
Loving The Cruel Billionaire

"We had a deal, miss Miller. Your body for my time". Jason's raven eyes locked on hers and her lips parted to speak but closed almost immediately with a gulp. She’d impulsively agreed to his terms to avoid being kicked out, but was he truly serious about getting down to it? And here of all places?! “Mr. Timberlake”, she met his cold, stiff gaze with a hesitant smirk knowing well that stalling for time would be futile. A single trickle of sweat streaming down the side of her face as she carefully rephrased her next few words. “How about we change the terms slightly?”. “No”. He replied almost nonchalantly, getting up to trail around the glass desk to where the woman sat. The bulge in his pants only heightening his imposing appearance, causing Veronica’s heart to race. “Now get on your knees, or get out”. ______________ Veronica Miller, a twenty-five year old brunette who couldn't keep up with with her bills decides to do a one time stand-in job where she pretends to be someone else. Unfortunately, she the job wasn’t as simple as showing up as she was mistaken for a hired sex worker. She crosses paths with cold, merciless billionaire-Jason Timberlake whose the type to work someone to the bone till a debt is repaid. Trapped between her own fragile sanity and the need to get her life back on track, Veronica dances to his tune while trying to juggle her personal relationships. But just how much can she take before she breaks? _________ Jason Timberlake, the cold and distant heir to a vast business empire, was trained by his ruthless father to suppress personal emotions. However, everything changes when Veronica enters his life. Both haunted by their troubled pasts, an undeniable connection forms between them. Jason finds himself torn between the intense emotions he's begun to feel and the potential consequences of letting Veronica into his carefully constructed world. But then again, in the dangerous dance of love and desire, some rules are meant to be broken.

Weirdweirdo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Am I Scary?


Jason who'd felt slightly agitated got out his hip flash to take a quick sip but discovered it had been empty.

He walked briskly hoping to reach his car as quickly as possible although it didn't look suspicious being there since he owned the building. With his mind buried in many thoughts, he unconsciously bumped into a blonde man without apologizing.

Fabian looked back to watch the man turn to another corridor and he wondered why some people were so rude. "Asshole", he mumbled under his breath before continuing towards Veronica's apartment with two paper bags--one in each hand. He knocked on her door and waited for a bit recalling that she might still feel slightly awkward around him after that confession.

Fortunately, he didn't plan on sleeping over and just wanted to make lunch for her with some of the foodstuffs he'd brought.

There was no response so Fabian knocked again, "Ver? It's me, Fabian!", he called out knocking a little louder in case she'd been sleeping.

"I'm busy Fabian!", she finally called back wanting to be alone.

"Doing what? I have a surprise for you". Although the staff at work asked why he'd spent time over at her place when he'd mentioned staying the night, Fabian had replied by saying they were good friends.

He didn't think much of the question, unlike Veronica. And the staff had begun to gossip that they were sleeping together, the team leader even asked him to go for a younger and more stable lady. The nerve!

'There's no way I'm telling her that'. Fabian gulped at the thought of telling the feisty brunette that the whole office now thought they'd been sleeping together. 'But I won't mind it happening though'. He smiled at the thought of sleeping with her. He'd never met a virgin at twenty-six and it made him feel more interested in her for some reason. It only meant that she'd be more clingy when they got together.

"I don't want it! Maybe later!", she yelled back almost pleadingly, hoping that he wouldn't attempt opening the door since there's been no time to lock it after Jason left.

"It can't wait till later, Ver! Just open up, my arms are killing me", he whined. The elevator had been out of order which had forced him to ascend many flights of stairs just to discover that someone just forgot to remove the signboard.

"Leave me the fuck alone!", she yelled a little too loudly and it hurt him. "I'm sorry. I just want to be alone".

"Did anything happen?", he muttered wondering if it was because he'd confessed his feelings and she didn't feel the same way. "Is it because of last night?", he pressed his left ear against the door. "I'm sorry, okay? I said too much and I guess you weren't ready to hear it. But nothing I said was a lie", his heart sank at the thought of having ruined everything. "I love you, Veronica Miller. I really do".

Veronica didn't reply from the other side. She knew she was being harsh to him, probably trying to pour all her frustration out on him and it wasn't fair.

She wasn't even referring to his confession or anything but Fabian didn't understand when someone said they wanted to be alone. Unless you raised your voice at him.

He was like the sun, constantly trying to brighten up everyone's day or mood. But if you get too close to the sun--you'll get burned.

Fabian seemed to shine in a completely different light from her dull, dim light. In fact, she'd been repeatedly jealous of how easygoing and unconflicted he was.

But she wasn't being mean to him because of any of that right now. She just wanted to gather her thoughts and Fabian was the type that wouldn't leave an indifferent person alone unless his feelings were hurt.

The silence stretched long enough for Fabian to decide he shouldn't push further. At least she hadn't bluntly claimed to bear no feelings toward him.

That was a good start, right?

"Umm...okay. See you at work tomorrow, I guess", he murmured softly and his grip on both bags tightened before he walked away.

Once he reached the elevator, he dropped both bags and sighed heavily. 'Calm down Fabian. Some girls take a little more effort'. He tapped his foot repeatedly till arriving at the lowest floor where he forced his usual smile across his lips before walking out. 'Just smile and be nice to everyone, like you always have'. He repeated those words until he reached the parking lot.

Beside his average-looking white Honda was a dark Lamborghini which he'd noticed on his way in. Could someone living in an apartment building this average afford to buy such an expensive car or did they just come to visit? 'Tchh, whatever'. He moved to unlock his back door where he dropped both shopping bags before bumping his head while trying to straighten up. He circled around to the driver's seat in frustration before looking back at the Lamborghini and raising his middle finger toward it.

Jason who was fully invisible due to the tinted glass watched the man he'd just recalled bumping into drive away. How could the blonde man have known he'd been inside the car upon the tinted glass?

He'd been waiting in the parking lot since he'd just drank a little while waiting for the woman to return home and called Clint to drive him.

He kept wondering if he'd been too harsh to the woman, but why did he find some twisted joy from watching her act so helpless around him?

Normally he'd hated bullying the weak, but he'd certainly liked her getting all feisty and flustered like that.

"Hmmph", Jason huffed on recalling how she couldn't look him in the eye for half the time they'd been there. His brows knitted together as he recalled how close their faces had been. 'Hopefully, I can reach her with the phone'.

Someone knocked at the driver's window and he turned to see Clint's cheek plastered to the glass before unlocking the door.

On the way home, he decided to ask a question that had been bothering him for a while. "Clint".


"Am I scary?".

"Wh-what sir? O-of course not! Who said you were?".

"You're a bad liar". He leaned back in the passenger's seat with both arms folded over his chest as he shut his eyes to take a short nap.

Who said you were scary?><

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