
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix wielder in Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

CH 11: Ali VS Xiao Chenyu

While Wang Sheng was getting his ass kicked around the field without being able to retaliate, Tang San sighed as they walked towards the angry Xiao Wu :"Wang Sheng is too impulsive. He won't get close by fighting face to face. He can only beat his opponent by getting close."

"Xiao San, Ali, Gu Yuena, you're all back!" Xiao Wu called out happily, confusing Tang San who looked at Ali :"Had you two gone somewhere as well?" Ali nodded as he held up a peace sign with a neutral face :"Yup. Went together with Gu Yuena to a soul beast forest to get a soul ring."

Tang San was even more confused as he raised an eyebrow :"If you were planning to go to a soul beast forest anyway, why didn't you come with me and my teacher? That would've made it a lot less dangerous."

Ali shrugged without the neutral look leaving his face :"Didn't want to owe him too many favors. I already owe him for giving me that bedding, so I didn't want to trouble him anymore. I was actually planning on going alone, but Gu Yuena was persistent and didn't give up till I agreed to let her come with me."

Tang San sighed helplessly as he shook his head before turning to Xiao Wu :"Anyway, why are you all fighting here?" Causing Xiao Wu to pout and look away :"What? Do you want to say that I'm impulsive?"

'I'm surrounded by children...' Tang San sighed helplessly once again before shrugging and nodding :"You're right. We can't be bullied all the time just because of being work students. However, you should have waited for us to come back."

Xiao Wu :"Why should I wait?! Who knew when you all were going to come back? They've already come to bully us. That brat called boss Xiao said that I should become his pet rabbit. If I can stand it, I'm not Xiao Wu!"

While they were talking, poor Wang Sheng was getting manhandled by the boy with the staff martial soul. But once Tang San saw Wang Sheng fall to the ground and the staff boy was about to hit him, he took out a few stones from his storage device, which didn't go unnoticed by Ali and Gu Yuena, before he threw them skillfully at the staff boy.

Hitting his limbs and causing him to lose balance, giving Wang Sheng enough time to get up quickly and attack the boy that couldn't defend himself because of getting caught off guard.

In the end, Wang Sheng was able to win thanks to his tiger martial soul and Tang San's assistance. Having won the first round, Xiao Wu smirked as she looked at Xiao Chenyu smugly :"Boss Xiao, what do you think?"

Xiao Chenyu gritted his teeth as two of the boys in his group helped the first boy return to their group :"We lost the first battle. Ling Feng <I feel like I'm TOO familiar with this name...>, you go!"

The bitch boy boy was actually cringe enough to walk forward with his hands behind him as if he was some big shit. <Now that I think about it, why do Chinese MCs walk like that? I read a Douluo Dalu fanfic yesterday and MC was standing like that from the get go. Tang San did it in this episode too! That ain't the stance of big shots, that's the stance of old men! It's just cringe, bro>

"Hey, Xiao Wu." Ali called out gently as he softly hit her with his elbow and whispered something in her ear. She thought about it for a moment before nodding and then calling out to Wang Sheng :"Wang Sheng, come back. Let Ali fight this battle."

"Mhm." Wang Sheng didn't refuse and walked back. After he and Ali nodded at each other, Ali stood a few meters away from his opponent as he tilted his head till it cracked. He smirked at his opponent with his hands just hanging from his sides :"Whatcha waiting for. C'mon, I don't have all day."

The haughty boy snorted as he ran towards Ali without even releasing his martial soul. He jumped into the air and came crashing down on Ali as he tried to punch him, but Ali just rolled his eyes as he spun around the boy before hugging him from behind and then bending backwards, performing a German suplex on the poor boy.

As everyone else winced at the action, Ali let go of the boy who got slammed onto the ground so hard that he rolled a little and stopped on his knees. 'Hmph, all according to keikaku (plan).' <Who still remembers that meme?> Ali thought with a smirk before he jumped from the ground slightly and did a double kick straight on the poor bastard's face.

"W-what is this?!" Xiao Chenyu called out in shock as his lackey laid on the ground with two footprint marks on his face, unconscious. Ali just stood there nonchalantly as he scratched the inside of his ear with his pinky :"You planning to send the next one anytime in this century?"

Wang Sheng snorted smugly as he looked at Xiao Chenyu :"How is it, boss Xiao? You got a problem with that? Ali didn't even use his martial soul or soul power. You shall just admit defeat <my phone's microphone wrote "defeat" as "the fish"... I was wheezing when I wrote the entire line XD> so that you don't suffer!"

"Xiao Chenyu, 6th grade." Xiao Chenyu glared at them before walking forward himself and then dramatically releasing his martial soul :"Wolf martial soul, level 11, war soul master with one soul ring!"

The phantom of a red wolf appeared behind him as a single, ten year white soul ring rose from his feet to his head before descending to his feet again and floating there. Almost everybody looked at him with amazement, since even though it was a single ten year soul ring of all things, it was still something that they didn't have.

However, Ali was so unimpressed that his face could rival Gu Yuena's usual face. He sighed in disappointment as he rolled his eyes, wanting to get over with this bullshit already.

