
Loving The Cruel Billionaire

"We had a deal, miss Miller. Your body for my time". Jason's raven eyes locked on hers and her lips parted to speak but closed almost immediately with a gulp. She’d impulsively agreed to his terms to avoid being kicked out, but was he truly serious about getting down to it? And here of all places?! “Mr. Timberlake”, she met his cold, stiff gaze with a hesitant smirk knowing well that stalling for time would be futile. A single trickle of sweat streaming down the side of her face as she carefully rephrased her next few words. “How about we change the terms slightly?”. “No”. He replied almost nonchalantly, getting up to trail around the glass desk to where the woman sat. The bulge in his pants only heightening his imposing appearance, causing Veronica’s heart to race. “Now get on your knees, or get out”. ______________ Veronica Miller, a twenty-five year old brunette who couldn't keep up with with her bills decides to do a one time stand-in job where she pretends to be someone else. Unfortunately, she the job wasn’t as simple as showing up as she was mistaken for a hired sex worker. She crosses paths with cold, merciless billionaire-Jason Timberlake whose the type to work someone to the bone till a debt is repaid. Trapped between her own fragile sanity and the need to get her life back on track, Veronica dances to his tune while trying to juggle her personal relationships. But just how much can she take before she breaks? _________ Jason Timberlake, the cold and distant heir to a vast business empire, was trained by his ruthless father to suppress personal emotions. However, everything changes when Veronica enters his life. Both haunted by their troubled pasts, an undeniable connection forms between them. Jason finds himself torn between the intense emotions he's begun to feel and the potential consequences of letting Veronica into his carefully constructed world. But then again, in the dangerous dance of love and desire, some rules are meant to be broken.

Weirdweirdo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Another Debt

Veronica felt uneasy as she sat next to Jason in his sleek red sports car. The silence was palpable and weighed heavily on her as he focused only on driving. She had been bothered about going to the boutique with him, but now she truly wondered if she had made a mistake.

"Why are you trying to get me a dress, you must want something in return. Right?", she stared out of the window watching them stop to wait for the traffic light.

"And what if I'm not?", his tone was dry and Veronica didn't bother to reply.

As they arrived at the store Velenti--a popular clothing brand that average citizens never patronized. Veronica tried to shake off her doubt for a moment since it was likely that Jason didn't want to be embarrassed by her at the occasion. But thinking of him uttering those words would spoil her mood so she didn't ask further.

All she had to keep in mind was that she was going just to clear her debt and use the opportunity to take photos.

She walked through the racks, admiring the different styles and colors, but Jason seemed more interested in criticizing what she chose.

"This one is too short," he said, as she held up a shimmering silver dress. "That one is too revealing," he added, as she reached out for a red gown with a plunging neckline.

Veronica was growing frustrated, but she didn't complain since it wasn't her money. And at least all his complaints were for the right cause.

Jason settled on a more modest and classic option he'd handpicked himself. It was a sleeveless black gown lined with crystals and a split from her left knee down to her ankle. After fitting it on for him to take a look, Veronica somewhat hoped for a compliment, but Jason remained silent after saying it was suitable for the occasion.

She couldn't help feeling disappointed.

As they made their way to the men's section, Veronica noticed the shop attendants glancing at her disapprovingly.

She felt self-conscious and embarrassed, aware that she didn't meet the standard of the famous Timberlake family to walk around with their young master.

When Jason asked her for her opinion on a few suits, she tried to offer suggestions, but her nerves were getting the best of her. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was out of place, that she didn't belong in his world of luxury and the attendees seemed to scold her with glances for not approving the first suit he tried on.

"What's she saying? He looks like a freaking work of art", one mumbled audibly to the other.

"Wasn't he the one who took her shopping? Why is she being so picky?".

Veronica was reminded how much of a pleb she was. She began to question her choices and instead of airing out her opinions, she stayed silent and nodded when Jason asked about the next attire.

He grimaced noting that the words of the staff had gotten to her and he asked Veronica to stay out for a moment while he excused himself to make a call.

She couldn't hear his words since he'd gone quite a distance away and by the time he returned, he asked her to leave the bag with her dress behind.

The main phone on the reception desk rang and one of the attendees picked up the call and began apologizing over the phone. She dropped the phone before running to Jason who was already leaving with Veronica.

"Please sir, we're sorry", she knelt, knowing her job was on the line and her accomplice followed along. Jason had called the manager of the store since his family were frequent customers. He'd given a bad review about the staff and added that his family would no longer purchase goods from the branch.

But the Timberlake family made up a large percentage of their yearly branch revenue so the manager called the reception desk to apologize and make sure Jason didn't leave the store empty-handed even if they had to give him the clothes free of charge.

The second attendee who was holding the bag with Veronica's black dress begged Jason to take the clothes free of charge and it seemed to piss him off even more.

"Are you trying to say I can't afford it?", a few other customers had turned their eyes to the scene.

"No sir! The manager instructed-", he turned to leave, using an arm to block Veronica's face in case anyone was recording.

Veronica was both confused and flustered as she followed him out of the boutique.

After helping her into the car, he circled to the driver's seat. He'd gotten so agitated he'd needed a sip of alcohol and pulled out his hip flask from beside his seat.

Veronica reached out to stop him. "Don't drink that", she didn't want him tipsy while driving.

He hesitated for a moment and his gaze shifted to where her small hand grabbed his wrist. This was the first time she'd willingly touched him.

