
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Fireball Technique

  Outside the castle, the cold wind, snow, the ground snowflakes even condensed into a thin ice, but Merlin but simply do not feel a trace of cold, but feel a burst of heat, even he also took off the thick fleece coat, wearing only a thin shirt.

  The spell model of the fireball spell was finally simulated in the sea of knowledge, and the next thing Merlin had to do was to test the power of the fireball spell.

  Merlin looked around the room for a moment, the environment here is not suitable for the fireball test, so Merlin then put on his coat, pushed open the door and walked out.

  He remembered that in the old Wilson castle, there was a secret basement, very secret and also very spacious, only the old Wilson, butler and Merlin knew this basement.

  Merlin wants to test the power of fireball magic, the basement is the best place.

  According to the memory in his mind, Merlin came directly to the old Wilson's room, he gently pressed a certain brick on the wall, that is the underground passage mechanism.


  A crunching sound, a wall in the old Wilson room began to gradually separate to the two sides, some dust shaking off, scattered all over the floor.

  Not long after, a dark hole appeared in front of Merlin, he reached out and picked up the candlestick on the old Wilson table, lit a few candles on the candlestick, with the faint light of the candles, into the hole.

  The passage is very dark, and because no one has entered for a long time, there is a dull and very unpleasant smell inside, Merlin cautiously continued to walk forward.

  This passage is slanted down, a long stone steps, leading to about a hundred meters underground, on both sides of the passage, there are also many candlesticks, Merlin every candlestick encountered, will be lit candles, so not a moment, this dark passage, became brightly lit, very bright.

  After walking for a few minutes, the stone steps finally disappeared and Merlin came to a very spacious basement.

  This basement is just a hall, in the hall around, there are more than ten small rooms, which are stored in some swords and spears, shields and armor.

  Merlin still remember, when he was ten years old, was brought into the old Wilson a few times, the old Wilson in the construction of the old fortress, with reference to the structure of some military forts, so the construction of the place has such a basement, can only allow one person to enter, once there is any danger, you can hide in the basement.

  If the basement is prepared in advance and piled high, there are enough reserves inside for several hundred people to live for a whole year.

  But so many years have passed, Blackwater City is also calm, and there is no war, so the basement is gradually deserted.

  The basement was deserted, but it just gave Merlin a spacious enough field to test the power of the fireball spell was more than suitable.

  So, Merlin stood in the middle of the underground hall and began to silently feel the spell model in the sea of consciousness.

  At this time, the spell model in the sea of consciousness is still slowly rotating, and even the ground has a trace of fire element, which is gradually integrated into the spell model.

  The fire element absorbed by the spell model is the spell caster's mana! The longer the spell model exists, the more profound the accumulated mana will be, so once the spell model is constructed in the sea of consciousness, there is no need to bother, the spell model will automatically accumulate mana.

  Merlin carefully read through the spell handbook of old man Etta, also clear to release the spell method, very simple, only need to stimulate the spell model with spiritual power, you can instantly stimulate the spell.

  "Fireball spell!"

  Merlin let out a low cry, his spiritual power directly stimulate the spell model of fireball spell, immediately, a ball of fire emitting searing heat, appeared in the void out of thin air, and less than a meter away from Merlin.

  Merlin's heart was happy, but he did not control his spiritual power, the ball of fire scattered in the blink of an eye.

  The fireball scattered, this is because Merlin did not master the spiritual power, after all, once the fireball is released, it also needs the spell caster's spiritual power to control.

  Although the first time failed, but Merlin is not discouraged, he learned his lessons and released another fireball.

  This time he steadily used his spiritual power to control the fireball and began to guide the small fireball around in the air trembling and flying around.


  The fireball ruthlessly hit the hard wall, the small fist-sized fireball, seems to contain a great deal of power, so that the hard wall are slightly trembled, and also left a half-inch hole in the wall, that is the fireball to burn out of the pit.

  This alone does not really reflect the power of the fireball spell. Merlin took out another piece of heavy armor from the inventory in the basement, which is standard equipment for knights in heavy armor, and once worn, those sharp knight's spears cannot pierce the heavy armor.

  Merlin used this heavy armor to test the power of the fireball spell, naturally it is more than appropriate.

  He hung his heavy armor on the wall, but instead of continuing to cast fireball spells, he sat down and began to rest.

