
B & B

Barbara stormed out of his office but halted when she heard him. She turned back to look back and saw Billy standing by the door and squinting. She clicked her tongue and mouthed, "It sucks."

Then, she continued with her steps. She was a young woman, about Alice's age. Billy was a year older than her. Her other artists were all teenage sensations. He was the older fella among them.

"Don't tell me that you have fallen for me!"

She thought back to his words and stopped in her tracks. She stood by the railing and looked far at the distance. Did she fall for him? No, that can't be, right? She had been taught that in this world, love was a mere object that can be picked up and thrown at any time. She shook her head and pushed the thoughts at the back of her head.


President's office

Barbara knocked at the door lightly. Stacey, the assistant, opened the door and smiled at her. Barbara smiled back, "Did the president asked for me?"

"Yes", Stacey led her in and made her seat on the cherry-blossom couch, "Wait here. I will let him know."

"Okay", Barb smiled and adjusted her posture on the couch.

Stacey walked up to a door adjoining the bookshelf by the desk. She pushed it and spoke in a low voice. Very soon, the president walked in followed by Stacey. He was an old man in his sixties, had bid rimmed glasses and a big tummy bulging out under the coat. He walked in an old fashioned manner and sat on the chair behind the huge desk.

"Good afternoon, President", Barb stood up, "Did you call me?"

"Yes", the president nodded as he took out a file from a drawer and gestured to the chair in front of the desk, "Take your seat."

Barbara smoothed out the hem of her skirt and sat down, "What is it that you wanted to ask, Mr. President?"

"Hmm", the president ran his hand down a page on the file that he was looking at, "You are managing three artists right now, isn't it?"

"Yes, President", she clasped her hands together.

"Billy Stewart, 27, Rosa Park, 15 and Nancy Drake, 19. Right?"

"I heard that Billy was selected to voice the theme song for the Olympics this year. It will be held here in this country."

"Yes, President. You heard right", Barb gave a nod, "Today was the recording."

"Hmm", the president nodded, "You have been here for how many years? Five years, right?"

"Yes, President", Barb was getting a bit nervous but summed up some courage, "But why?"

"It's okay. Nothing to be afraid about", the president was smiling, "I just want you to arrange a concert for him and invite another artist. Do you have anyone in your mind?"

A light lit up in her eyes, "Yes, President. I have someone in my mind?"

"Good", the president closed the file and sat up straight, "Talk to him. Make sure he agrees."

"He will agree", Barbara spoke with a firm yet confident voice, "I know, he will."

"How can you be so sure?" the president gave a smile.

Barbara just shrugged.

~Chap 116 teaser~

To her surprise, the living room was dimly lit. On the center table was a board with words written on it, "Happy Birthday, Mommy!"

A faints smile played on her lips as she let go of the basket and tossed her handbag on the sofa. She called out softly, "Miracle. Are you there?"

Asmita_Mukherjeecreators' thoughts