
Loving Is Difficult

Jennifer Morgans is a successful 26 year old woman who had gotten her heartbroken in three previous relationships. She was about celebrating her third year anniversary with her current boyfriend Dave, when her heart got broken for the fourth time and that was when she concluded that love wasn't for her and decided to give up on love. She became very cold and rebuilt her walls, vowing never to let any man into her heart again. Andrews Zander is a multi-billionaire and well known notorious playboy . He happens to run into Jennifer at a night club and had a bad encounter with her. After that night he strikes a deal with his friends to get even with her by getting her to date him and then dump her when she least expects it. What will happen between them? Will Andrews plan work? Will Jennifer ever open her heart for love again? Find out in Andrews and Jennifer's story.

Blackberry1234_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

A New Beginning


"It was nice doing business with you Mr. Rollins" I shook his hands with a smile on my face.

"The pleasure is mine. I hope you won't disappoint me. I have heard good things about you."

"Of course Sir. You won't regret doing business with us" I signalled my secretary to see them off.

I was arranging my documents when my secretary Jane, came back. She jumped happily and made an attempt to hug me.

"No hugs Jane" she was just too hyper.

"But I'm so happy. We finally pulled through with the deal."

"Yeah, I'm happy too. It's been a long ride" This deal was one that I've been working on for months and today Mr. Rollins the CEO, finally showed up to signed the contract with my company.

I had been dealing indirectly with him through his son and I was so glad he didn't come for the final signing today. He has a very nasty attitude. I had to put up with him just so we could bag this contract. I'm so glad it's finally over.

"Now this calls for a celebration..." She said in a singsong voice as we made way out of the meeting room.

"No way Jane. With this project kicking off we have more work to do, not lazing around" We got to the VIP elevator exclusive to only important personnel and I pressed the up button.

"Come on Ma'am, we need to celebrate with the team. We pulled a lot of nighters on this one" The elevator doors opened and we got in. Jane pressed the tenth floor where my office was located.

"Please, pretty please " Jane faced me with a puppy face. Her eyes glistening with tears that might spill any time soon.

"Fine" Gosh! Remind me again why she's my secretary. Well that's because she's a smarty pants. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"You should stop doing that. It makes saying no to you difficult."

"Now where's the fun in that" She said with a wicked smile.

"You know I'm your boss right? You shouldn't get on my bad side."

"Oh please, you know I'm the only one that makes your boring life not so boring" Okay, I'm going to agree with her on that. After I lost my only so-called best friend, she is the closest thing to a friend. Not that I talk to her that much, but she's the only one I genuinely laugh and joke with.

The elevator doors opened and we got off. Greetings from employees passing by filled the air, but I kept a straight face without responding to any. I got to my office and was about entering when Jane's voice halted me.

"Well, we didn't conclude on the venue ma'am" My God! Couldn't she just forget about it.

"I think Labrinx club would do. Here, you can take my credit card. You and the team are free to do what ever you like. Well, as far as you don't run me dry." I handed my credit card to her.

"Oh please...Don't tell me you're going to sit this one out. You never show up for any of the get together. You need to relax a little. You already work hard enough " Can she please stop with the nagging?

"Fine, I'll come. Happy?"

"Very much delighted. Labrinx club by 8pm. Don't be late."

"Whatever, now go get some real work done" I shooed her away and entered my office.

Jane is a really sweet girl but sometimes she can be a pain in the ass. She finished college recently and was interning in my company. She happened to be in luck because when she was looking for a job my secretary had to go on maternity leave.

I sat down behind my desk and sighed at the workload in front of me.



"Yeah baby, that's it" came the moaning voice as I slammed into her on my office desk.

"Oh faster Andrew, please faster" I went faster listening to the bitch request. I was about reaching the heavens when a knock came on my door. Geez, what part of don't disturb me does my secretary not understand .

I quickly pulled out of the whore whose name I can't even remember and made my self presentable while she did same.

"You can come in now Rhoda" I said not caring if my partner had the chance to cover up properly.

"The reason why you interrupted me better be good" I said with my eyes raised at Rhoda.

"Well sir, Mr. Zheng had called and I wanted to ask if I should put him on for you. I tried reaching you through the intercom but you didn't reply" She glanced at my partner still trying to cover up and shook her head.

Well I see why she had to take the risk. Mr Zheng is a very important client.

"Okay then, you can connect it. You're dismissed" I waved her off and proceeded to answer the call waiting for me only to find the whore still standing there.

"Wtf are you still doing here? Should I call the security to throw you out" I barked at her angrily. Was she seriously expecting us to continue?

She startled at my tone and quickly scurried out of my office. I turned my attention back to the intercom and clicked on the receiving end.



I glanced at the wall clock in my office and the time read 5:25pm. I yawned loudly, stood up and gave my body a good stretch. I was so tired and all I could think of was going home. I imagined myself taking a relaxing bath while having a glass of champagne. I was still smiling at the thought when a text came in.

"Don't forget about the celebration party ma'am. Had to send a reminder because I know you would've forgotten " It read from Jane.

I hit my forehead and sighed. I had completely forgotten about the party. I checked the time on the clock and this time it read 5:35pm. If I had to turn up for this party, I need to look the part.

I grabbed my stuffs from the table and exited the office.


I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled at my appearance. If there was one thing I was proud of, then it was my looks and figure. I was 5'6ft tall and had a smile that could make any guy fall. Well, seems like it didn't work anymore as they all kept leaving. I shook my head not wanting to go down the memory lane of constant heartbreaks.

I was clad in a long black spaghetti hand fitted dress. It hugged at my curves and brought out my hourglass figure. The back of the dress was opened down to my waist, giving a little touch of sluttiness. My permed blonde hair shone under the lights. I applied very light makeup as I wasn't a fan of heavy ones. I made sure my eye shadow, matched with my eye colour which was sea green. And finally my heart shaped lips were painted in red. I was definitely giving a slutty look.

I might have not wanted to go for this party, but since I already agreed to go I decided to use this opportunity to relax a bit as Jane suggested.

I wore my heels, grabbed my bag and took one last look in the mirror. Content with my appearance, I finally left the house.