
Love System: Changing Destinies

Jae, a 28 year old man, always dream to become a writer. Or an actor. Or a doctor. Sigh. That is it. All he does is dream. After graduating with a second degree honor in Creative Writing, all he does is sleeping, playing games and dreaming at home. Where does he got the money? His much older sisters will provide him with an allowance every month, a measly 600 dollars, for meal and lodging. He seems to be content with his life, but deep down, he is suffering. He would have suicidal thoughts, multiple times in his life, but he never follows through. Until one day... ---------- "Welcome, host." "Wait, where am I? Am I dead?" "Yes, host. You died a minute ago." "But... I didn't..." "Anyway, welcome. You has been selected to receive the Love System. Take it as a chance to change destinies. Would you accept it?" "Yes, of course!!!" ---------- Follow this young man journey on changing destinies. But not his, others. "You lied to me!!!" "I never said it was your destiny, host." "Arghhhh!" Can he do it? Will he somehow achieve his goal and his dream? Wish him luck. ========== This is a BL novel with a full on smut. WARNING: Don't read in public. RECOMMENDATION: Read this at home on the comfort of you bed, so you can roll around and giggle or scream your heart out. If you have roommate, muffled your voice with your pillow. ( " - " # ) UPDATE SCHEDULE: *This author is having a small, extended, hiatus. Will be back soon. APPRECIATION: Thank you those rotten readers out there. Rottens (fujoushi & fudanshi) unites!

dreamingjuliet · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

First Love: Mo Xue (30)

The Prince was taken aback when his bride suddenly cried. He tries to calm him down but it seems like it only make him bawl even further. It only last for a few second though, as the ger suddenly went silent and goes limp in his arms.

"My dear? My dear?!"

The Prince went panic and immediately scoop his bride up and head to the bed with his long stride. Xiao Er that has just come in with the Consort's afternoon snack was alarmed as well upon seeing the unconscious pale ger. He quickly drop the snack tray on the table and approach them.

"Call up for the Royal Physician. Hurry."

Without letting the maid slash shadow guard get to them first, the Prince has already give out his order. Worries stark across his features, as he lay his bride down on the bed.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Seeing that her master is giving the utmost importance to the bride, Xiao Er have long know about her master's feeling. She rush out, using a tiny bit of her chi to walk faster, heading to summons the physician.

When everyone are panicking and were worried sick about the fainted Consort, the perpetrator is pacing back and forth inside his white space.

The host, the soul-changed Consort, is mumbling to himself while pacing around. After pacing on a straight line for a while, he unconsciously start to pace in circle, doing so for a few rounds before his step flatters.


The young man immediately buckle down, unable to keep his dizziness at bay. The lack of furniture inside his space is also one of the reason why he have to bow down to the floor, to gain his bearing.

"I'm okay. I'm okay."

He slowly sit down, crossing his legs beneath him, while taking a deep breath, trying to clear his head. Yes, this man has purposely pull himself back to his space, leaving his body limp outside. To be honest, he does it unconsciously, as he tries to run away from his feeling.

His heart was bubbling in happiness, when he first read the lines written by the Prince. But then, his heart starts to clench in pain, as if a massive boulder crush it, until nothing's left. He understands what that man is trying to imply, hence the reaction.

"He... Zero Three, what-... What is his feeling now,... towards me?"

The youth keep his head down, holding it with both of his hand, as he stutters over his question, knowing the answer won't be 'love'. He hold his breath, waiting for the answer and slowly exhale when he gets it.

"Reporting to host, the love meter is showing that his feeling has pass the 'adore' section, currently at the middle of 'cherish'. Congratulations, host. You're almost completing your side mission."

Despite hearing such happy thing, the host is now holding his heart, crying without tears.


"The poem..."


"What about it, host?"

I recognize that poem. I've read it before. I don't really remember who wrote it but I know the meaning of it.

'Once you've met your destined, none others can compare.'

