
DBZ/DBS/DBS SH(warning about spoiler!) Power Multipliers

DBZ/DBS Power Multipliers

Multiply to base form:

Great Ape - 10x

SSJ - 50x

SSJ Grade 2 - 60x

SSJ Grade 3 - 75x

SSJ Full Power - 80x

SSJ 2 - 100x

SSJ 3 - 400x

SSJ2 rage(Vegeta) - 1,000x

Sayain God ki - 1,000x

SSJG - 60,000x

SSJSS/SSJB - 3,000,000x

KK = 1.5x

KK = 2x

KK x10 = 10x

KK x20 = 20x

SSJ2 Rage (F. Trunks)= 1,000x

SSJ2 Rage with some God ki (F. Trunks)= 1,000,000x (i suspect it was a God ki like goku and Vegeta, the blue aura in their SSJB form)

Mystic = 1,000x

Ultra Instinct Omen = 3,000,000,000x

Ultra/Evolution SSGSS =150,000,000x

Toppo (100% x God Of Destruction Form) = 300x

Master Ultra Instinct =45,000,000,000x

Ikari: 10x

Ikari SSJ: 500x

Legendary SSJ: 20,000x

Potara Fussion:

total base PL of the two • 10,000x

Spirit Sword: Current PL • 5,000x

Fusion dance: 200x [ (the dancer will not add the base PL then multiply by 200 🚫) base power of the dancer • 200 (ex: goku and vegeta have the same PL of 31 Quintillion • 200 = 6.21 sextillion) ]

I know, these multipliers are so ridiculously high and insane. But they're not normal human. They're pretty much like a "God" that can eradicate universe.






Spoiler alert!






Cannon DBS SH Power Multiplier

Super Namekian (Piccolo): 30x

Super Namekian Orange (Piccolo): 1,000,000x

Super Mystic (Gohan) : 50,000x

Beast saiyan/super saiyan 5 (Gohan): 10,000,000x

(It's not stated in the movie that the "Beast" form of Gohan is a Super Saiyan 5(SSJ5), but i made it that way in this book)





















•unvigintillion (or vigintunillion)

•duovigintillion (or vigintiduoillion)

•trevigintillion (or vigintitrillion)

•quattuorvigintillion (or vigintiquadrillion)

•quinvigintillion (or vigintiquintrillion)

•sexvigintillion (or vigintisextillion) •septvigintillion (or vigintiseptillion)

•octovigintillion (or vigintoctillion)

•nonvigintillion (or vigintinonillion) trigintillion


