


Office Remedy


He asked me out. Yes! Now, I was going crazy, scrambling through my dresses, and I found nothing good enough. It was past noon, and I still had not chosen anything to wear. If only I could go to his penthouse and take one dress, that would be awesome, but he was staying there. And I had not heard from him about our date. Was he changing his mind?

God, I was overthinking it.

I was startled when my phone rang. It was Krew.


/"River, it’s me./"

/"I know. I still got your number saved on my phone./"

/"About our date./" Why I had a bad feeling that this call wasn’t good news? /"We have to put this on hold./"

I slumped back to bed. /"It’s alright. Don’t sweat it./" I might have sighed at the end.

/"Hey, I really wanted to take you out on a dinner date./"

/"Come on, Krew. Let’s not fool ourselves—/" A sneeze cut me off, then another one followed. Oh, my God. /"Krew?/"