
Lovers in time

Ruby rose and her husband Jaune arc were the last two people that survived the secret war between both Ozpin or Ozma and Salem as the world ended in a bright light they held themselves into eachothers arms knowing that this is their final goodbye and hoping to see eachother on the other side but when opening up their eyes they see that they were younger again and that Beacon was standing but then when they see eachothers younger selves THEY WERE SENT BACK IN TIME!?!?! read and find out how they will change their future will they succeed or shall it end in a far worse fate (I don't own anything related to RWBY that belongs to Monty Oum RIP)

Joyboy325 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Adapt within the altering or anguish within desire

The group of eight ran a distance away but the two grimm majors were on their tails.

"They're gaining on us, what do we do!?"

Yelled out Pyrrha looking over her shoulder at the sight of two Grimm Majors after them gaining momentum.

Jaune looks around To see what he can. Do at the moment but then see a building that seemed old and unwarranted but yet still seemingly Looking sturdy.

"There we can try to split them there!" 

Ruby notified the group as they saw a rickety structure looking as if it's on its last legs, Weiss on the other hand.

"Are you insane!?" 

She could conclude loudly against such an idea.

" No she's right, the best course of action should be to separate the two so that we won't be in each other's way and cause a higher plausibility of us becoming Grimm chow" 

Jaune clarified to them between breaths with all but Weiss nodding in agreement as she could only grumble under her breath indignantly.

They then separated into two groups of four.

"What the hell! Ruby?" 

Yang could only look at her younger sister while she ran at the distance separated from…her.

' Why does it feel like she's leaving me behind?' 

Yang could only think of why such a large gap between her and her sister appeared…has it always been there but she didn't notice or didn't choose to notice it until now.

She doesn't know what but something feels different about her sister,something feels…off.

" The Death stalker is on us!" yelled out Blake at attention of the others getting Yang out of her stupor with the attention from Weiss and Pyrrha.

They stopped on their Tracks and turned around as a high pitched screech was heard causing everyone of them to close their ears Blake Being the most obviously affected by the blood curdling screech.

With Jaune, Ren, Ruby and Nora head towards the building but the grimm Major was able to get ahead of them destroying the bridge that connects to the Building.

Turning around facing the flying grimm major as the grimm caws the caw sounding as if was mixed with a blood curdling scream.

The sound causes them to involuntarily shiver instinctively.

Jaune unsheathed Crocea Mors, sounding like metal cutting air and changing his sheath into a kite shield.

This caused the rest to follow suit, Ruby unfolding Crescent Rose into its scythe form, Ren taking out his twin pistols Storm Flower, and Nora taking out Magnhild in its Warhammer form.

Then the Nevermore raised its wings and threw them forward, a strong gust of wind followed as some feathers were carried by the wind.

"What are the feathers even going to do?"

Asked Nora in curiosity. And to silently answer Her question one of the feathers went past the boulder but it seemed fine as if nothing happened.

"So their just for threats then"

But seconds later she said that the giant boulder next to them was cleanly cut in half as it was slowly sliding off.


Was the only Thing she could let out as they looked back at the Nevermore with a new sense of weariness.

But then it did the same action from before.

 "Get behind me!"

Ren called out, the others not knowing what he was thinking but Nora did so without a second thought both Ruby and Jaune quickly glanced at each other nodded in agreement and they did what they were told.

When the grimm threw its wings again the feathers darted towards the group.

But they saw something that caught their eye on the ground as it was that ground itself lost its color but it kept spreading.

It then spread to the point that they were covered by this discoloration and a sense of balance and calmness they knew it was Ren semblance but that isn't what shocked the two regressors.

It was that he is able to spread his semblance of reach and is now able to go to multiple people which shouldn't be possible at this point but it was still happening right in front of them.

'Ren's Semblance evolved this early? How?'

Both Ruby and Jaune were shocked at the sudden development but were overshadowed by the feathers headed towards them at dangerous speeds.


With the others they were having difficulty with The death stalker as the stinger kept them a distance away intandem with its claws but even when they do get past all those obstacles another bigger obstacle to defeating the Grimm is in their way.

The sound of metal meeting stone as a tip of the spear was lodged within the white exoskeleton as she struggled to reclaim her spear.


she could only struggle in vain but then she felt like her body screaming out in alarm. She reflexively raised her shield and felt a powerful slam that sent flying hitting her past a set of Multiple Trees to fully stop her momentum.


