
Lucky Vampire System. I will bone every girl I find hot.

Nick was once just a noble boy in 357 Mercia. As the eldest son of the most prestigious family after the royals he was heir to a legacy unlike any other. He was even meant to marry the princess the most beautiful girl in the whole world. He had all the best horses and swords imaginable. He's life was perfect. But as you can probably guess it won't stay that way. No. On the eve of he's 22nd birthday a group of bandits invaded he's familt home. The night before the princess would finally be he's. They killed many but money and greed isn't what drove them. Their goal was simple. Get their heir and cripple him. They grabbed the princess and threatened him. Not wanting he's bride to be hurt he agree and they forced him to lie down a they hammered he's legs so he couldn't walk anymore. After the ordeal he was left in a wheelchair but the princess swore she'd still be he's. That is until he heard noises coming from her room. He went to investigate only to find he's little brother's dick in her pussy and he's father's in her ass. He ran out the room but near the stairs he's wheelchair fell and he died. But this was far from the end. In fact, Nick would never know an end. ---------------------------------------------- Hi. As you can tell from the title there'll be A LOT of sex in this book. It won't be the main point but it will be in abundance. Also the story after the first few chapters will be set in the modern day. And don't expect the book to be historically accurate. Hope you enjoy. Please leave your stones of power so we can spread my work to a many people as possible. Chapter's release 12pm, 5pm and 11pm UK time. Only a 2pm and 9pm on weekends. Friday 9pm (Gotta work late. Sorry.) Thanks.

Omni_God2000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Death of the heir... or perhaps not

It has been 13 days since Nick was impaled and tortured by the intruders in the Duke's palace. Someone they had escaped after beating Nick and all having their way with Lucy. During all this time Nick had been asleep in he's bed with a full team of doctor's atttending to him 24/7.

He's father only ordered the doctor's to keep him alive out of duty but secretly hoped he'd died. Lucy hadn't left her room in all this time and he request to her father the king to break off the betrothal was denied. Toughen up he said. Your now Nick's property so if he want's others to fuck you, they can he said.

After 13 days of medical care Nick finally opened he's eye's. What he saw worried him. He was surrounded by the family doctor's and all of them seem relieved he was alive. One ran out of the room likely to tell the Duke that Nick had woken up. Nick wished to ask them what was happening.


Nothing came out. He tried a few more times until it caused him discomfort and he had to hold he's throat. He really started panicking when he felt a healing wound there. The doctor's tried to calm him down by explaining what happened to him.

"Master Nick you must relax. You see after the intruders came here you fought valiantly to defend this home. However, you were outmatched. They tortured you to the point were you passed out. The injuries are so severe. I'm sorry to tell you but you'll never walk again, nor will you speak as your voice box is completely gone beyond healing.

Furthermore, one smashed your left ear with a blunt weapon and you'll be deaf in that ear from now on. There is a wheelchair just next to your bed. But please young master try to look at the bright side of things."

Nick wanted to scream about all this but nothing came out. A moment later he's father rushed into the room yelling

"Where's my son? Is he alright?"

When the doctor's told the Duke about Nick's condition anyone could see the massive grin that appeared on he's face. He dismissed the doctor's and it was just the two of them.

"Well well well, look's like the little bastard finally got what he deserved. I'm so glad me and William hired those men and told them about your activities with the women. Now your finally where you belong. Nothing more than a needy little rat. Don't worry I'll let you die. After you see the torment I have planned for you.

Why don't we go and see little Lucy? I'm sure she'd love to see you."

With this Vincent forced he's son into the wheelchair and pushed him into he's fiancee's room and was appauled at the sight.

William had he's little dick in Lucy's pussy as she moaned begging for more.

"Hey Nick. Look what you'll be getting for the rest of your life." Lucy said as she got pounded by William. Nick remembered when he said something similar on that day.

"Brother I've gotta say. This whore's pussy is the best. Too bad your cripple ass will never feel it."

Then Vincent got naked went behind Lucy and started fucking her in the ass. This only made Lucy moan more as she started to cum.

This torment went on for hours and the men sqeezed every last orgasm they could from the princess.

After it was over the 3 of them pushed Nick to the stop of the stair's where Nick was surprised to see all the employee's. Even some of the guard's who were 'killed' on that day.

"What did you really think it was just us three? No son. Everyone here hates you. Because you've manipulated, fucked and betrayed them. All the while the only person who benefitted was you from your selfish desires. But don't worry my boy. We'll save everyone from you."

With that Lucy got a hold of the wheelchair and everyone started a count down from 10.

"10...9...8...7...6..5..4..3.2.1.. Now."

With that Lucy pushed Nick's wheel chair down the stairs. He quickly fell out of the seat and started tumbling down. While he was falling he saw everyone cheering and celebrating as he was about to die.


Nick landed head first into the ground and snapped he's neck, killing him instantly.

"WOOOOOOO. HIP HIP HARAYY." This did this 22 times. One for each year they had to tolerate Nick.

"Okay everyone to the ball room. Let's dance to celebrate." Vincent announced.

After about an hour of partying.

One of the employee's, the maid who Nick fucked before the attack, left the celebration to go see Nick's body.

