
Loving You by the Wind

She was the one that stole away his happiness. The one that killed his love. Thus, he will torture her until her death. But why was he also hurted ? She have love him for a long time. She was the first one to love him before the man even know his lover. Loving him was the greatest thing happened in her life. She was happy to be by his side although the physical and mental abuse she got. It was only him. Torturing her was like a hell for him. For that, he doesn't know how long would she hold on. That woman was such an idiot. Ignoring all his warning just because of love? What is love really are? Is she that stupid to give up all just because of love?

Noneeoni · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Too tired to hate

Ying Yue didn't leave that morning. She was in her room and locked the door. In her hand, is a book. A diary of her that she had kept for years. Opening the first page of the book, it was on the date 4th September 2007. 13 years had passed, yet she still love the same man.

On the first page, there was clearly written a name. A name that filled the page in a child's handwriting.

Ji Yu.

A simple yet calming name. She loved him so much since the day they first met. Although he hated her since that day, she never stopped loving him. He was the world for her, even though it seems impossible for him to love her back, it is okay for her. It is better. Yes. She prefers not to be loved back.

"Madam, it's time for breakfast," there was a knock on the door. Jiang Ying Yue closed the book and put it back into the drawer at the bedside. She feels suspicious. Did she come to take her out of the house? The maid had never called her for breakfast or even for other meals.

"I'm not hungry." She just sit on her bed since her leg was still hurt since last night. It was a disaster for her to remember the torture last night, but the pain faded away as Ji Yu put an ointment on her bruise. He even carried her into his room.

Thinking about that, her smile cracked widely. She was so happy last night that she didn't even remember how she ended up in her room that morning. "Master asked me to send breakfast in your room. I will enter now." The maid didn't give her a chance for Ying Yue to stop her from entering.

With the secondary key, the maid got into her room with a tray of food. It was all delicious and that made Ying Yue feel more suspicious. She had never been given such luxury food since she had been the madam in the house. They have always given her only bread for breakfast, and nothing for lunch and dinner. But never been so luxurious as that morning.

It was a toast with scrambled eggs. A pancake with blueberry jam. And a glass of fresh milk. There is also a jar of honey. She looked at the maid's face. "I have never eaten this before. " Ying Yue looked at the food with her big eyes.

That delicious things really caught her eyes. For someone who never eats sweets so much, she feels weird about having a sweeter food in the morning. "May I ask if you put something in it? " She asked straightforwardly. There must be something in it.

They were planning on something big. And she doesn't want to be part of them. Although she was known as a fool, she can smell if something fishy came up. "It was master's order, madam, " the maid seems honest.

Hearing that, Ying Yue's head feels ache. "I will eat it then, you can leave." The maid walks out after she put the meal on the table and serves it in front of Ying Yue. Ying Yue stares at the food for a long time before eating it. If there was something in it, it won't be poison. They all know that if she died, everybody will face the consequences.

Ji Yu stared at the pre-wedding picture on the wall. Seeing that smiling face, he cannot endure the pain that was like a knife stabbing his heart. His beautiful supposed-to-be wife was so pretty in that picture. It was their pre-wedding picture, a few days before they are getting their real wedding.

They were happy until a day before the marriage when he found out she died in her apartment. With a knife stabbed right in her heart. It was tragic. She died on the spot. And the killer was also caught right on the spot. By himself.

Ji Yu remembered clearly that day, he entered her house to surprise her with a bouquet of roses. But what he found was her body. Lying without a soul on the white marble floor. Blood flowed everywhere and he was stunned there. Not knowing how to respond.

"Ji Yu. " Then, there was a voice. It was that girl. The girl that has never occurred in his mind would be the one he hated so much. It was Jiang Ying Yue. She killed her. An image of Ying Yue holding a knife that full of blood comes to his mind. Again and again, it was a nightmare.

That day, he can just put her into jail and let her die by the hanging rope. But he didn't do so. It will be so easy for her to die just like that. So he kept her as his property for three years. He married her because that was the only way he can keep her legally. He tortured her physically, three times including last night.

But he just cannot torture her more. He was not an animal to beat her. Because every time he does so, he is also the one hurt. Beating her was like not letting his loved one go. Ying Yue killed his love, and torturing her was like torturing his heart too. It was as if he never let her fiance go in peace. And it hurts so much. He was tired to hate more.

And he thinks it's time to let go of everything. That hatred and that woman. He is just too tired to hate.