
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs


Eon is laying on his bed while staring at the ceiling. Memories flowing out from his mind. Memories of the day he discovered he had powers and the day he met Selena. The forest was dead that day but he healed everything. He recalls his hands glowing when he covered his eyes. He looked at himself and was astonished but confused at the same time. As soon as his hands touched the ground, all the living things came back to life. The plants, trees, flowers, and grass came back to their original state.

Eon was mesmerized by what he has done back then. He knew what he was capable of. He stood up and looked around. He slowly went around the oak tree to see the whole surroundings and wanted to know the boundaries of his powers.

By the time he reached the other side of the tree, he saw a girl with long brown hair and was wearing a floral dress. She was twirling. His lips formed a smile as he watched the girl kept on twirling. Eon was fascinated by her smile. There is something with her smile that made her heart leaped with joy. Eon smiles at the thought of Selena's smile.

His mind recalls Selena being startled and backed away from him. She accidentally misstepped a root and has lost her balance. He remembers helping her stand. That was the first time Eon held a girl's hand. Selena accepted his hands and looked into his eyes. He saw how Selena looked at him at that moment. He then laughs remembering the expression on Selena's face. "She realized that she had been staring at me for too long.", he mutters to himself.

Eon recollects by that moment, Selena was smiling directly at him. It made his heart fluttered. "She was so beautiful.". He felt the feeling of him introducing himself to her - nervous. He laughs slightly, "She even hesitated to tell her name to me because I was a stranger.". Eon smiles, "Knowing her name is delightful. I cannot even stop mumbling it. It is a beautiful name. It suited her.".

Eon sighs, realizing what he is doing. "I want to forget her. But how do I do that?". He pauses for a moment, "I wonder if she remembers me or she has already forgotten me?". He feels sad and heartbroken. He gets up from bed and decides to go to the forbidden forest. He thinks only one reason why he cannot get Selena off of his mind. That is he did not fully face the pain of the heartbreak. Eon immediately goes out of his bedroom and sneakily goes outside. It is still pretty dark and he also decides to spend until morning in the forest.

When he arrives at the forest using the portal, it was raining. There are no animals on sight. The water on the ground is getting higher. "It would be dangerous for the animals if there would be a flood." So Eon uses all his strength to stop the heavy rain. He stands still and closes his eyes. He puts his hands on his side and opens them wide. He then slowly lifts it up, like he is pushing a heavy thing up. Eon continues to lift his hands until what is left is light rain. He checks the houses of the animals nearby. Some have small water which he removed.

Eon sits on the big roots of the oak tree to take a rest. He has used so much energy to stop the rain, so his body is exhausted. To recharge, he picks a few fruits to boost his stamina. As he eats, he decides to build the small shed he built before for Selena. After regaining his strength, he instantly begins working. He collects the woods he needed and starts building. He finishes early than expected. He took longer the last time.

Before entering the shed, Eon recalls Selena sitting on the roots while watching him. "That time was also the first time Selena did not go home and stay with me all night. We slept here side by side.". He enters the shed and lays on the floor. He lays sideways and imagines that Selena is in front of him. Eon then recollects that he woke up early so he had the moment to stare at Selena's face. He caressed her hair and touched her soft cheek with his finger. He is drawn to his imagination that when the image of Selena is gone in front of him, he is shocked and gets up suddenly.

Eon realizes he was imagining. He sighs and lays back again. He puts his arm on his face and covers his eyes. Minutes later, Eon falls asleep. All that can be heard in the forest is the sound of the light rain and the croak of the frogs.

Eon is awakened by the light that is hitting on his face. He slowly opens his eyes and sees that there is light getting through the gap of the roof. "Not quite a good builder.", he mutters to himself. He gets up and looks around. Water is everywhere. Eon uses his powers and gathers all the water. His hands are now controlling a big ball of water. He thought of something that he wants to try. He moves his hands in a circular motion. His arms were wide open and now he is making it narrow. The ball of water is also becoming small. Eon is amazed. He discovers another feature of his powers. He keeps on moving his hands in a circular motion until the ball of water is tiny and up to it is gone on Eon's hands.

"I am glad I brought a magic pouch.". He hesitated whether to bring it or not but now he realizes that he made the right choice. After writing an entry, he remembers asking Selena to someplace magical. "The falls.", he thought. He immediately goes to the path they had taken. The pathway is still the same as before. There are white stones on the ground as the stepping stones. And the sideways are covered with bushes that have white, shining roses.

