
Lovers in time

Ruby rose and her husband Jaune arc were the last two people that survived the secret war between both Ozpin or Ozma and Salem as the world ended in a bright light they held themselves into eachothers arms knowing that this is their final goodbye and hoping to see eachother on the other side but when opening up their eyes they see that they were younger again and that Beacon was standing but then when they see eachothers younger selves THEY WERE SENT BACK IN TIME!?!?! read and find out how they will change their future will they succeed or shall it end in a far worse fate (I don't own anything related to RWBY that belongs to Monty Oum RIP)

Joyboy325 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Changes aren’t seen but experienced: part 2

Shots were heard in the forest as some trees were decimated with a long blonde tuft of hair.

 They picked themselves up and shook off the dirt with some tree branches sticking out of her hair but that didn't matter to her, she ran past the green foliage with worry and in a hurry.

'By the brothers please don't let them be partners!, please don't let them be partners!' was the only thought that was going through her mind on repeat.

And when she continued running she didn't notice an exposed root as she tripped over it and was rolling out of control hitting a tree face first.

Causing the tree to shake violently due To the impact.

"Yow!" she yelped out in pain as her aura flickered to life.


"Damn, that hurts" she muttered To herself as soothes her nose even though it's already healed the stinging pain sensation still remains. 

Rustling leaves were heard to her left she aimed her gauntlet at the direction it came from at the ready.

Instantly a red haired girl with a spear and an aspis.

The girl blinked once, twice, then she walked up to her, putting away her weapons and outstretching her hand to her with the blond graciously taking it as she stood up dusting off the dirt and branches.in her hair.

"So I believe that would make us partners, huh?" said the red haired girl sheepishly scratching her cheek in a weary manner.

But the blond didn't seem to notice as though a thought ran through mind once the redhead said the partner in which triggered of the picture of the scrawny blonde knight seeming to look more malicious and more devilish within her mind as an a innocent looking Ruby seeming to look helpless as Jaune looks at the young girl with great hunger and lust barely held back, as it seems that the blond girls imagination was just taking over her mind and was just being exaggerated.

The red haired girl waves her hand in front of her partner trying to gain her attention as the blond could only stand rigidly as a statue in horror with her imagination running wild. 


Somewhere else in the evergreen forest two voices are heard arguing as a hoard of Beowulfs are attacking them.

"I told you that we were heading in the wrong direction, but no you Didn't want to listen! And kept insisting that we were headed in the right direction" yelled out a black haired girl in a monotone Mocking tone as it was her 'partner' who put them into this predicament.

"S-Shut up! I know what I'm doing!" yelled a whitish blue haired girl back at her partner in annoyance and at the edge of a panic she then used one of her glyphs as a way of attack and was able to make a clear path within the hoard of grimm.

 The Black haired girl saw this. 

"Go" she yelled Out urgently as she then ran as the other girl on toe followed suit.

One beowulf pounced to attack Blake.


 She was about to use her semblance but then a glyph with a snowflake in the center of the glyph blocked the beowulf's path as she stopped in her tracks at the sight.

"What are you waiting for, for Grimm's approval of being slain '!? just hurry up and kill it!" The white haired girl yelled out an order, getting Blake out of her stupor and and without thinking she stabbed the grimm beowulf up its neck.

She then pulled out her Gamble Shroud and with finesse the sword then transformed into a pistol and she quickly shot the grimm between the eyes.

And still continued running past the hoard grimm. Rushing Passed the green foliage with then a small opening of a field of green with trees still around in a small distance away with an open cave to their left. The steps of the hoard of grimm were heard behind them, without thinking Blake reached out and grabbed onto Weiss's wrist. 

Weiss yelped in reaction to her being grabbed without any warning and being dragged by the black haired girl into the dark cave not noticing the hieroglyphic painting of what seems to be an enormous scorpion surrounded by people with various weapons in hand.

"What are you-!?" Weiss questioned but was cut off by a harsh and quick shush as she felt a hand cover her mouth as they waited in dark silence. Not even able to see what's in front of her but yet the girl in front of her.

"ok we're safe" the black haired girl said suddenly reassuringly as she let out a sigh.

And has incredible hearing?

"!?" as it then clicked within her mind like a puzzle piece fitting in place, she harshly took the hand off her face and looked at her direction she heard of her, even though she couldn't see through the pure blackness of the cave's lighting.