  Merlin rubbed his head slightly with both hands, just cast the fireball spell just twice, he found that the accumulated mana on the spell model was consumed, and then want to cast the fireball spell, it can only be cast after it has recovered its mana.

  Looking at the spell model in the sea of consciousness, little by little absorbing the fire element from the outside world, Merlin pondered and murmured: "It seems that it is still because the time of the constructed spell model is still short, actually only able to release the fireball spell twice."

  For the scarcity of mana, Merlin can do nothing, the accumulation of mana, can only rely on the accumulation of spell models for a long time, there is no shortcut to go.

  After an hour, the spell model slowly recovered again and Merlin was finally able to release the fireball spell again.


  Merlin again released the fireball spell, this time he was already familiar with the fireball spell, so he quickly cast it, he controlled the small fireball in front of him and smashed it hard against the heavy piece of armor on the wall.


  No imagined huge sound, heavy armor on the strongest defense of the front chest, a thick chest piece, actually directly by a small fireball to burn a fist-sized hole, the hole a circle is still smoking a light smoke.


  Even Merlin could not help but suck in a breath of cold air, he was surprised, although he expected that the power of the fireball spell must be extraordinary, but did not expect it to be so strong.

  This is a heavy armor made of fine iron, defensive power in the armor, considered to be the top, even the knight's lance can not pierce.

  But it is the defense so powerful heavy armor, but was easily pierced by the fireball spell, Merlin released a small ball of fire, containing a terrible temperature.

  "Huh? What's this?"

  Merlin returned to his senses and was checking the spell model in his sea of consciousness, but suddenly made a new discovery. In his sea of consciousness, next to the slowly rotating spell model, there was actually a gray horizontal box.

  This gray horizontal frame appeared in the sea of consciousness, especially around the spell model, causing Merlin to worry.

  "When did this appear?"

  Merlin frowned tightly, he remembered very clearly, when the spell model was constructed, there was no such gray horizontal frame, which must have just appeared not long ago.

  So he looked more closely and found that most of the gray horizontal frame was already faintly lit up, and a small half of the area was still gray.

  Merlin observed for a long time, but did not figure out what this horizontal frame was, and did not know when it appeared in the sea of consciousness, but he did not intend to waste any more time studying this horizontal frame, he still needs to spend a long time to gradually familiarize himself with the process of casting fireball magic.

  So Merlin released another ball of fire, which his spiritual power guided, and blasted it directly at the heavy armor.


  This time, the entire ball of fire actually exploded and flew in all directions around, even the heavy armor with amazing defense was blown into a pile of scrap iron pieces.

  This is the role of spiritual power, spiritual power can not only guide the direction of the spell, but also be able to make many changes, such as making the fireball violently explode when it touches the enemy, and if you want to deal with some hard objects, then do not explode, but rely on the heat of the fireball, directly through.

  These are some of the techniques for casting spells, and it takes a long time of practice or actual combat with people to gradually figure out the various effects of spells.

  Merlin, after all, the time to build spell models is still short, so generally cast two fireball spells, the mana is depleted, this time you must rest and wait for the mana to gradually recover.

  If you forcefully stimulate the spell model regardless, it is likely to cause the spell model to collapse and cause serious damage to the caster.

  The process of casting these taboos, Aita old man's spell handbook written in great detail, Merlin are memorized one by one.

  During the rest, Merlin found the gray horizontal frame in the sea of consciousness again, but strangely enough, it was no longer gray, but had turned red.

  Looking at the red horizontal frame, Merlin had a strange feeling in his heart, so he tried to touch the red horizontal frame with his spiritual power.


  Suddenly, stimulated   by Merlin's spiritual power, the red horizontal frame fiercely emitted a dazzling light, and the spell model, which had not moved much and was quietly recovering, actually spun violently again.

  At the same time, just recovered a little mana, quickly by the spell model to extract an empty, in Merlin has not yet figured out what the hell is going on, a huge ball of fire, fierce appeared in front of Merlin, floating quietly in the air, and the fire ball seems to be very unstable inside, as if it will explode at any time.

  Merlin looked dumbfounded at the huge ball of fire, if the previous fireball was only the size of a fist, then now this ball of fire, almost as big as three or four fists.

  "Not good."

  Without the guidance of Merlin's spiritual power, plus the ball of fire seems to be extremely unstable inside, vaguely about to explode, Merlin sensed the danger and immediately used his spiritual power to guide the ball of fire to crash into the ground.