Yang called out in worry for her partner but got a response.


Yang Let out a sigh of relief, her instincts scream at her to move, she reflexively used Ember Cecilia's Maneuver away from the attack as the Death Stalkers' tail skimmed Yang's face.

But she then noticed a single hair began to gently fall down touching the ground and instantly her demeanor changed her eyes to scarlet red with pure rage with her hair enveloped with hints of fire.

"no one touches the hair!"

She roars out in rage, then runs straight at the death stalker punching it in the face, causing it to skid back slightly.

This shocked and impressed the other three, seeing Yang's raw strength in action was quite something but then the scorpion tail again struck at her and instantly spun around dodging the strike.

Using this moment to grant the death stalker's tail and forcefully lodged the pointy bit into the middle back of the exoskeleton but it was easily removed.

" What do we do she can't keep it distracted forever" 

Blake comments looking with a calm Calculative look, Pyrrha just getting back to the group as her aura lights up to life as her scratches and bruises slowly start to disappear due to her aura's passive healing.

 " Weiss, do you have a plan?" 

Pyrrha asked Weiss not to take her eyes Off the death stalker ready to jump in at any moment.

Weiss could only look around with nothing coming to mind but as soon as her eyes laid on the scorpion tail then at Pyrrha's spear and her rapier In her hands a plan began to formulate.

"Nikos, do you mind If look at your spear?"

Weiss asked Pyrrha something out of left field gaining a look from both Blake and Pyrrha.



 Back with Ren, and the rest of the group, they were surrounded by feathers that were stabbed within the dirt.

"Woah that was awesome what did we just do did we beco,e ghost, ! , Are we dead!?"

Nora yelled out in amazement but then fright as she comedically searched herself letting out a sigh of relife when she noticed that she was in one piece.

"Guys it's making it's move again!" 

Ruby called out pointing at the Nevermore what it began doing as it instead began to dive at them.


Jaune ordered out as they dived aside dodging their foes attack.

"Hopefully you have a plan?" 

Ren asked towards his partner, Jaune quickly looking around at his surroundings for anything at his disposal as he looks at Ruby, Nora, Ren and lastly a stone that seems to be recently cut with a smooth edge and sharp spike protruding from the side.

"Yeah but it might be a bit crazy"

He answered with a warry smirk, Ren returns a small confident smile and nodded.

"Well i lived all my life with Nora so it nothing as per usual, so what do you have in mind?"

Jaune quiklcy nodded and gave him a quick run down as they try to manuver and dodge anway they can from the sharp and deadly feathers as Ren understood nodding along the way.

"I gotta say that is pretty crazy even for Nora's standards"

Ren admitted in both surprise and concern.

" i don't know if should take that as a compliment or not, but this the best I could come up with at the moment"

Ren nodded in understanding as both once again dodged the hoards of deadly plumes that could shed into tiny pieces.

"We should group back up with the girls"

Jaune advised and his partner nodded in agreement so they maneuvered their way back to both Nora and Ruby.

With a red blur of roses mixed with a pink accent dodge the hoard of plumes some even seem to pass through the pink/red blur not affecting it.

but was then stopped when the blur unfurled itself to a kneeling Nora.

She changed manghild to its grenade launcher form, and began shooting at the airborne grimm as multiple explosions were set off causing it to look a little out of it.

"Nora! Ruby!" 

Jaune called out to the two of the girls, they in turn gained his attention.

" I glad both of you are well and in one piece"

Ren added in as he smiles but then looks up at the grimm. 

"I have a plan so to save time i'm going to quickly summarize my plan" 

Both Nora and Ruby nod as they are given a quick summary of what the plan is with Ruby giving him a look of disapproval.

"Why do you always have to do the dangerous things" 

She could only mutter to herself crossing her arms looking away from them. Jaune noticed this and sadly smiled at her, he gently grasped her hand, she turned back to him but yet his actions didn't soothe her worries, her eyes clearly showing worry.

"Don't worry my rose I give you my word that I'll come back to you in one piece, darling "

He said in a gentle tone as he then raised her hand and lightly lowered himself and kissed the back of her hand gingerly as he opened one eye seeing her reaction and he couldn't help but smile brightly.

she blushes at what Jaune has done so boldly declaring something she couldn't help but feel giddy but with an audience now she just felt completely embarrassed and she hated how suave he can be and make her feel like a teenager even though she technically is a teen now so she could only blame the whole puberty/ hormones thing.

