
The transfer

"Okay," said another trooper. "I don't think they will send reinforcements though. We're supposed to be guarding the garrison and we can't defend it with only two squads."

"Don't worry," said Alix. "I'm sure Captain Hask will do whatever it takes to send reinforcements. Hopefully they will arrive before the rebels attack us."

Alix and his squad waited for reinforcements and held out against a few attacks by the rebels. Finally, a transport ship arrived and dropped off a couple of new squads.

"Greetings," said one of the new sergeants introducing himself as Flint Steel. "I've heard so much about you from the Captain."

"It is my honor," replied Alix. "He's told me a lot about you also."

"Well," said Flint. "If you're here to join our squad then follow me."

Alix and his squad followed Flint to the barracks where the other squad was fighting the rebels.

"I'm impressed," said Flint. "You guys fought really well."

"Thank you," replied Alix. "We had a good teacher."

"I noticed that," said Flint. "You're a real pro."

"Thank you," replied Alix.

"Anyways," said Flint. "The Captain wants to meet you. He's waiting for you in his office."

Alix and his squad followed Flint to the command center and went inside.

"Good afternoon," Captain Hask said. "I've heard a lot about you from Sergeant Steel, I met you when I was briefing you along with the Troopers and due to your merits in this operation you have earned quite a reputation as I would say.."

"Thank you, sir," replied Alix.

"Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your great work in this operation. I have heard a lot about you from Sergeant Steel and I must say that I am very impressed. That being said, I have a favor to ask you."

"What is it, sir?" asked Alix.

"Would you mind being on standby tomorrow? We are going to have an enemy attack early in the morning so I have to assign someone to guard the base."

"Of course," replied Alix.


The next morning Alix woke up and ate breakfast. Then he went to the barracks. There were a couple of new recruits sitting outside.

"Good morning," said Alix. "I'm Sergeant Vizsla, you must be the new recruits that were assigned to my squad."

"Yes sir," replied one of the recruits. "My name is Michael and this is Jose."

"It's nice to meet you," said Alix. "I'm happy to say that you're both assigned to my squad. Are you excited to be part of the Company?"

"Very much so," said Michael.

"I'm glad to hear that," said Alix. "Well, you two better get used to each other because you're going to be working together for the foreseeable future."

"That's fine with me," said Jose.

Alix went back to his squad and told them that they would be on standby for the day.

"Are we going to be doing anything special today?" asked one of the troopers.

"Just on standby," replied Alix. "Hopefully we won't be needed."

While the rest of the squads were on standby, Alix and his squad went out and did some training exercises.

Later that night, Alix went to bed. The next morning Alix woke up and headed down to the mess hall. After eating breakfast Alix went to the barracks and found the new recruits sitting outside the door.

"Morning," said Alix. "I'm Sergeant Vizsla. You must be the new recruits."

"Yes sir," replied Michael. "My name is Michael and this is Jose. I'm looking forward to working with you."

Alix and his squad followed Flint to the command center.

"Good morning," said Captain Hask. "I just wanted to thank you for your help yesterday. The mission was successful and without your help it wouldn't have been possible."

"Thank you, sir," replied Alix.

"Also," continued Hask. "The high command and I have decided to assign you and your squad to the Imperial 91st reconnaissance division and give you a promotion to staff sergeant. A ship will come tomorrow to pick you up, meanwhile pack your bags and say goodbye to some of your fellow troopers."

"Thank you Captain," said Alix. "I'm happy to have served with you."

"Don't mention it," said Hask. "Now get packed and make me proud once again. You will leave in 12 hours."

Alix and his squad got on the transport ship and headed to the place where the members of the reconnaissance division were stationed inside of the ship. When they arrived at the place, the captain of the unit came out to greet Alix and his squad.

"Hello," said the officer. "I'm Captain Dusan. My job is to teach you how to use all the equipment that you'll be using in the recon units."

"Is that right," said Alix. "I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Me too," said the Captain. "Please follow me."

(Thanks for watching, and I hope to see you reading again.)

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