
love in Moon's Shadow

Yamirei's journey begins when he is discovered by the Moon Clan elder, who recognizes the peril in Yamirei's dark life force and seals it to maintain peace within the clan. As Yamirei grows, he develops a close friendship with Tsuki, the clan's heir. Their bond strengthens, but as time passes, Yamirei grapples with his identity and the burgeoning darkness within him. The story delves into the delicate balance of light and darkness within Yamirei, exploring how love and friendship can conceal inner darkness. However, this balance is threatened when love is lost, and the resultant hatred begins to fuel Yamirei's sealed powers. As the plot unfolds, the themes of love, betrayal, and the eternal battle between light and dark are examined. Yamirei's inner turmoil and the eventual release of his dark powers lead to dramatic confrontations and revelations, challenging the stability of the Moon Clan and the very essence of his and Tsuki's bond.

jake_starc · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Glimpse of Darkness

The silence in Yamirei's head shattered as he heard Tsuki's voice. Despite her disrespect and mockery towards him, Yamirei had always admired Tsuki since they were children. She had once been kind-hearted, but after her father's passing and her mother assuming sole leadership of the clan, she grew distant, living a solitary existence and training relentlessly.Yamirei harbored a quiet infatuation for Tsuki, fearing the moment he might lose someone he admired. As the seal within Yamirei began to weaken, a surge of power coursed through his veins. Fear mingled with longing, and a dark violet aura enveloped him. His eyes turned crimson, and his hair whitened as he unleashed a fraction of his true power.With a blast of energy, the people restraining him were scattered, their forms evaporating into the air. Yamirei crafted a katana-like structure from his power and charged towards the squad leader in an instant, moving as swiftly as light itself. Tsuki, witnessing his transformation, blushed in disbelief at the sight before her. Yamirei's face, usually calm, now bore the visage of a being consumed by darkness.As Yamirei collapsed, the seal within him began to mend itself, and he fell into Tsuki's arms. Meanwhile, Ikari watched in stunned silence, startled by Yamirei's transformation. Moon Clan warriors arrived at the scene and evacuated them to safety, Yamirei's wounds miraculously healed by the power he had unleashed.In the aftermath, Yamirei awoke to find Ikari by his side, her hand clasping his own. Flustered, she explained that Seijuro was waiting for him. Yamirei made his way to Seijuro's room, where Tsuki awaited him with a smile. As Seijuro entered, he inquired about what had transpired, but Yamirei could recall nothing after leaving the underground to rescue Tsuki.In a hushed tone, Tsuki revealed to Yamirei that he had unleashed his power. In her mind, she acknowledged the depth of Yamirei's feelings for her, yet her heart hesitated to reciprocate. She urged him to cease his training, fearing for his safety. Seijuro intervened, explaining that he had sealed Yamirei's power to protect him, but his will had briefly lifted the seal by 30 percent before it closed again.Despite this, Seijuro urged Yamirei not to rely solely on that power. Instead, he presented Yamirei with a map to a place where he could obtain a sword once wielded by a previous user of the dark source. It was time for Yamirei to retrieve the Sword of Hell.