With Nora a Ren seeing this Ren smiles and Nora whistles in celebration.

"Hmm, fine you win but you owe me a date after this" 

Ruby declared her blush began to redden in embarrassment as Jaune could only smile softly and lovingly and again kissed the back of her hand.

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

Jaune admitted in a caring tone, but as a switch was flipped their mood changed into one of tenderness to one of cold seriousness as they turned to the grimm getting out of its dizzy spell as it shook its clearing the dizziness away and looked back at the four hunters.

"So Jaune what now ?" 

Ren and Nora looked at Ruby confused why she asked this. Ruby couldn't help but ask, really wanting him to say the thing he usually says when they begin a fight.

 Jaune could only smirk lightly as he knew she was setting up the stage for him now of all times. 


Both Ren and Nora with curious looks as they wait for what he is about to say.

"Now we hunt"

He said in a confident tone as he unsheaths Crocea Mors and went into stance.

 Then the grimm dove towards them but then they all moved simultaneously in different directions Ruby using her semblance as she then quickly passed the sharp boulder her scythe outstretched to her left as she kneels, her back facing the Nevermore with then Ren does in to an martial arts stance and open palm strikes.


With Weiss and the others as then a glyph under herself appears as with then two seperate glyphs in the air appear but not compete.

As the deathstalker was finally able to get the fiery blond rage off of it.

"Blake I need you to help Yang to keep it distracted"

Blake could only look at Weiss then Yang who got back up she roars in anger then she jumps back at the deathstalker as proceeds to throw punch after punch at the grimm, Blake looks back at Weiss.

"I think she doesn't need the assistance but sure why not"

Blake retorted but she took out gamble shroud in its pistol form and the sheath that is sharp as a blade and went to go and help the blonde as she began shooting its legs.

Then Pyrah looks at the two then at Weiss with a feeling of inadequacy as she doesn't know what to do.

Weiss seemed to focus as the glyph made a whitish blue string surrounding her spear in the center of the glyph that Weiss was standing on as then her spear began to change as it then changed to the same whitish blue color as then it is separated in two.

Weiss returned her spear back to her, Pyrrah quickly checked her spear but it was all fine and looked back up, she saw her spear but it was as if it was made of ice but then instantly disappeared.

Weiss began feeling strained, exhaustion crept from within her as what she was doing is something that she never thought of doing but something that came as a mere thought.

Then the two glyphs in response extended and then sharp edges then the two glyphs merged as a light was seen causing Pyrrah to cover her view but when she looked back she was in shock and awe.

What she sees is her spear but not just that but a version of her spear with a bluish white color palette then the one in her hand and one major difference… It was the size of an oak tree.

Not just that but this caught the attention of Blake and Yang and even the deathstalker stopped what they were doing as they looked at where the light was emanating from and were dumbfounded as they see an enormous spear over Weiss's head as her aura began to flicker dangerously.


That was the only thing that she could order out as she threw the spear at the grimm as she could only fall on her knees as exhaustion had now caught up to her.


Ren sent the sharp stone flying with a powerful strike heading towards Nora as she then prepared herself taking the stance of holding manghild as she prepared to hit off the boulder.

Then as she slightly twisted the handle of her hammer as it let out small weak output currents of electricity flow through the hammer and her semblance began to react with the weak current of electricity as bits of pink ngugdteslightning surrounded Nora as her strength has been bolstered.

"Batter up!"

Nora exclaimed in excitement when she swung as she sent the boulder up in the air as the boulder is rocketing towards the nevermore but it was easily dodged.

The boulder exploding behind it, the three are shocked but Nora had a look of slight hesitation and fear.

 as it began to dive not know that something was plummeting down as the tiny shadow began to grow by the second as it grew closer and closer until a giant boom sound with an enormous smoke cloud covered the field.


Blake, Weiss, Pyrrah, and Yang as they stand (minus Weiss) looking at the Death stalker as it was like it became a pincushion as multiple spears were poking out.

 All four look in awe and amazement as to what they saw and try to digest what has Happened in front of them.

-flash back-

As the spear was chucked and Weiss ordered them out of the way, her aura began to flicker dangerously.