" You're a faunus! Aren't you!" she Yelled out accusingly pointing at the girls direction but not directly at her due to the dark.

An eerie silence follows, with then due to the darkness she was then barely able to recognize a set of slightly seen amber colored eyes of her partners but they were now slitted, the eyes reminded Weiss that of a feline.

"What if I am? What will you do? " She quips . at her defensively.

"first! I will go get Nikos on MY team and will ask the professor to give me a new partner so I can make sure that I have a proper education in beacon to be away from-" screamed out Weiss but had been cut off as amber colored feline eyes turned around to her as she then hushed her harshly, feeling a hand over her mouth but Weiss didn't let up as her anger welled up within her.

Unbeknownst to Blake this action, triggered something within Weiss with images rushing to the forefront of her mind.

images of a purple slighted eye, a gun pointed directly at her, a hand covering her mouth and someone laying in a pool of blood unmoving and unresponsive, these mental images seen within her mind.

A sense of alert and her eyes becoming dilated, what formed within the heiress, fear, it shot throughout her entire system, feeling her body go rigid as she began to shake violently.

Amber's eyes notice The reaction and raise a brow in confusion with a look of concern on her features, but the heiress couldn't see due to darkness covering it from her.

But then the heiress smacked the hand away violently, tears were gathered within her eyes threatening to fall at any moment.

"No! I will not be silenced -" she screamed once more but once again but was hushed harshly, the faunus's amber eyes roamed in another direction, an unreadable expression in her amber eyes.


Weiss pushed the faunus girl off her.

"Just leave me alone!" she stomped her foot and screamed so loud that her voice reverberated within towards the deeper parts of the cave, a low and deep menacing growl was heard from within the cave.

Hearing this low growl they felt their hair stand on end and both stood still for a moment in petrified silence neither moving a muscle, maybe due to fear or some other reason neither peeped a sound in the tense atmosphere.

Weiss broke the tense silence.

"Please tell me that was your stomach, and that you're just hungry,please let it be that you're just hungry" she begged that it was the girls stomach.

"Um… would it comfort you if I said yes?" she asked nonchalantly while not looking at her. 

"Yes," she answered in a pleading tone.

"Oh… well, that wasn't me," she said in the same nonchalant tone as the amber eyes turned to her .

"How Is that!? supposed to be comforting!?" Weiss comically yelled out at her in indignation.

 As if splashed by cold water, a chill washed down their spine, they felt a cold breeze pass by them from behind.

They turned around to see an object mystically glowing and floating in mid air in an almost hypnotic manner as it sways back and forth, the light pulsing as if it were a heart beating. 

"Oh…it was nothing," Weiss let out a sigh as she looked up at the light as it swayed gently, "this is probably one of the relics that the headmaster mentioned," she said aloud, speaking her mind.

She looked up to the light and then began to slowly walk towards it, passing by Blake not noticing the trepidation that was held within the fanus girl's eyes.

As Weiss took cautious Steps towards the 'relic' it began to slowly lower itself to her as she reached up towards it, an arm out stretching itself a few feet away from the light as it closed in.

But then without warning she felt as if she had been pulled away from a certain distance away from the 'relic'.

"Hey why did you-" she cut off when she heard the sound of hard rock and pebbles moving with then it is seen that The 'relic' is on the ground, with then Blake decided to actually take out her scroll and to use the torch (flashlight) feature as it then show the ground where Weiss once stood demolished to bits and rubble and what seems like a shadow, standing, of someone seemingly reaching towards the now vacant spot and then they noticed that something was on their shoulder they turned and saw a hand laying on their shoulder and it was a light shaking pale skin hand she then turns to the direction the light of the torch that now revealed that, that was hiding within the dark shadows.

Looking at what was thought to be the 'relic' was in fact not a relic but a bright glowing yellow stinger that was still slowly hypnotically swaying, connected to a black tail that trails down to something covered in dirt yet some color white can be seen poking out.

Then ten scarlet blood red eyes open one by One. As then behind the big scarlet eyes slowly open, multiple smaller ones start to appear on the ceiling of the cave.

 Blake moved the torch upwards towards the ceiling showing hundreds of smaller scorpions as they clicked their mouth and claws, the ground rose, a human skull held by the claws and instantly crushed like it was made of paper. 

