
Mafia women

Manika_demelo · Urban
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8 Chs

The death

As i was about to get up from the bed i felt a sharp pain in my abdomen as it it was cut in half. I tried to see my body and i was shocked. I was covered in hickeys and blood was coming out of my vagina. I knew that my life was completely fucked up. Is this guy Hulk or something. I collected myself and rushed to the bathroom. On my way i saw my dress shredded to pieces. This guy sure is a beast i said to myself. I entered the bathroom looked for some tampons which luckily were there, i came out dressed myself in that bastards clothes because i had none. I wanted him to go around naked in this penthouse by wearing his clothes. I wanted to see the bastards face so I can find him and kill him with my own hands. I felt like anger was in my viens. As i went closer to him he was completely out. As i took the cover off his face i realised that he was the same man i saw yesterday which i described as perfect. I guess you can't tell the person's personality only by the face. I was so mad i kicked him 2 or 3 times in his stomach and i then stepped outside.I knew i was coming for him but for now i have to leave or my dad will find me. I knew my life will never be the same as it was before because of what happened last night. As i stepped out and walked across the corridor i found callopi looking for me. I stopped her and asked was my dad still looking for me? she just took my hand and told me to come with her. I didn't understand at that time why she was so quite, but she just drove quietly. I asked her many times what it was because she was acting strange but she asked me if i trusted her, that's when i knew the shit we were going to was fucked up. We reached my mansion, i asked her if she was with my dad but just took hand and took me straight to the secret area, this is the area that only mafia members know and she's a part of our family so she knew everything about me. As we entered the other part of the mansion i saw someone's body wrapped in a white cloth. I asked Aiden who was it. He told me not to freak out and told me they had a fight with the rival family last night and while saving Aiden my dad was shoot. He then said he didn't make it. I was in a shook , i couldn't believe what i just heard. Ha ha he must be joking i thought to myself. My dad can't die he is the most stubborn man i know,he won't just leave me,RIGHT? I asked Aiden is this some kind of joke that dad was playing because it wasn't funny anymore. Seeing aiden standing there and not uttering a word i realised that he wasn't joking anymore. I knew it was a lie so i decided to see the body myself, but i don't know why my hands were shaking so much, it wasnt like my dad was under that sheets so why was i shaking much. I gently took the cover off the body in hope that it wasn't my dad my i think i wasn't that lucky today. I saw the lifeless body of the man who took care of me his whole life even after his wife died.

He only took care me and never cared for anyone. I was his first priority. But now i felt like it was my fault that he was like that. I left him when he was in danger. I thought my life would become good if i went away but i realised that I'm the reason both my parents are dead. I froze seeing him like that, that is done by me i thought to myself. Tears started trickling down my eyes. I couldn't say anything, as i remember i started shaking, i couldn't utter a word. I saw two hands on my back as i saw it was Aiden and callopi. I started crying in the arms of callopi. I lost the track of time siting next to my father's body. Aiden came and reminded me that if i can't let go of my dad then how can I move on. He told me we have to give my father a proper burial so that we can tribute to him. I wasn't just ready to let him go. A wave of rage came towards i wanted to kill the person who shot my dad. I took aiden's gun and ran towards the tec room fir that person's information. Aiden came after me and told me he tried every possible place to find him but he ran away as soon as he got the time. I grabbed aiden's coller and yelled at him "how can you let that bastard go that easily i wanna see him here on my knees begging for his life for killing my dad".


She is so strong how can she lift me up, i guess she gets it from his dad😅.

I got so furious that i shot one of our guys standing in front of me. Aiden hugged me tightly and told me to let go, i silently cried in his arms thinking of all this as my fault, i lost some part of myself that day.......