
Mandolorian Stormtrooper

Axel_Kiss_5577 · Outros
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4 Chs

Weapon training

Alix and his squad followed the captain to a large armory inside the ship. Inside were rows upon rows of different types of armor and weaponry.

"Here," said the captain. "This is where you will be spending most of your time while you're here. Here you will learn how to operate all the weapons and equipment that you will be using. If you ever have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them."

"Yes sir," replied Alix. "Thank you."

After getting assigned their quarters, Alix and his squad got ready for training.

"Alright," said the captain. "First thing first. I want you guys to get used to the equipment that you will be using. So I'm going to start by showing you how to use a few basic weapons and then move onto some of the more advanced ones. After that we'll go over the basics of combat tactics."

"Sounds good," said Alix.

Alix and his squad practiced with the weapons and learned how to use them properly. Then the captain started to talk about the basics of combat.

"First," said the captain. "You need to know that everything you do has to be planned ahead of time. Like I always tell my troops, 'Know your enemy.' This means that you have to figure out what kind of things your enemy might do, then counter those actions. For example, if your enemy is using a grenade launcher, you should try to shoot him before he fires the weapon."

"That makes sense," replied Alix. "But I have a question."

"Shoot away," replied the captain.

"If I'm trying to decide whether or not to use a grenade launcher, am I allowed to fire it even if it means hitting an ally?"

"Sure," replied the captain. "That's what grenades are for. They're supposed to be used to hit your enemies."

"I see," replied Alix.

Captain Dusan showed his squad more weapons and tactics until lunchtime. After eating they practiced some more until dinner time. After dinner, Captain Dusan gave the squad a break.

"I hope you guys enjoyed your free time," said the captain. "I don't think it's fair if we keep you from your families for much longer. Tomorrow we'll continue with the basics and then we will start working on more advanced tactics."

"Thank you, sir," replied Alix. "You're really helping us out."

"Well then," said the captain. "Get some rest, we've got a long way to go."

Alix and his squad went back to their rooms and got some sleep. In the morning Alix and his squad got ready for training.

"Alright," said Captain Dusan. "Today we will be focusing on some more advanced tactics. First we'll start with grenades. As you already know, grenades are devices that are used to kill your enemies. Now, most people confuse grenades with mines. However, there is a big difference between the two. Mines are usually placed in areas where your enemies will pass through. Usually around an open area like a field or something of the sort. Grenades however, are used to launch yourself into your enemies. You throw them at them and they explode, killing everyone nearby. Once you get the hang of that, we will move on to other kinds of explosives and weapons."

After practicing grenades for a while, Captain Dusan asked for a volunteer to show the others how to use a rocket launcher.

"Sir," said a trooper named Landon. "I'd like to show you how to use a rocket launcher."

"Alright," said Captain Dusan. "Landon, go ahead."

"Thank you, sir," replied Landon.

The captain handed Landon the rocket launcher.

"Now," began Landon. "I'm going to tell you what to do and then I want you guys to copy me."

"Great," said the captain. "Let's begin."

"Alright," said Landon. "First off, you have to turn the safety switch to the 'on' position. Then, you have to hold down the trigger and pull back the handle. When you release the trigger the rocket will fly towards your target. Then you have to push the trigger again, and aim where you want to shoot the rocket. When you're done shooting, you simply have to let go of the trigger. It takes practice but you'll get used to it."

"I can do that," said Alix. "I'm pretty good with guns."

"Okay," replied Captain Dusan. "Then you can demonstrate what you just told your squad."

The squad demonstrates the action on how to man the weapon and get praised by the captain.


After 2 months their training is finally over and they are finally able to go on missions again on the outer rim.

"Thank god," thought Alix.

The transport ship took them to a planet called Rene.

"Welcome," said Captain Dusan. "We are here to take you to a planet called Rene. We will be staying here until tomorrow. This is where you will be meeting with your commanding officer."

"Alright," said Alix. "Thank you."


The ship landed on the surface of the planet.

"Alright, you guys better get out of here," said Captain Dusan. "As soon as you are ready, I'll send you to your new commanding officer."

Alix and his squad exited the transport ship and went to meet with their new commanding officer. When they got there they saw that it was a small settlement on an island.

"I'm Lieutenant Commander Vok," said the commander. "I'm in charge of this planet. I'm glad that you could join me. Please follow me."

The commander led Alix and the rest of the squad to his office. The commander sat at his desk and looked up at Alix.

"So," said the commander. "I understand that you are a staff sergeant. That means that you have taken the exam for your promotion to the rank of staff sergeant. Am I correct?"

"Yes sir," replied Alix.

"I see," replied the commander. "Well, I have decided to promote you to the rank of staff sergeant. Congratulations! You're now officially a staff sergeant."

"Thank you sir," replied Alix.

"I also have some bad news for you, though," said the commander. "There's a war going on right now between the Empire and the Resistance. You will be sent to fight the Resistance. It's a bit far from here, so you will be traveling with us for a while."

"I see," said Alix. "What's the good news?"

"The good news is that you will be fighting for the Empire," replied the commander. "So I'm sure you're excited."

"Of course," replied Alix.

"It doesn't matter what you think," said the commander. "Our main goal is to capture the rebel base on Rene. They are planning on destroying the planet itself, so we need to stop them. You will be given a team to lead and you will be fighting against the Resistance."

"Alright," said Alix. "What do I need to know?"

"Well," replied the commander. "First off, you have to make sure that your squad gets through enemy lines safely. Also, you should never try to take the offensive unless need be as you are a reconnaissance unit.. Your only job is to report back to us on their positions. There are many ways for you to accomplish these tasks, so feel free to experiment until you find one that works best for you. When you return, you should tell the high command what happened. If you do that well enough, they'll send you out again."

"Alright," replied Alix. "How long do we have?"

"A week," replied the commander. "Don't worry about getting killed. Our ships are fast and we'll get you back to the ship before you even know it."

"Thank you sir," replied Alix.

"Don't mention it," said the commander. "Now get some rest. We leave in ten minutes."

Once the commander left, Alix and his squad went back to their quarters and packed.

"Hey," said Landon. "Are you going to be alright?"

"Of course," replied Alix. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Yeah," replied Landon. "I mean, you're still young and inexperienced."

"Oh please," said Alix. "I was in the army when I was younger than you are now. Besides, I'm a staff sergeant now, so I'm an adult."

"Whatever you say," said Landon. "I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah," replied Alix. "See ya."

After a couple of hours, Alix and his squad were ready to go. The captain gave them a map and explained where they would go.