Eon recollects Selena following him to the falls. He even stopped suddenly and made her fall to the ground. He was so worried at that time, afraid that Selena would get hurt again. He continues his way to the falls while still reminiscing. He remembers Selena getting excited when she heard the running water of the waterfall. Eon arrives at his destination. He stands on where they stood. There is a big plunge pool, created by the waterfall. The place is cool and refreshing because of the moderately strong winds. He then goes to the side of the stream where he took Selena to set up a picnic.

They had a nice picnic, having a nice view of the waterfall. They talked about a lot of things. Eon laughs when he remembers that he felt shy when Selena caught him lying about knowing college. He sits on the same spot and staring the waterfall in the distance. He imagines Selena being by his side, telling him stuff about human things and her dream. And he also told about the magic realm. "We had the same hobby.", he uttered to himself. "You even introduced me to constellations. If it were not for you, all I would know is that it is a bunch of stars in the sky.", then he chuckles.

"Being together, we forgot our worries. We share and comfort each other.". Eon cannot help but feel dismayed.

Eon stands up and goes back to where he came from. He looked at the plunge pool and remembers he and Selena playing in the water. They were so happy, splashing each other with water. "We were filled with laughter at that time and it was my first to laugh that hard. It was the best day of my life.". He then realizes that it was the same day that they shared their first kiss. He could still feel Selena's stares at him. He was the one who made the first move to kiss her.

"It was the day that you and I finally expressed our love for each other but I did not expect that it would be the last day we would be together.". Sadness is visible on Eon's face. He then walks his way towards the path going back to the forest. At the same time, Eon recalls going back to the shed with Selena. They were smiling at each other and holding hands while walking. He arrives at the shed and stands where he last stood in front. "I should not have told you to go home. I should not have thought that your parents would be worried about you. I should have been selfish and took you with me.". Eon is looking towards the direction of the village and imagines Selena waving at him goodbye. The rain then starts pouring and the image of Selena slowly disappears. Eon kneels on the ground and starts crying.

Eon is crying so hard that the more he cried, the heavy the rain is. He punches his heart, indicating how heartbroken he is. "Selena. Why did you leave me? You said you love me.", he mutters to himself while crying. Then he continues, "You are a liar. And until now, even though I would convince myself that you are not coming back, I still hoped. I'm pathetic.".

Eon then shouts, "You are not coming back! She is not coming back!". He looks up and lets the rain touches his face. It is getting dark so Eon stands up and goes to the shed. He sits down and just stares at the tree. His mind is empty. The pain is still there but it lessened. Eon lays suddenly on the floor and positions himself sideways. He just stares at nothing and his eyes gradually closes.

The next day, Eon intentionally wakes up early so he could return to the magic realm immediately. He is on his way to the portal when thinks about something. He goes back to the shed and looks at it. He then waves his hand hard to control a strong wind and seconds later, the shed is destroyed.

Upon arriving in the magic realm, Eon rushed home and quietly enters the house. He sneakily goes to his bedroom and lays. He is exhausted and as long as his body lays down on the bed, he instantly falls asleep again. The next morning, he is awakened by his mother's rants. "When did you came home?!".

Eon lazily replies, "Earlier this morning.". His mother's eyes widen, "Earlier this morning?! Where were you yesterday? You were gone for a day.".

"I went somewhere to take care of something.".

"Would you care to elaborate?". Eon sighs, "Is it okay for me to keep it to myself? I promise I will not go anywhere again without you and Dad's knowledge. Just this once, Mom. Please?". His mother sighs, "Okay. Alright.".

Eon goes to school after breakfast. As he approaches his seat, he sees Odette sitting on it. He carefully comes closer to her, "Were you waiting for me?". Odette gasps because of surprise. "Do not do that. You scared me. And yes, I was. You did not attend class yesterday. Are you okay?".

Eon is touched. "I am alright. And I am sorry if I worry you.". Odette looks at him with a smile, "As long as you are okay, I am glad you are here. Everyone is busy practicing for the event happening next week.".

"What event?", he is puzzled. Odette looks at him with disbelief. "You forgot? The higher council will be choosing fairies for certain positions in the realm, remember? It is our designation day.".

"Ooh, right. I remember. I must have a lot of catching up to do then. Will you help me train?".

Odette smiles, "Of course. I was about to ask you the same question.".