Ali released his Omnitrix martial soul, causing the eyes of everyone but Gu Yuena to go wide open in shock as their mouths were hung open for any flies to enter when his first soul ring rose from his feet.

As he smirked nonchalantly, he smugly introduced :"Ashborne Ali, first grade work student. Omnitrix martial soul, level 15, tool soul master with a single thousand year purple soul ring."

Everybody, including the people in Xiao Wu's group and even the people who were just watching were shocked to the point of being speechless. You couldn't blame them, for them, just a simple decade old white soul ring was a shocker. And a century old yellow soul ring was a goddamn treasure if they could get it. So to see a millennium old purple soul ring was just out of common sense for them.

Random student number 1 :"W-what...?"

Random student number 2 :"A t-thousand year soul ring?!?!"

Random student number 3 :"Did he just say level 15?!?"

Random student number 4 :"A-a a first grader has p-practiced to the soul master level?! Moreover, he's so high leveled?!"

Even Xiao Chenyu was looking at Ali and his purple soul ring in horror. He gulped as he looked at Ali while shaking :"H-hey, are you r-really a work student?" And Ali just shrugged with a nonchalant smile :"Yup. I'm just the grandson of the village head of a simple village. Anyway, let's start already."

His smile grew into a predatory, mean and evil one as he brought his hand to his front before pressing the button. As the holographic picture of the Frenzy showed up, Ali brought his hand down on it.

Just like the first time, a bright green color flashed before Ali disappeared and Frenzy stood in his place :"Frenzy!" Again, everybody watched in shock at how a 6 year old kid just transformed into 9'0 (274 cm) tall humanoid tiger.

Frenzy snorted as he aggressively pointed at Xiao Chenyu :"Let me tell you something, you little shit that thinks the second floor of a fucking canteen is the goddamn heaven! I'm gonna beat yo ass into six pieces today!"

He roared before he rushed towards the scared Xiao Chenyu like a hungry and enraged tiger. Xiao Chenyu tried to attack him with the wolf paw of his Wolf martial soul, but Frenzy just snorted before grabbing his head and then throwing him face first into the ground.

He didn't give the poor kid a break as he grabbed his leg and started slamming him on the ground around him without any hesitation and mercy. However, the body of a soul master was already pretty resilient, and Frenzy was giving it his all.

If he did, the poor boy would have turned into mashed potato by now. He lifted the bloody kid up by his leg till they were face to face, but upside down. Frenzy growled in front of the boy that was nearly about to wet his pants from how the light reflected from Frenzy's sharp teeth :"Let me tell you something, little shit. If Frenzy hears that you're acting like a little bitch again, he will come for your bitch ass. And know this, there won't be ANY mercy then, bitch."

When he saw the kid nodding frantically like a chicken pecking the ground, Frenzy growled as he glared at him with his teeth right in front of his face :"ANSWER ME!"

Being so close to death, the kid couldn't control his bladder as he started crying :"I-I understand!! I understand, I won't bother you again! Please don't kill me!! Waaaaa!!!"

Frenzy snorted as he threw him away nonchalantly with a look of disgust :"Better." And then turned away and walked towards his own group. While the others looked at him in amazement, except Gu Yuena who looked as calm as ever, Frenzy transformed back to Ali.

As he walked back nonchalantly, he smirked nonchalantly at the other with a tilt of his head :"What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Never seen an ass kicker before?"

- (One year later)

"Ali, Xiao San, when will we arrive at your place?" Xiao Wu sighed with exaggeration as the four of them walked towards the Spirit Saint Village. Gu Yuena gently rolled her eyes as she looked at Xiao Wu :"Xiao Wu, how many times are you going to say the same thing? Have some patience."

In the past year of living together, the four of them had gotten rather close since they spent everyday together. Even though just a year was like an afternoon nap for Gu Yuena, Ali still tried to get her to become friends with others. He didn't want her to be treated as an outcast.

Of course, Ali and Gu Yuena, who he now just calls Yuena, had gotten really close since they literally slept together every night. The same was true for Tang San and Xiao Wu, but Ali and Yuena were closer since there had been quite a few times where Yuena would hug Ali, either in her sleep or consciously.

Xiao Wu pouted at Yuena's tone and the boys chuckled. Ali rolled his eyes playfully before playfully smacking Xiao Wu's ass, causing her to yelp and jolt :"Geez, just have a little patience, you bunny girl." It had become an amusing activity somehow, slapping other people's asses.

He wouldn't just do it to girls either, he wouldn't hesitate on slapping guys' asses either. He believed in equality after all. He had even slapped Yu Xiaogang's ass one time unconsciously. And once he noticed, he was wheezing on the ground for about half an hour.

The people in their little group, Tang San and the two girls, were the subject of most smacks. Even Yuena wasn't an exception. However, it had become a kind of a game between the two to smack the other. Yuena would slap his ass too. It wasn't gay or sexual harassment, just for fun and giggles, that's all. Nobody could stop him anyway, he would beat the ever living shit outta them.