And then a giant grimm scorpion stands from the soil in its depraved glory. It let out a horrifyingly high squeal that would cause your hearts to bleed and shutter, both girls covering their ears from the painful shrinking. 


"Nora, do you know where you're headed towards?" asked Ruby wondering if the girl knows where they are heading.

"To Destiny!" she said dramatically pointing into the distance at nothing Ruby looks at the direction where the girl was pointing towards then back at the girl and took a retake.

"What?" Ruby was the only thing that she could respond with.

"You know fate, destiny, things were meant to follow,"

"Yes I know what that is but it's just what do you mean by what you just said?" questioned Ruby 

 weirdly enough for some reason I have this feeling… nevermind might just be a feeling so come on let's go on an adventure, partner" she said in excitement as ignoring or didn't hear her and she once again drags Ruby along.

'How did Ren survive and deal with her for so long without going insane?' Ruby inwardly questioned and praised Ren's patience as he began to look more that of a saint in her eyes for keeping his sanity in check and she'll ask for some pointers to keep herself sane.

"So what's the relationship between Jaune-Jaune and you, Ru-Ru?" Nora asked in an innocent tone.

Ruby tripped on a tree root and quickly got back up.

"What" she said in surprise trying to feign ignorance.

"Oh don't play stupid with me RuRu there's no need to be embarrassed, I saw the way you were looking at him" she said as they kept walking and for some reason Ruby couldn't help but lightly blush.

Sure they were technically married in the future but it was more of a shotgun wedding due to circumstances of a grimm infested apocalypse so they couldn't really enjoy they're happiest moment together for very long what they mostly do is flirting and kissing but that's mostly it and most people are busy doing what they can to fight off the grimm so her and Jaune wouldn't be called out but now that they were in the past and one of her closest friends teasing her about the way she looks at her hubby makes he feel embarrassed at being called out.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she said, playing the fool But Nora saw right through her. 

"Ohh you got it so bad for him, is… is that a bit of a blush I see on you RuRu?" Nora teases her adorable New friend smirking at seeing her turn even more red and inwardly cooed at the girl hiding her face trying to cover it under her hood. It was an adorable reaction she had to say, she was so easy to tease!

'And adorable too' Nora thought as she was having fun with the young girl, as she chuckled at the reactions she was getting out of the girl.

As they were walking and talking about whatever that was on their interest like comic book characters, video games, etc and Ruby was able to tease Nora back with her having a crush on Ren in which she didn't deny but still blushed brightly in embarrassment.

But then the Ground beneath them began shaking Suddenly.

"Woah! what's going on!?" exclaimed Nora, seemingly excited at what was about to happen.

'Why do I feel a sense of deja vu?' Ruby inwardly questioned. As if to answer her question, shadows of talons Are seen; they both look up and see an enormous grimm bird.

"A Nevermore Major!? So cool!" Nora yelled out in awe and amazement.


"Um Nora don't you think that-" Ruby was about to question Nora but was cut off by the girl as she looked to have a maddening glee. On her features.

" RuRu, I think we gave ourselves a ride, '' said the Cheery girl with a look that made her look insane.

'Jaune, Yang, anyone Save me' inwardly Pleaded the girl as her Body shook in fear.


"May you rest in peaceful slumber and not feel any pain." Said a male voice in a prayer.

" Uh? Ren, what are you doing?" asked Jaune in curiosity as he sheaths Crocea Mors from a multitude of Grimm and begins to evaporate in dark Particles. 

"huh?" Ren looks up at his partner then shrugs. 

"I Don't know but I felt like praying for someone's protection all of a sudden." he simply answered.

" Worried about Nora? His partner asked but Ren shook his head.

" No she's not who I'm worried about, it's who she will be… partners…with" as a silence gathering and the wind blows overhead a moment later he spoke once more.

"Jaune can you please give me a moment ?" Ren asked and Jaune nodded. Ren quickly turned around and started praying and Jaune knew why.

'I feel pity for the poor soul who is Nora's partner' he thought to himself as he secretly also joined Ren in the prayers for the poor saps protection.


"Hey, do you think that these are the relics that the headmaster mentioned?" asked Yang now out of her stupor as she was dragged by Pyrrha to the place where the relics were at.

"I would think so but I'm not entirely sure if they are but I believe that they are because some pieces are missing" Pyrrha points out as four altars Are missing their respective pieces.

