
New Found Beginning

As soon as Ryan shut the door his calm composure finally morphed into exhilaration. Never in his wildest dream that he'll reincarnate into his past self exactly 10 years before. This was the day that his father will tell him about his arranged marriage with the daughter of his best friend.

Ryan paced the room back and forth recollecting what happened before he got reincarnated. Unable to comprehend his current dilemma, he looked like a crazy person talking aloud to himself.

"It was my 30th birthday I invited a lot of so-called friends, business partners, and my wife's family. After that, I just went to the master bedroom to lie down a sec." Ryan shivered finally remembering how his own wife saddled onto him stabbing his chest while screaming incoherent words to him.

Ryan kept thinking what's the reason his wife killed him mercilessly. She was beautiful, shy, always calm and composed, kind, and she never disobeyed him. He wouldn't have thought that she would murder him in their own bedroom with full of people downstairs that night.

Ryan kept reminiscing about his past life, he was a cold snob heartless jerk who never thought anyone as his equal. He runs his company with an iron fist making his human employees fear him whenever they make mistakes, if not for his father's old tradition to have human employees he would fire all of them at once and replace them with androids. He offended lots of higher-ups because he never bowed down to anyone making him the target of these large people.

Even though he angered so many of them they can't do anything to get him due to his influential power. He was called a tyrant in the corporal world even offending him on a little matter was a death sentence itself.

Everyone stood away from him talking behind his back planning on anything to exploit him. The only one who remained true to themselves around him was his old butler Paul and his Father before he died due to brain cancer.

Ryan went to the bathroom to wash his face and wake up if this was really a dream, he abruptly splash cold water on his now ghostly face, looking to the mirror he started to think that if this was real then he'll change everything starting from the way he lives. Resolution appearing on his brightening eyes.

"I will live the way I want from now on never will I ever be bound by my past mistakes again." Ryan said full of new found determination for his new beginning as his 20-year-old self.