That poem is the first part of one of the poems that I have studied during my past life. I loves Asian dramas so much that I took Asian Literature as part of my elective. I still remember how the girls in my class are gushing over this poem and the boys start to use it to woo others once our lecturer explain it's meaning.

Does he meant the same when he wrote those words?

Does he really believe that I'm his destined one?

Does he...

But I am...

I'm a fake.

I'm not Jun Jae Hee. I'm not some ger that can give birth or a prince from some faraway land. I'm not even from this world!

I'm Jae. Just a simple, unemployed graduate that...

happen to kill himself without knowing it.

"Host? Are you okay? You have been here for quite some time now and the Prince is getting worried."

His face flashes in my mind. His gesture, his touches, his kisses, his... everything come tingling on my heart, my body.

I know. I know I have fall for him but...

No. I'm only here to complete my mission. And my mission is to save his life. I will do just that and then...

I will leave.

"Zero Three, as soon as I complete the mission and get the thousand points, pull me back. I want to leave this place."

This is my decision, and I will stick to it. Xue Er, I'm sorry...

"Yes, host."

Taking a deep breath, I send my consciousness back to my host body. Blinking heavily, I open up my eyes to see the heavy dark brocade on top of me. But that didn't last for long when I was suddenly engulf in a bear hug.

"My dear."

There it goes again.

I can't comprehend what to think right now, or even what to feel. Should I burst in joy up on receiving such love or should I turn it away? I don't know if my heart can take it when I finally leave this world.

Hardening my heart to reject him, I slowly push his body away. He let me go but still hold me within his arm length. He look at me with such love and... happiness?

What was he happy about?

"Thank you, my dear. I will cherish you till death and I wouldn't let any harm befall on you."

My mind was muddled as he drop kisses on my cheeks, my forehead and a long deep kiss on my lips. If it wasn't for me start struggling for air, he wouldn't have stop. He pull me into his embrace once again, pulling my body up as well.

"Xue Er, what happen?" Engulf in his hug and confusion, I ask.

He pulls away, still with a wide smile on his face, as he move his hands from my arms to my palms, clutching it tight.

"We are going to be parents. You are with child, my dear."


Thunder storms down on Tian Mo Kingdom. A few moments later, drop of rain starts to pour, heavily. The whole kingdom was shock and surprised. However, they welcome the surprise as the kingdom has been in draught for over a year now.

It was winter, for sure. But with all the frozen non existence lake, and just frosted snow, clean water is something that is so much needed in the kingdom right now. The rain melt away the snow, as its temperature it slightly higher than normal. If one care to wonder, the heat is temperatively not normal. The usually gloomy snowy sky starts to brighten, despite the heavy rain, with sun peaking through, blessing that winter kingdom.

The citizens are dancing happily under the rain, celebrating the gift from heaven while their head of state, the Emperor, is laughing in joy in his study chamber.

"Good! Good! The Fourth Prince's Consort just got pregnant and now the heaven is bestowing us with rain and sun. This child is sure lucky. Head Attendant, relay my decree. This Kingdom will celebrate the following event for three days and three nights. This Emperor will personally bestow the child's name, as an appreciation for the heaven's gift. If it's a boy, Ling Yan. If it's a girl, Ling Yue."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Emperor keep his laughter rang throughout the day, signalling to the whole palace, how special the child is to be.

Meanwhile, the mother of the said child is in shock, staring at his husband with his eyes wide, both in surprise and pure horror.

"What- what did you... preg- pregnant?"


"Sir, my host, he-"

"I know, LS03. It's the job of the universe. We can't intervene. However, all decision must be made by him. Don't influence him further, other than things that is in regards to his mission. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

This novel have passed the 2++th spot and climb the 1++th spot (19+th)!!!!!

This would not be possible without you guys (& your ss). Thank you so much for your votes and stones.

So this chapter will be a 'thank you chapter' from me to you. Like I said before, Saturday's release is possible when this author is happy.

If this book stays within the hundredth, I will consider to make the Saturday's release permanent.

THANK YOU!!!!!! 0( ^ _ ^ )0

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