"damn,it seems that we weren't the first to get here" Yang said out loud but then she began to go in to the stupor that made her once more going into a thought where she was too late in trying to save Ruby from the perverted guy and that she has return with him as her partner.

The mere thought caused her to fall on her knees.

which surprised Pyrrha.

"Are you ok!?" Pyrrha called out to her partner in worry as she went around her partner seeing if she was hurt anywhere like a worried mother hen.

she then hears footsteps approaching from behind them, she turns around to see a familiar face.

"Jaune" Pyrrha called out to him as she waves at him, this caused Yang to stand up straight immediately, and turned her head so fast at Jaune that you would be concerned if she got any whiplash and sprints at him so fast that you would think she might be part cheetah fanus.

Jaune saw Yang Sprinting towards him. He put some aura on himself to brace for the impact and it felt like he got run over by a semi truck that was on full speed.

His aura lit to life protection from any damage, Yang then grabs him by the collar of his sweater, shaking him violently.

"Ugh" a groan escaped His lips.

"Where's my sister!" She yelled out at him, commanding him to tell her where her sister is but then she felt someone tap on her shoulder and she then saw a mistralian guy behind her with a neutral look on his features.

"Hello sorry to intrude on your… whatever you're doing but can you please let down my partner?" The mistrialian asked kindly and then noticed Jaune started to look a little green and like he was about to lose his lunch, but sadly Yang hadn't noticed or wasn't paying attention.

"and why should I, this guy-" but was cut off by a certain sound.

"blargh!" As a wet sound was her she locked up in place and became pale and looked up at the boy and he back at her he gave her a wary smile at her.

" umm…I'm sorry?" He said too in a wary tone as the girl looked at him, her golden locks overshadowing her eyes, with then her eyes beginning to glow a menacing red and hair emitted small trails of fire, and a growl thought to be a snarl is heard.

"Oh no" Jaune muttered.

On instinct he closes his eyes waiting for the pain to come any moment… but it never occurs.

He opens one eye and sees that One her yellow gauntlets that was in mid swing towards his face was being stopped by a royal red aura surrounding Yang's fist as if holding her fist back.

"What the hell?, urgh!" She was confused And struggled to move her fist into punching Jaune, but no matter how much she struggled it didn't budge.

With footsteps heard she turns To the culprit and it was her partner in which Yang was shocked that her partner stopped from doing justice to her sister's sexual harasser.

She was about to say something but Pyrrha beat her to it.

"I don't know what Mr. Arc has done to deserve such a reaction from you but isn't it rude to greet someone in such a manner?" She asked in both worry and curiosity Mixed in her voice as she spoke formally about Jaune.

Yang Looking between both her partner and who she dubbed Vomit boy, begrudgingly let go of him.

"You got lucky this time and you owe me new boots" she whispered to him threateningly but he only let out a tired sigh as she walked away with the girl's partner bowing apologetically at him while apologizing for Yang's actions, in which he accepted.

As they then heard screaming they looked around to see where it was coming from as they turned to see one person rocketing past them as a white blur passed them and hit on to a tree as a groan escaped them.

"Weiss?" both Jaune and Pyrrha questioned.

Then the sound of full on trees Falling they turned to see the Raven haired girl dodging attacks from small death stalkers, sliding under falling trees and continuing weaving and dodging, out of nowhere a giant boulder was hauled up in the sky towards her. 

thinking quickly she threw her sword at the boulder as a black leather like ribbon was being entangled on the boulder and due to the momentum of the boulder rotating she was carried by the boulder and in the right angle and a snap from wrist she quickly untangled the ribbon as she was launched towards where the others were standing at.

As she was gaining momentum she took out her sheath and practiced Ease she chucked it into one of the stone pillars as it was caught in the crack and threw Gamble Shroud in its pistol form at the sheath it wrap around it as she launched herself in the air and gracefully landed on the sheath itself perching down on the ground.

"hello" she simply greeted them sounding uninterested at what she just did but inwardly was applauding herself at what she just did. 

Everyone there was agape and dumbfounded at the Raven girl, the only thing breaking the silence being Jaune whistling impressed at what Blake did.

But they were called out of their Stupor When they heard a screech as a hoard Of small death stalkers 

Came charging right at them all getting their weapons Up ready for battle.

"ugh Things can't get any worse" criticized Weiss at their current predicament.

