
He's dead

“What?” Blaze got up and hurried to the direction Sandra was coming from, she search everywhere but no sign of Zack.

“I can’t find anyone”

“Yeah, and you thought he will be there waiting for you?, look, I think something is wrong, I don’t think Alex is dead.”

“But the men said he’s dead”

“I need to talk to my father” Sandra left Blaze to talk to her father. “My dear you have nothing to be afraid of, I trust my men, and if they said he’s dead, then he’s dead” they were still talking when a man came to whisper in his ear, he turn to look at Sandra but there were doubts and fear in his yes.

“Dad is anything the matter?” He just looked at Sandra long and hard then walked out on her without saying anything.

“What is going on?” Sandra rush back to Blaze but she has no idea what is going on.

Sandra went in search of her mother, surely she’s the only one to tell her what is going on. Her mother told her that Alex  might just be alive because the men who came back didn’t give a true account of what happened.

They said they killed him but someone took his body away, they try all they could but couldn’t retrieve the body, the person who took his body is very powerful and they couldn’t do any but to let him go.

“They’re all liars, I need to see these men”

“There will be no need my dear, your Father will handle this from here”  

Sandra was so afraid, she didn’t want to go back to that house, “Alex could just returned one day and kill me”

“Alex don’t  know who he is, even though he returned, he can’t do anything to you, so just relax, you will go back and take everything, after all he marred you”

Sandra felt a bit encouraged, she went back to Blaze as the party was coming to an end but her father was no where to be found.

“Let’s go” Sandra commands blaze. “I need that girl, you have to bring her to me, she’s my only insurance in case Alex comes back. I don’t care how you do it, but bring her to me. If it means burning down their house to get her so be it” she said to Blaze with a killer look on her face.

“Is something wrong?” Blaze ask Sandra since she couldn’t understand the sudden change of her countenance.

Sandra the fish seller was the main reason Sandra agreed to help her father kill Alex, she needs to fulfill the plans she has for that fish seller, and that is she has to serve her all the days of her life. She’s going to make her a  slave forever.

“Fine, I will get you the mortal girl but can you please lighten up a bit” she doesn’t always like it when Sandra is like that, she seem to treat her like a maid when ever she is angry rather than a friend.  And Blaze hates it.