

"he is now on top of the school's most handsome guys' list. And the good part is, he is completely friendly and cool. Every girl is drooling over him" Mimi kept on talking and smiling "even I am crushing on him too" Mimi murmured as she stared into the sky as if the guy was living in her imagination.

Laura looked at her friend and shook her head as if she was beyond saving. The teacher, noticing that Mimi was smiling like a freak cleared his throat, drawing Mimi's attention back to the room. This made the girl want to hide under the desk. Laura looked at her again and tapped her shoulder, comforting her.

Mimi smiled and latched unto Laura's right hand, rubbing her cheek against her hand like a cat who was satisfied with its master. She muttered"i know you always have my back"and then giggled. This was freaking Laura out so she pushed Mimi's head lightly with her index finger and the girl let go of her hand. Sitting straight like the most serious student in the class. Quietly, class went on.

After class, Laura could see almost all the girls in the class and even those outside the class rushing towards her"what the hell, do these people have a death wish? "Laura straighten her back, ready to slap anyone who came near her.

But surprisingly, they rushed passed her and to the corner of the class. She turned to see what was happening but it was too crowded for her to decipher what was going on.

" Mimi, wha..." she didn't finish her sentence because Mimi was gone too. Interesting, she observed the situation as the girls landed gifts on a table and left blushing hard.

One after the other, they left almost all of them blushing.

Mimi returned also blushing." hey, what's going on here, all the girls look like tomato" Laura asked. "shh, don't let them hear you. You see, Alec is a really great guy. All the girls like him as he is easy to get along with. Even some of the guys asked him out to hang out later" Mimi turned red anytime she talked about him.

"Alec,right?he is just one of those handsome guys" . She said while grinning at the evil thought she was cooking up in her mind. She can subdue him with her charm and date him. Then after three days, she will dump him, just like the others and then he can't be as arrogant as now.

When the coast was clear, Laura walked towards him who was trying to give the gifts to his friends. When she reached them, they all dispersed leaving the two alone. Mimi sat at her desk watching what was going on. Alec raised his head to see what dispersed his friends only to meet a charming girl looking down at him.

"it's her" he said in his mind as he gestured for her to sit. When she sat down, he raised his eyes to meet hers. Those almond blue eyes, how he has longed to see them again. It was like a dream, he thought he was never going to see her again. He smiled at her.

He was indeed hot as the rumors said. Those thick eyebrows and generic face of his was so breathtaking. Even she was charmed by his beauty. But she had to be serious about this. "hey, would you like to go out with me?" she gave him her best smile while asking this straightforward question.

Alec stared at her for a moment and grinned "her wits" he said in his head. Laura was wondering if he was bewitched by her beauty but that was understandable. She just waited for him to say yes because it has always been that way.

"sorry miss, but I have a busy schedule today. Why don't we talk another time. So if I may excuse myself". He stood up and walked out the class.

His voice, it was so deep that she was bewitched. She could only hear his voice repeating in her head.

"Laura, so how was it? Were you able to ask him out?" Mimi asked breaking her out of her trance.