The others looked back at her Yang proceeded to glare at her as Blake and Pyrrha face palming. Ren shakes his head in disappointment, and with Jaune Having one of his eyes twitching while a thought crosses his mind.

'Please tell that Qrow's luck is actually hereditary I was only joking, ugh gods why, actually fuck you brother gods.' He inwardly Pleaded that the world would not take the Jab the Weiss stupid threw out in retaliation and in hoping he didn't actually inherit Qrows crappy luck cause it's going to make the situation worse.

 than acceptance that it will indeed get worse and also cussing at the brother gods for good measure.

And as if reassuring Weiss and Jaunes intuition that it indeed can and will get worse a enormous shadow that of a bird, flies over them, everyone became tense as they thought they would have to fight against the Hoard of minor death stalkers surrounding them and Nevermore major, alongside a Death stalker major.

"geez got anything else to say ice queen or do you want to tempt the world even further if so come on then, spit it out." Yang sarcastically as the white haired girl, Weiss looked at Yang with imprudents and just looked away with a hmph.

As then Pyrrha looked and she was incredibly shocked at what she was seeing.

"Guys look! Up there!" Pyrrha yelled Out, pointing up at the Nevermore.

They all quickly look up and all (excluding Jaune and Ren) are shocked at what they see.

"Ruby!/Nora?" Both Ren and Yang spoke at the same time, well Yang screamed in concern of her younger sister while Ren was more surprised that something like Nora riding a Nevermore again and not doing barrel rolls and insane flight patterns.

"This is surprisingly tame coming from her," he muttered under his breath and Jaune just felt sorry for Ruby so he decided to make some cookies for her when they got into beacon academy.

With then he notices that the Minor Death Stalkers begin to run away which surprised him, the shadow of the Nevermore was looming over them all in the sky flying.

"Hahaha, I'm the queen of the skies, fear me tiny ants! Hahaha" declared Nora in a…Nora fashion? Ruby just sighs at all the craziness that has just happened, a.k.a, Nora.

She then noticed everyone below them and turned to her eccentric partner.

"Hey Nora, I think this is our stop," she said to the energetic girl.

"Aww do we have to?" who let out a whine.

"I see Ren and-" Ruby was cut off by the girl.

"Well why didn't you say so" Nora said. 

"Geronimo!" as both her and Ruby jumped off the nevermore, causing Yang to have a heart attack.

But then Ruby turned to petals and went to Nora and they both made it to the ground safely as Nora spun around close to the relics.

"Yahoo! That was awesome! Again! again!" Yelled out Nora out jumping in excitement hoping for another round.

"Oh shiny~ Mine! I'm the queen of the castle, i'm the queen of the castle" Nora then got her attention, caught by the relics laying in front of her and grabbed the relic that looked like a tower.

"Nora!" commanded the voice of Ren.

"Coming Renny!" on instinct she made it back to him.

Ruby looks at him as some sort of messiah and kneels to him.

"Teach me your ways" she pleaded no begged him to teach her the ways of keeping the girl in line and a hum of agreement was the only response back to her.

But no one noticed that Weiss looked at the tower piece that Nora was holding and looked at the other relics thinking why there were two sets of the same relic but then a memory as she remembered the speech that Ozpin did at the beginning of the exam.


"I would believe you all heard a certain rumor going around that you all will be getting a partner and making a team and would like to confirm that those rumors are true and you'll be getting them today, it only takes two of a kind to make a pair" he said ending it cryptically.

-Flashback end-

As if a metaphorical light bulb lit up in her head she grabbed The two horse Chess pieces and looked at Pyrrha.

"Miss Nikos catch!" she tossed the other piece to the girl and on instinct Pyrrha caught it without thinking And Weiss smirked in victory.

Burn then Nora came back out of nowhere with two queen pieces and then gave it too Jaune without saying a single word, confusing both Ren and Jaune greatly as they look at her she only waves the piece from side to side and winks with a mischievous smirk plastered on her face.

As then the screeches were heard they turned to see both Grimm majors as screeching at each other confusing everyone. 

Then they both turned to the huntsman and huntress in training, a threatful glee within their blood eyes.

"I think this is the moment where we all run" clarified Jaune as everyone nodded in agreement and ran.

The two Grimms screech as if declaring a hunt following suit, but what no one noticed was a third pair of scarlet eyes seeing, analyzing, to what is happening and waiting for the right moment to strike and they stealthily slither by the trees close behind them.