She felt her control sliping, she then stretched out her hand and a small glyph appeared on the palm of her hand as whitish blue sparks are seen As well when the glyph flickers on and off as if indicating that Weiss Is running low and barely able to have any control of whatever control of what little aura she has left within her.

With a quick twist from her wrist to the left the glyph follows the movements.

The single ginormous spear turned into multiple regular white and blue spears sticking out of the dead deathstalker.

With then a final flicker of Aura, it then dispersed with a final flash as the group of spears followed suit as well disappeared the moment as the final flash of Aura disappeared.


Was the only thing that Blake could let slip as any other word defyde to even leave her mouth, her and the others minds being difficult in trying to retain what just happened.

-flash back end-

The first person to shake themselves back was Pyrrha, she looked back at Weiss as she looked worried at the white haired girl.

"Weiss, are you alright!?" She yelled Out in concern, causing the others to look back at Weiss as a single trail of blood fell from her nose, sweating and panting exhaustion evident at her current state.

" Woah you good their ice queen?" 

Yang asked her in concern with that horrendous nickname.

" I Don't know, why don't you tell me? And will you stop with that wretched nickname already?"

Weiss retorted Back at the blonde as she whips away the blood with a napkin that she had on her person…somehow?.

" that wasn't manerly of you Weiss" 

Yang's partner Pyrrha said in a light condemned manner. Weiss then took a breath and calmed herself and she then looked back at Yang but just quickly apologized for her rude reasponse.

"Don't worry about it, Icccccccce queen"

Yang response was that of a teasing smirk as she elongates her saying the nick name that she came up with at the girl as a tick appeared at the top of your head, her eye twitched dangerously but took a deep breath and did her best to calm herself down.

She picked herself up but then instantly she began to sway and she fell again noticing that her whole body was shaking uncontrollably, as this confused them Phyrra not able to help but feel concern for the girl.


Pyrrah could only call out in concern, with the others the white haired girl in question could only look down at her trembling hands as not know why but she feels like, she doesn't know how to properly describe it but the best way to put it was drained like all left her and it wasn't the adrenalin even though it was a small part but yet it felt like she like she was losing her strength.

But she tries to not let it get to her, but she noticed that their is another problem she may or may not need some assistance.

"Um ice queen?"

Yang couldn't help but to become concern for the other white haired girl but the black haired girl only lets out a sigh, she then walks up to Weiss and picks her up as she then got one of her arms to go over her shoulder as she helps Weiss up.

But for some unknown reason there was an unknown glint in her eyes as she was able to get a hold of Weiss.

"Ugh Your heavier than you look"

Blake could only mutter under her breath as she was "using" a bit of aura as it lightly flashed to life, surprisingly only Pyrrah didn't catch what Blake said but Yang on the other hand could only muster a teasing smirk. But Weiss on the other hand.

"Did YOu just call ME fat!"

Weiss only screeched in indignation with a small voice crack, causing blake to jerk in slight pain making Blake seeing everything slightly spinning but she quickly caught her composure,quickly glanced at Weiss then away but decided to stay quiet but it didn't change the sense of great unjust anger Weiss was feeling.

But then she felt someone else grab her other arm and helped her up to ne more stable.

"come on ice we should group up with the others and besides we were able to beat the deathstalker so good job everyone"

Yang congratulated everyone with a complement and a grin as blake only nodded silently in thanks, Weiss hmphd while looking away blushing in embarrassment.

 the three began walking towards the others as they hear their scuffle but Pyrrah stayed behind, she could only stare at the interaction between the three walking of as she could only muster a sad smile but then a thought crossed her mind.

What if they don't see her as Pyrrah nikos huntress in training and classmate and partner but Pyrrah nikos the goddess of victory the so called "star of the moon" the thought that of the plausibility of being ostracized do to her status of being the champion the thought of being alone no one but only her mother to comfort her from feeling of loneliness it felt suffoicating.

She once did have alot friends at one point but overtime they left her due to feeling inadequate just by being next to her some voicing their thoughts gently, others not so much and due to this they became nothing more then strangers only ever saying that they met her but don't know her she could only feel betrayal at that moment those she thought of as friends treatint her the same as a stranger.

She could only mirthfully chuckle others thought it was stupid unheard of even the she Pyrrah nikos crying over being left alone yeah it sounds stupid to her as well but the thing that no one knows about her is that she despises being alone the last person she told her something that she can't help but sometimes remember.

