
The long lost daughter

Time felt like a ticking time bomb as Lilith and Alice were hidden under the slightly illuminated cabin.

Both of them had an exaggerated heart rate and Alice was reminded of the fateful night of her Dad's murder. Her heart was screaming, every cell of her body was screaming.

She cannot die like this. No, never! She has to live and avenge her Dad! She has to!

Her breathing became steady and she gripped hard on her Mom's hand. Sensing the tight grip, Lilith leaned her head against the counter and turned to look at her long lost daughter. Alice turned almost at the same time. She spoke slowly, "Mom, we have no other choice than to part."

"What?" Lilith spoke wheezily.

"Yeah, that's the only way to avert them", Alice glanced at the reflections on the glass window. Lilith followed her gaze and then placed her other hand on top of Alice's. Alice looked straight in her eyes and nodded. Lilith nodded back.

"Look", Alice spoke with a clear voice, the voice that sang with a soul, "I will distract them and you will run upstairs through the gap on your side. For the rest, I can handle."

"But? What about you?" Lilith couldn't bear to let go of her long lost daughter.

"Don't worry", Alice spoke, a reassuring smile lit up her face, "I will handle them. What you don't know..."

Alice paused when she sensed the reflections getting closer. She nudged Lilith, "Until 3."

"Until 3", Lilith nodded back.

Alice moved slightly from the part she was leaning back and pulled out some assortments of cutlery. She handed some to Lilith and kept some for herself. The next thing, she did was to place a strange looking glass on a piece of cloth. She crouched slightly and raised her head. With all her might, she began swinging the cloth in circles. Alice began chanting, "1...2...3"

After a while, Lilith saw her let go of the cloth on one end and the glass was thrown off to a huge distance on Alice's side.

Soon, there were hurried footsteps and Alice nudged at Lilith, "Go, go, go!"

Without looking back, Lilith reached the stairs and hurried upward. Alice discreetly and slowly raised herself to look for a leeway. She sat back down when she saw more guards appearing. Being hidden here sure had an advantage. She could easily monitor the guards' movements from the glass reflections. She immediately pulled out her walkie-talkie and whispered in binary codes, "Girl T, do you copy?"

She waited for a few seconds before she finally got back her binary reply. It seemed Lilith was out of breath, "Girl J... I copy. Over."

"Did you find any escape route? Over."

"Close enough. Over and out."

Alice pushed back the antenna inside. Her perfect face revealed a satisfactory smile. At least, her mom would escape. Maybe she would be rescued later. Maybe...

Thinking that a soft sigh escaped her lips as she leaned back against the counter. But she averted her thoughts and paid closed focus on the giant screen in front of her. She squinted when she thought she had found a leeway. She turned her body and slowly raised herself to take a look. It was a shop hidden in the corner.

Alice was panting as shat back down and inspected her weapons. She tied them securely and tied them around her waist. Then, she used the same tactic as before and threw cookware on the same side as before. It landed on the floor above her, making a huge crashing noise.

The guards around became aware and hurriedly started to move. The moment they cleared the way, Alice sprinted from behind the kitchen counter and ran to her designated hidden place.


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