
Loving You by the Wind

She was the one that stole away his happiness. The one that killed his love. Thus, he will torture her until her death. But why was he also hurted ? She have love him for a long time. She was the first one to love him before the man even know his lover. Loving him was the greatest thing happened in her life. She was happy to be by his side although the physical and mental abuse she got. It was only him. Torturing her was like a hell for him. For that, he doesn't know how long would she hold on. That woman was such an idiot. Ignoring all his warning just because of love? What is love really are? Is she that stupid to give up all just because of love?

Noneeoni · Fantasy
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9 Chs

She was just a little girl

Ying Yue cannot do much that day because of her leg. So, she just stayed in her room reading. The only thing she was good at in her free time. Staying in that big house for three years, all she know to do is only reading.

The other things she did was planting in the garden. Ji Yu was not that mean to her. The only things that hurt her so much was the fact that Ji Yu will be gone for months without any words. And everytime he got back, he will only stay for a few days. That was really a torture for her. For not seeing him around.

Ying Yue smile when Ji Yu entered her room. She wanted to stand up but Ji Yu give a gesture for her to stay. He sit on the sofa in front of the bed and look far away outside the window. He didn't look at Ying Yue who was happy to see him.

"I have made my mind. We will get a divorce." Ying Yue's smile faded away as soon as she heard the word divorce. Her heart beat faster. She is scared. She don't want to leave him.

"No! I don't wanna leave you!" Her voice echoed inside the room. Ji Yu is a little startled by that. Ying Yue grasp the bed sheet. She was so scared to leave.

"Just leave woman and you will be free from all of these," Ji Yu finally look at Ying Yue's face. He can see it clearly. Her big shining eyes with the color of hazelnut. With a not so high and cute nose. Her lip is red like a pomegranate. Her white and pure skin, she was so beautiful. Her bright black shiny hair was neatly arranged.

"Just go, and your pain will end. " Ji Yu look away. His heart start to beat faster as he try to put his concentration away to something else.

Afraid he will do something to her, Ji Yu stand up and walk away without saying any words anymore.

Ying Yue hold her tears. Divorce, it was something that she never wanted to happen between them. Although life is a pain for her to live without having purposes, it was way better than living without seeing him anymore.

"Zhang Ji Yu! I'm not leaving! " Getting not so far away from her room, Ji Yu stopped and turn his head to look at the closed door. He let a sigh. He was never a cruel man. He just can't control himself the moment he remembered about that day.

It was also for the fact that, he really wanted to ask that woman about it but he can't. He wanted to know why did she kill his fiance. But he never have the courage to ask. Because he was afraid of the answers. The answers that he seems to know.

Why should it be her? He have always had that in his mind. That girl. She was the one that has always appeared beside him since they were a kid. Everytime she sees him, she will get clingy to him all the time. But after he told her that he hates clingy girl, she started to behave. Never did she tried to get close to him since the day he warned her 13 years ago. Until now.

He thought she was a simple girl who will just love him and will never do anything for the sake of getting him. For as long as he know that she was a naive and plain girl. But that day, right in front of his eyes, the girl that has been in his life for years, do something unimaginable. She killed a living person. With her own two hands. And it crashed his pure expectation towards her.

She was just a little girl. How could she do such thing. His head feels like spinning. Thinking about her make him sick.