'What's the point in friends when you are surrounded by so many fans you wouldn't even know they would be missing'

But she could only tighten her grip as she could only remember the stares at the varyous looks that people constantly give her some of lust, others greed, and want. The constant dark looks that she constantly got from all directions feeing like weak prey that could be eate n at any moment before it were to late, her only save and grace was her mother Soteria she was able to help manage everything for her soshe had a bit of freedom and privacy. 

And during this fight she wasn't of any help.

"Hey P-money you coming or what?"

The words from her partner Yang Xiaolong caught her out her dark thoughts as she only nods and goes to catch up to then but then noticed something in the side of her view move she turned but nothing was their she just let be chalking it up to being a bit paranoid.


She was called out by Yang, she instantly runs back towards them.


She replied joyously, bu not noticing that the scorpion began to twitched to life as one eye slowly opened showing that they didnt finish off the deathstarlker properly.

The point of view momentarily changes to red looking throught the deathstalkers view a traill of black smoke like trail on the ground headed towards a direction.


With the others as Ren and the others look to see Jaune standing on top of the never as to what they saw was pretty cool, though it seemed like the original plan took an unexpected turn so it seemed that Jaune had to change the plan.

The original was that the stone was ment to have a high impact explosive within the stone with Ruby's help.

He would send it to Nora who would then hit it towards the Nevemore, causing it to explode in the grimms face if it hits it with the right amount of force it would lose consciousness and would begin to fall and with if what Jaune said is true i would regain it's consciousness quickly.

 This is where Jaune would come in acting as bait Runing towards the nevermore causing it see him, making the grimm dive towards him he would use his shield to slide under the attack and basically stab and elongated cut wound from the chest to lower hip but that didn't go as plan.

But he was still able to take out the grimm somehow?

"Woah that was pretty gnarly"

Jaune muttered under his breath as his legs were shaking his body isn't used to this amount of strain and by the gods were his muscle sore but he could still move thanfully.

"Hey! Are you okay!"

Yelled out Nora with Ruby to her left looked at him in concern he could only smirk to calm there worries in which it slightly worked, as small black purple particles were being carried by the wind while the nevermore began to slowly melt into a sludge like goo.

Jaune was able to safely walk away from the melting grimm as he steps on the goo like liquid as if gum stuck at the bottom of the shoe but it had strength it was only really stretchy.

"Yeah im good, im good, just the adrenalin setting in "

Jaune said as he used Crocea Mors as a walking stick de to his legs feeling nothing more like jelly.

"What the hell happened here"

They tuned to where the voice was heard to see both Blake and Yang helping Weiss walking towards them looking at the Nevermore 

In all honesty he is used to plans backfiring and having to make backup plans on the fly but that was a crazy experience the explosive from within the stone turned into a powerful magnet that pulled things that were nearby around it that being Jaune had metal armour on. It all happened to fast, he only can remember rocketing up in the air passing the Nevermore and then.


"I had to unclamped my armor off and basically started to fall and you know the rest"

 He conveyed to them what happened and what was meant to happen as he stood their with just a hoodie of the cute face of the rabbit mascot rabbit of pumpkin pete on his sweater they could only look in surprise at and shock as to what had happened to him.

With everyone minus Ruby who was helping him stand up right, were looking at at the mascot with Yang trying to hold back a laugh, Weiss just raising a brow at Jaune's choice of attire ,

Blake has the face of in difference but her eyes were another story as she looked at it she couldn't help but think t was a cute looking bunny, Pyrrah was cutely blushing at the sweater.

Both Ren and Nora not minding the hoodie or judging Jaunes wear of attire though Nora tought it was pretty adorable seeing she could only squeal at the sight of the cute little rabbit.

"Sigh go ahead laugh it up already"

Jaune could only sigh as a hint of embarrassment marked by dust of pink on his cheeks he forgot about his sense of style in his teen years and it was something he wished to forget those dark times but is living through it once more, but on another note he now remembers why he always wore the pumpkin pete hoodie during his time at beacon its soft and comfortable.

But then the sounds of trees were heard crashing to the ground and slow heavy thumping coming ever closer not wanting to fight what ever that was they Ruby called out to everyone that they should while they still can Jaune agreed as soon left the area the wounded Death stalker emerged.

It looks at the black inky pool on instinct it closed itself to the the inky puddle.

