you think these will do... I swear to God. Why?!'

Lira screamed profanities inside if her head while she mearly frowned on the outside. The handcuffs completely stopped her from using World Energy.

That wasn't the worst part, they stopped her from using Aether as well. She had it, but it was like there was a wall between them.

The handcuffs had a simple function, obviously to keep her hands restraint. But the other was to stop them from using any type of Energy.

Lira couldn't think of how they were doing it. The only answer she came up with was that they blocked Energy from traveling through her Energy Channels.

Even then, she should still be able to use some Aether. But, one thing was clear to her. Because of how the handcuffs work, she could anticipate that they had some knowledge of Aether.

Or at least knew people that did, and obviously the person that made them knows what it. Now Lira had to be even more careful about hiding it.

She also has to really start hoping that they didn't have a way to check if she had it or not.

'I guess things here are more advanced than I thought. Well, needless to say, I'm fucked. But I thought I wasn't meant to go through Bloodline Transfusion yet.

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