
Their favorites- a coincidence?

Aaron saw her flustered expression & chuckled happily. Then, he immediately dialed her number. The awkward silence between them was disturbed by Cath's ringing phone. She shifted her stiff body & took a look at her phone. She sighed before picking it up. She chirped in an annoying voice, "What is it?"

Aaron chuckled before speaking while he maintained eye contact with her, "Your voice seems annoyed but your eyes speak otherwise." Maybe, he had lost some rationality after drinking some shots.

"What do you mean?" Cath's voice came out like a whisper.

"Nothing", he chuckled again, "Just come down."

"Why?" she just wanted to cry. Can't he sense that she is about to get a heart attack?

"Don't waste time. It's precious", he whispered back in a sensuous voice, "Just come down. I'm waiting for you."

I'm waiting for you.

Those words did nothing rather than accelerating her palpitating heart.

"Okay", she whispered back before disappearing from the balcony. On the other end, Aaron hung up his phone with a chuckle.

Cath entered her room & supported her numb body by standing against the wall. She took deep breathes to stabilize her emotions & calm down her palpitating heart. After she felt that she was alright, then only did she pulled out a floral print long chiffon cardigan. She clasped it around her body. She exited her door & slowly descended her steps. The wintry wind blew cold against her flustered face. Her plump cheeks, her ears were crimson red. When she turned around & faced him, he flashed her carefree yet elegant smile. Her eyes shook & he reminded her of someone.

"You came?" he walked towards her, "Let's go." He gripped her wrist & pulled her forward. But she hesitated, "Wait."

"Oh, come on", he smiled again, "I won't eat you up. Trust me."


"It's okay", he pulled her along with him & made her sit in the front seat. He then leaned over and fastened her seatbelt. While doing so, his cheek brushed against her poised nose, & felt her cool breath against his cheek. He turned to look at her, their lips at a threatening distance. Cath, subconsciously held her breath & bit down hard on her lower lip.

Finding the situation rather funny & awkward at the same time, Aaron moved away & walked back to his driver's seat. Cath released her breath the moment he backed away. When she was with girls, she was like a daring lioness, but when faced with guys, she was like a frightened little kitty.

And, Aaron? He was the creme de la cosecha. She snapped out of her daze when the door on her right closed. Aaron started the engine & drove out of the avenue while Cath stiffened by his side. Perhaps, he realized her tensed posture & he turned on the TV. Very coincidentally, Sparks started playing. Cath, wearing a school uniform & being taunted by a boy could be seen on the screen.

My sparks flew but

Over your head,

I ended up crying

All night in bed.

You're sweet & humble

Oh yeah! They say,

But your heart won't

Allow my way!

I knew my sparks

They never flew your way

But I left them

On their own

To fly away!!

My sparks grew

Each night & day,

But your heart won't

Allow my way!

My sparks raged

All through the storm,

But my heart was gobbled up!

Like a robin & it's worm!!

When the song ended, by then, they had already reached their destination. After getting down, Aaron asked Cath, "Was that you?"

Cath nodded with a smile, "Yes."

Aaron looked up & said, "This is my favorite restaurant."

Cath looked up & saw the name written in the middle of the huge building.

Cheesy Bites

She was a bit stunned. She smiled & said, "What a coincidence! That's my favorite too!"

Who knew that it would end up being their first date?

A total chapter dedicated to the new found love between Cath & Aaron.

~Thanks for the love~





Asmita_Mukherjeecreators' thoughts