But behind the deathstalker in hiding, eyes lingered wand without any warning it pounced at the deathstalker the scorpion screeches in panic as it then abruptly became silent followed by a squelching sound.


The group continues run,Yang giving Weiss a piggy back ride in which she was very vocal about not want a piggy back but was ordered by Ruby to suck it up. And she begrudgingly did get on Yang's back.

They all heard heavy steps from behind as they continued to book it for the stairs heading up to where they first started on this crazy exam the run was long and excruciating need ing have a break from time to time but then they ran into a problem.

"What do you mean that you can't use your Aura anymore!?"

Was the only thing that Yang could scream out in an aggravated tone as she could only stomp around in annoyance.

"What! I didn't know this could happen, if I knew this would be the consequence of whatever is happening then I wouldn't have done whatever I did!"

As both Yang and Weiss were arguing in the background both Ruby and Jaune are concerned.

 with the way that things are going they do remember that there were some case of some hunters losing their aura then it was easily cured by someone else tapping into the person's aura like when they first attained it by awakening it or by being desperate or precarious situation depending on the person but thinking back on it now they were pretty old files not much is known about it.

And these events might have happened back in their future but due to those that died during missions or went M.I.A not much else is known about why such a thing happens these things do occure with the limited amount of knowledge they have they try to use it to their advantage.

"Um girls?"

Jaune called out to the two arguing but was simply ignored, he could only massage his temples in annoyance.

' so this is how Mrs.GoodWitch felt everyday with literal hormonal teenagers running amok causing chaos and property damage, i shoul probably get her a mug as an apology of what she probably had and will have to go through once again but I promise I will make sure that Nora is better behaved…hopefully.'

While Jaune was within his own mind back to the two staff of beacon on top of the edge of the cliff.

Goodwitch sees the interaction between the group of at and the scuffle from the two girls and the young arc's willingnes to try and and solve the issue to no avail.


She called out to him in response earning a calm hum from the headmaster as he calmly sips from his cup.

"Was it right to actually let the young man into the school even if it was against her wishes? Because I can't see what you do with that young man he maybe a child from the Arc's yes, but that's really all I can see from him and besides that he looks too scruffy and skinny. no offense but I really don't believe that he would thrive at beacon."

Goodwitch asked with poise, and in a cold manner said her opinion of when seeing the boy, yes he may have been able to take down a nevermore major and his fighting stance seemed decent and was lucky at times as well but that could only carry the young man so far what his best isn't good rough what if a bad move could his life, what if-.

But she was once again taken out of her musings by Ozpin's voice.

"Glynda from what you said earlier i am not offended by your words but i must ask you this 

question are you asking out of concern or professionalism?"

Her train of thoughts were halted to a stop when she then looked at the scroll showing Jaune with a face of annoyance when trying to stop the argument in an odd way she saw a small glimpse of herself within the boy but she felt… conflicted, she could only fix her glasses in retorte.

In a way answering Ozpins question.

Back with the group Jaune was finally able to stop the argument with some help from Ruby on calming her sister and they were able to calm everything down.

"Look I know we are all very confused but we should focus on the goal at hand and we are all very close to said goal so first let's all calm ourselves and finish our exam and then after this exam you can go after each others necks deal, deal.

Both Yang and Weiss glanced at each other then begrudgingly agreed to put a temporary pause to their argument. So they began to go back on track, walking while the two girls glaring at each other sparks flying between them.


A heavy sound was heard rushing from behind followed by smoke trails and trees Falling. 

But then what they saw they could only sum it up as an abomination.

 The Nevermore from before was seen turning into an inky liquid isn't what's Surprising.

It's the fact that it was standing in front of them with its head hanging on to the neck limply sag from its shoulders as If it were a puppet controlled by strings but there lies the question.

Where is the puppeteer?

It's once sharp talons twisted with a amenable cracks in to four legs as if it were turning into an insect.

But the lower half was only affected but not only that but the sounds of bone cracking never ended. An armor made of bone emerged from under its skin to its upper torso and its lower half seemed to keep turning to something else but it was stopped by a flash of light appearing everyone covered their eyes.

They blink away the light and reclaimed their vision and were shocked that what they were seeing in front of them was an enormous statue of this odd grimm as they wondered what happened.


They heard something hitting the floor but when they turned it wasn't something but someone.


