
Mafia women

Manika_demelo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Four years old


Five years have been passed since my dad's dead. It took me almost an year to realise my dad is dead. I tried to take my life just after a month after his death blaming myself for his death but now I've found my own reason to live. Little panda my son. He's nearly 4 years old, yes i know it is a little heavy news but yeah I have a baby now. I call him little panda but his name is darian. And just to clarify he is my life. After the one night stand i realised that I missed my periods by two months. I first thought it was due to my father's loss but my doctor told me i was pregnant. Every one was shocked after listening to the news. I thought Aiden would despise me for sleeping with someone who i didn't even know, but he never judged me and he has been there for my baby more than anyone. Callopi asked me tell the how this happened. When i told them i guess they felt sorry for me because they both became obsessed to find the father of the child. But it was of no use someone was covering his information and Aiden coul of find him as much hard he tried to. I know i wanted to kill him, that's why I told Aiden to search the cctv of that night's which clarified what happened that day, he was also spinked by someone as i was so it was not completely his fault that's why I left him to deal with to Aiden. I first thought of raising him with the man i slept with, but then a thought came to my mind, what if that man only wants baby and takes him away from me as soon as he sees his adorable face. I couldn't let that happen, so i made my up to keep my panda as a secret. If being hidden makes my baby safe from outside world then i would keep hima secret forever. He was so cute when he was born i can't even describe how he made a face with a little nose scrunch on his face. As soon as he opened his eyes and saw me he gave me that adorable smile I've ever seen in my life. At that moment i new i couldn't let anyone take my baby from me. I will take care of my baby, be his dad and his mom both i thought to myself. And now he's nearly 4 for gods sake. I still have my mafia life separate from my business life because i don't want my kid to be anywhere near that business. No one knows about his existence. But I feel guilty whenever I see my baby being my himself and not able to tell anyone that I'm his mom. But what to do anything for my son's safety.........