




I was delirious. It took a while for me to register what happened until it came to my senses that I came in her mouth.

I lost control. Who could blame me? She just gave me the best blowjob of all the blowjobs and swallowed every drop of me.

I stared perplexed at the ceiling as I tried to catch my breath.

/"Now get some freaking sleep. No sex until you feel better./" Great orgasm in her mouth comes with great consequences. Now, I’m gonna pay for it.

I was about to say something when the door shut behind her, leaving me alone. I laid down on the couch when my lids felt heavy until I couldn’t fight it anymore. I gave in.

I fell asleep, and I didn’t know for how long until another cold hand touched me, making me moan. /"River?/"

/"It’s okay. I’m right here./" She must have sat down on the floor.