Both Nora and Yang ran in worry for her partner/ sister but someone beat them to her in which was Jaune who had a look of amaration as he smiled softly as she could only look like she was only experiencing a bad fever as he carried her bridal style.

'What was that?'

Was Yang's only thought into what they all witnessed a weird grimm that they never saw before then Ruby suddenly fell ill this was making no sense whatsoever. 

With Nora after seeing her little partner was doing well she looked back at the statue, her curiosity getting the better of her, going towards it and lightly the statue multiple times.

"Is it wrong that I feel i don't know…let down that we weren't able fight it"

Noar couldn't help convey her opinion of her feeling disappointed but Ren spoke up.

"Nora you will not ride on that abomination off a grimm" 

Ren specified causing to look displeasure but turned to her childhood best friend and was doing something tremendously so chaotic and was truly wicked that no one has ever seen or could look away.

She was doing the puppy dog eyes at Ren. 

"Nora you know that doesn't work on me"

Ren said with a barely noticeable tinge of pink seen on his ears.

But then they hear a sound which had not so good indications.


The two turned to where they heard it too which they saw a crack on the statutes legs they were silent silent for a few seconds.


With then Nora hysterically screams as her her eyes look like they turned in to saucers and comically runs and tries to cover the expanding crack with mud.

But it was for naught as the crack continued to spread across the statue.

"Nora what did you do!?"

Ren screamed in worry.

"i'm innocent i swear blame the plot!"

Was the only thing she could yell out in her defense. 

A roar was then heard, as two snake heads look at them, Ren noticed that one of the heads had a closed eye and his knife stabbed within that eye in which shocked him.as the snake then roars with a the roar mixed with a caw and a screec.

A rumble as the bottom half of the statue broke from the talons forced to turn into legs of a scorpion as it then something over shadowed Nora but she didn't see it do to someone tackling her out of the way who turns out to be Ren hugging her close to his chest causing the girl to have an atomic blush at the close proximity.

"You alright Nora"

Ren asked not taking his eyes off the grimm she could barely form any words due to the close proximity to cru-friend her super close close friend but not super close close just friends yeah just friends.

But not really noticing the status she's in but thinking the sight of the once turned to stone grimm coming back to life and changing from within the statue puts her into shock as he narrows his eyes at the grimm.

The Grimm roared once again with a shock wave following, causing clouds of dust going towards and going past them.

As then the two headed monster lays it's eyes at the weakened Ruby being carried by Jaune.

Jaune noticing where the Grimm is staring at he lightly tightens his grip on his wife as she is going through the motion of her using the silver eyes (technically the first time for the body) as the body having difficulty in trying to evaluate whatever happened to it's person.

Jaune looked at everyone that seemed to be rooted at the spot.


he yells to everyone causing them to be taken out of their shocked stupor they quickly then took out their weapons quickly but Jaune looked at both Weiss and Ruby.


She turned to him.

"Take Ruby and get out of here!" 

He ordered her but she was very discontent of what he ordered her to do.

"What no! I'm not going to!"

Her denying the order while not understanding her situation caused Jaune to feel irked as he let out a sigh too calm himself but then he raised his voice slightly.

"Weiss i don't think you understand what position your putting yourself in by disobeying"

He said in a commanding tone causing her to flinch at the serious tone of his voice, as she was about to retort but for whatever reason the words died at her throat she could only stay silent as she could look at Jaune as he gives her ligh cold look as if commanding her to liste.

"Weiss i'll be blunt right now you can't acces your aura and if my assumption is correct you rely too much on your Aura, and that you still take too long to take your stance and you won't be able to be healed if you get harmed it'll become more difficult to try and protect both you and Ruby in the state that the both of you are in."

He said bluntly causing her to flinch and her bangs overshadowing her eyes being silent.


He knew that it probably hurt her and probably crossed a line and that in other words being called a burden, he lets out a sigh and speaks in a softer tone.

"Look Weiss i know you want to show that your worth but you won't be able to do that if you get into harm's way so for now you have to stand on the sidelinessidelines i understand it's difficult to do so but we won't be able to worry or protect you from the Grimm in the state your in."

He said as he handed an unconscious Ruby over to Weiss as she then carried her and did as she was told she also lightly stumbled but caught herself and got a better grip on Ruby and then made a run for it while small teardrops were then seen for only a moment.

Then he looks back seeing the others fighting the Grimm.
