
Welcome party

 Sandra and Blaze got home and are welcome by her parents but were surprise to see large crowd. “What is going on?, who are all this people?” Sandra thought it was going to be a simple party to congratulate her for her achievement but this!..

“Yes my dear, they heard the good news and have come to congratulate you”

“Good news, what good news?, my husband just died and they gather her to  congratulate me?” Sandra couldn’t help but be afraid. “This doesn’t look right.”

“My dear, Alex’s father has made lots of enemies, so no one will suspect you” her father made her to relax.

The party went on smoothly and everyone was happy and on a high spirit. Sandra step aside for a while with a glass of wine in hand, she stood away from the crowd but she could still hear the clicking of glass cups from the crowd. A cool soft air swoosh though her face and she felt like someone is stalking her, she move  away from there to a corner but this dangerous aura keeps following her.

For a second she thought of running but   that is not a good idea, she try to call Blaze but her phone is not with her.

“Who’s there!” she called out but no one was answering so she start moving towards the crowd.

“Hey… watch where you are going” Zack said as Sandra almost crashed  into him.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” she said and start walking away really fast. “hey… Sandra wait a minute” Zack called and she stopped in her track. “do you know me?” she ask as she turn to walk towards Zack.

“Yeah, I mean you should know me and not the other way round.”

“What do you mean?” Sandra ask while she could hear her heart pounding loudly, every little thing made her afraid, she has been into this game for a long time but she couldn’t understand why Alex’s case is different, she has tried to act strong since Alex died but no, she keep feeling this deadly aura wherever she go.

“I’m Zack, friend of your husband, I mean I was his friend when he was alive, he’s dead right?” he ask Sandra looking at her straight in the eyes with a mocking smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

Sandra knew immediately that this is not just a friend.

“What do you want?” She ask, serious now.

“Oh… nothing, I’m  so happy for you, isn’t  it wonderful that your husband just died and you are hosting a flamboyant party to send him off to the great beyond?, you are so impressive Sandra.

“I don’t  know what you are talking about, and who the hell are you to question me?”

“I’m sorry, my bad” Zack left Sandra alone and she went back to the party looking for Blaze. “What are you doing here?, is this how you protect me?”

“What do you mean?, no one will dare make trouble here.”

“Yeah but I just met a guy who threatened me”