"See this is what happens when your a psychotic freak. Now your finally where you deserve. Enjoy hell you bastard."

However, as she was getting up to return to the party she noticed something peculiar. Nick's hand snapped back into place.

In moments the rest of he's body started doing the same thing. This made the maid fall to her knees screaming. However, the music and cheering was too loud for anyone to come and help. Although even if someone came, even if everyone came, all they'd be doing is offering themselves on a silver platter for the monster that is about to be born.

Soon Nick's whole body had been repaired and he's stood up. All that was left was he's neck. He raised he's hands to he's head and with one swift movement snapped he's neck back into place.

Now however he's once blue dreamy eye's had been replaced with blood red one's that screamed predator. He's 2 canine tewth on the top also was longer. And he felt this insatiable hunger.

Somehow he tuned out the maid's screams and instead was listening to the blood rushing through her. He felt her heartbeat increasing because of her fear. A feeling arouse inside Nick.

A want he never felt before. No not a want a need. A craving stronger than anyone has ever felt. He need to feel that blood spilling from her vains as he drank it. He needed to sense the terror as he drained the life from her eye's. He need the taste of her hot blood.

In he's hunger he hissed at the maid before lunging at her. He grabbed her in a grip so tight she couldn't even move a muscle to try and escape. He strength and speed was beyond human. He brought he's head to the woman's neck as he ripped into her neck with he's canine's.

This caused her so much pain as she let out a bloodcurling scream as the life was drained from her.

Nick finally felt the taste of her blood. It was euphoric. The sensatation that scurged through him. It felt the the peak of orgasm at it's peak tenfold. Except he felt this at every point of he's body and it lasted as long as he wa drinking blood. The feeling was so good it made him drain the woman faster until eventually he had sucked every last drop.

After pulled he's fangs out he let go of her body and she fell to the floor. Cold, pale and with horror on her face as she had no life left. Nick just smiled at this as he rubbed he's finger where there was a bit of blood dripping from the sides of he's mouth. He put the finger in he's mouth and licked the last bit of blood.

He knew what it looked like. It looked like what countless women did with he's cum after finishing in them. He even said the same thing.


And he really meant it.

By this point the whole party had left and came to investigate the screams. There they found Nick up. Completely healed for all injuries and a body falling to the ground.

Nick looked at them with he's red, evil, uncaring eye's as he asked.

"Who next?"

This elicted screams from everyone as he started walking up the stairs to them.

Quickly all the guards started to rush him hoping to kill this monster they claimed was 'sent by the devil.'

"So you lot are first."

Nick somehow instinctively knew how to use he's new power. The speed, strength and power he now had. It almost felt like he always had this power.

As the guards started attacking him he would vamp speed out of the way and kill them in one fell swoop. Some had their necks snapped, some hearts torn out, heads slapped off. A few Nick hurled into the air and they died upon falling to the ground. The last few Nick drained off life. He wasn't trying to savour the taste so he consumed them like a rabbid dog. They were drained in 2 seconds after Nick bit into their necks.

"Urghh. Women definitely taste better. Lucky there's plenty here for me sample." Nick said as he started killing the nearby people.

He drained all of them. Everyone single one. Over 400 people here and in under 5 minutes they were all slaughtered. Like cattle. Even the guards who came inside the palace was quickly wiped out. Now all that remained was Lucy, Vincent and William who had all run to get weapons.

Nick appeared and killed William instantly before throwing he's dead body across the hall. Vincent raised he's sword to he's monster of a son.

"What in God's name are you? Abomination."

He said as he swung a sword into he's son's heart. However, this just made Nick feel annoyed.

"Now now father. I'm your beloved son. Let me show you how much you love me. As I have a rip your heart out and feed it to that whore." Nick said with a smlie.

Vincent tried to attack with he's fist but faster than the eye can see Nick pulled the sword from he's chest pushed it into he's fathers neck. Then he snapped the neck causing it fall to the ground without the rest of he's body. Nick also ripped out the heart.

As he turned to Lucy she fell to the ground in fear. She knew she was at he's mercy. She started pleading for her life.

"Please Nick don't kill me. I'm sorry I'm so so sorry. Please I don't want to die."

Nick walked to her and bent down blood spilling from he's mouth.

"Open your mouth whore."

She thought Nick wanted a blowjob so she obeyed but as she did Nick ripped a piece of the heart and shoved it in her mouth.

"Eat or your dead."

Seeing no way out Lucy started to eat the heart fighting the urge to vomit.

"Please stop. Please." Lucy plead with desperation in her eye's.


After this went on for 16 minutes she completed the heart. She vomited for an hour. As she though Nick was going to let her go she had a little smile on her face.

This quickly went away as she realised he was smiling. She managed to get one last "please" before Nick lunged at her.

13 hours later.

Nick walked out of the city. There wasn't a soul left in the city. Nick had slaughtered them all. This day would become known in history as the 'day of a billion deaths.'

As Nick reached a cross roads a screen appeared in front of him.

[Vampire species now born. Go forth my host and fulfil all desires you. Now you are the ultimate one].

Hi. Omni_God2000. Sorry for the lateness wanted to make sure it was good.

Be sure to leave your power stones so we can get this book to more people.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned.

Omni_God2000creators' thoughts