She pulled back almost immediately as if knowing what he'd been thinking. "Ohh sorry. I know it's none of my business", she turned to the window, flustered. Although what he'd discussed on the phone was still a mystery to her, she was happy he'd at least stood up for her.

Jason lowered the flask before starting the engine.

To her surprise, they didn't stop at another boutique and he drove straight to her apartment. It was a big relief since she didn't wish to experience the same thing.

After parking outside her apartment building, Jason informed her that he'd get a similar dress before the occasion by six. She asked him not to bother lying about having another dress at home but he didn't seem to be buying the lie.

After she shut the car door, Veronica gestured for Jason to lower the glass. "Thank you", she said finally swallowing her pride.

Jason was silent for a second, then spoke without turning to face her. "It was a pretty dress".

She felt a flutter in her chest as she looked at him but he zoomed off almost immediately--and Veronica could have sworn she'd seen him grin.

'I guess he's not so bad afterall'. A thankful smile former on her lips.


Jason arrived at Veronica's apartment that evening with a small paper bag in his hand. Veronica opened the door and greeted him with an unwilling smile.

"Here". After handing her the paper bag at the door, he let himself in as usual.

She looked inside the bag and pulled out a pretty black dress, the exact one she had tried on some hours ago. But something was different - this one seemed to be lined with dark rhinestones.

"Wow. It's gorgeous", her thoughts had escaped her lips as she shut the door.

Jason plopped down on the couch, crossing one leg on top of the other. "It's from a different store, but it's the same brand". He couldn't deny the sense of satisfaction he felt when she'd openly complimented the dress. "I do have good taste...", he surprised himself by saying the words out loud.

Veronica stared at the back of his head for a few seconds noting that a man like him also enjoyed praises. 'I see. He's human too then'. She walked toward her bedroom deciding not to compliment the suit he'd worn, but it was hard not to admire his elegant physique in it.

Then again, she'd never seen him wear anything aside from a suit.

Davie rushed out from the kitchen to growl at Jason who glared back at the dog. "Davie, down boy!", she called out and he whined before circling to the far edge of the room, across from Jason.

She shut and then locked her bedroom door, holding the dress close to her chest in front of her mirror. She couldn't believe that Jason had gone through so much trouble to find a similar dress. She hastily changed into it and put on some light makeup before stepping out of her room.

It was quite surprising seeing Jason petting Davie who was wagging his tail before her eyes caught a glimpse of the treats he'd somehow snuck in. 'He bribed you too, didn't he?'. She sighed shaking her head at how easily he was won over.

Jason turned to the woman and his gaze lingered some extra seconds which made Veronica feel slightly self-conscious. She hugged her chest, turning her flushed face away from his. "W-what is it?".

"Nothing", he replied shortly before getting up to leave. But that was an obvious lie.

He'd seen countless women wearing seductive outfits, but Veronica was usually in an oversized tee or suit. This was the first time he'd even gotten a glimpse of her shoulders--aside from that day with the towel incident. And what was it about the urge he'd suddenly felt to leave hickeys all over her shoulders?

'I must be crazy', his hand fell on the doorknob and his expression hardened as his free hand clenched his chest. 'Have I developed a shoulder kink or something?'.

As they stepped out of the apartment, Jason led the way not wanting to stare at her anymore. Although the bodycon dress reached her ankles, the split made it extremely enticing, like a little tease.

The way the dress clung to her hips, the curve her shapely ass formed from behind, and the dark fur stitched around the top of the gown which fully covered her small chest.

It was certainly attractive.

As Clint drove them towards the venue, Veronica couldn't help but feel a little uneasy while watching the crowded streets. There has to be a catch in all this since he could have taken any other woman to such a luxurious occasion in her stead. "I want you to be honest, what's the catch?", she turned to Jason deciding not to let the topic be as easily shrugged.

"Catch?", his head slightly tilted with a perplexed expression, but he noticed the woman's determined expression before sighing. "Nothing that deep really. You might just have to trade some greetings with my family".

'Meet his family?!', her eyes widened at the thought of uttering even a single word that displeased one of them. She stared back at Jason whose gaze was fixed outside the window. After relaxing back in her seat, she managed to convince herself that the situation wasn't so bad as long as she managed to take those photos.

"Photos!", she slapped her forehead, cursing under her breath before turning to Jason.

"Photos? I'm not a fan", he managed to shrug off the topic easily before Veronica explained.

"No--I didn't bring a camera and I wanted to take photos of the place".

"Ohh?", he arched a brow wondering if there was a materialistic side of her that he was yet to see. "What of the phone I gave you?".

"Umm...", she tried to laugh the question off when Jason reached out to push some loose strings of hair behind her ear.

"Your bun is messy", he said shortly.

Clint's eyes widened in the driver's seat wondering if he'd just heard correctly.

Firstly Jason wanted to introduce a woman to his family. Secondly, he was flirting with her!

He only wished he could see the face of the woman better since she had a purple mask on.

When they arrived at the party, it was even more extravagant than Veronica had imagined. The venue was lavishly decorated, and the guests were all dressed exquisitely and in masks.

She began to thank her stars that she'd not worn anything from her mediocre wardrobe unless she might not have been able to stomach the embarrassment.

Clint circled around to open the door for Veronica after Jason, but she'd already opened it herself.

"Shall we go then?", he raised his elbow and she hesitatingly entwined their arms and they walked towards the gate. "I know you sold the phone". Jason whispered some feet away from the gate and Veronica gulped at his mischievous tone. "You'll owe me for that".