
Magi: Trapped in high school

What happens when the mightiest magic heroes of the DC universe are all trapped in one crazy high school as teenagers? Will they find out who's messing with them or will they keep on living in this sad alternate reality for good?

FavourEkele_1969 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Jump City,

Raven woke up from her seemingly endless nightmare with her dad fussing up about destroying the world, she looked around at the crevice that looked like a comet had hit and pushed herself up not as strong as she thought, wafting over the debris and the blood-red sky with rocks floating around and trees that looked like wraiths. She screamed at the voice in her head.

"Raven" She looked up at Terra who was indifferent but the others were watching with concern and Beast Boy stepped forward.

"What's up mama?"

She looked at everyone and covered her head floating to her bathroom.

"What's the problem, your nightmares are even more terrifying than Terra's earthquakes," Dick said and stiffened gritting his teeth at Jaime once he jabbed him on the rib.

Her eyes narrowed "Thanks guys but there's nothing to worry about, really" She said glumly and closed the bathroom hearing their whispers and the ones in her head silencing them with her healing magic and washing her face leaving the toilet when she heard their footsteps. She gasped when the heated water from the sink steamed up the mirrors to a blinding level.

Alert now for any danger, she set her arms wide apart "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" The fog stayed and she started to cough at the smoke running around to find the exit somehow, she looked up at the green bug on the bathroom window. He was on the other side.

"Beast Boy dammit" She cursed and her eyes caught the purple light flashing and covered her eyes at what was coming.


Her hands came off her face and she gazed at her less than unusual pale skin and grimaced at the costume. "Leather" She glanced at the huddle of girls walking inside and clenched her fists at the trespassers.

The bathroom looked the same but to an even larger scale with extra bathrooms, she walked dully to the window to see the larger hall and all the extra lights with teenagers talking.

She grunted when there was no sign of the Titans anywhere. Walking along to get a fill, she still had those mighty headaches though and slumped at the wave of dizziness and something got a hold of her. She pulled off her hand at John straightening her jacket.

John waved her off and started for the other way.

"And where are you going?" She asked and her eyes glowed red.

He paused and touched his head, the fog in his eyes disclosed to a self-aware Constantine and he pulled at the funny brown sweater and tweeds and these shoes were out of style.

"Maybe these ciggies are getting to me, if I catch the wanker who turned me into this I'm going to_"

"You'll what?" They glanced at the tall girl with bangs wearing a white dress shirt and black fitting pants with black heels. She looked younger, age eighteen they would presume.


"You're right, you do look better in that dead beat jacket"