
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Two days left before the designation day to come. Eon and Odette spend their time practicing at the abandoned magical library. Odette goes first while Eon stands on the side.

Odette closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She positions her arms straight on both sides. She flicks her both hands and suddenly, leaves have surrounded them. Odette opens her eyes and focuses on the target ahead.

Eon is amazed to see so many leaves everywhere. With the command of Odette, the leaves all form into a sharp knife. She then moves her hands down, making the leaves attack forward and into the target. The sound of the impact echoes on the library. This made Eon mutters to himself, "Whoa.".

Odette looks at Eon, "What do you think?". Eon stares at her with amazement, "Incredible. You will be best at protecting the realm.".

Odette smiles, "Yes. That is my goal - to protect.". She then moves her arms up, making the leaves free themselves from the wall. Again, with her command, the leaves collide with each other, forming a big and thick shield. Eon comes near to it and pounds it with his knuckles. The sound of metal can be heard. He exclaims, "Just like metal armor.".

"Thank you. Now, your turn.".

Eon starts to scratch the back of his head lightly. "Umm... You already know what my power is. Sooo...".

"Are you embarrassed with your power?", Odette instantly asked.

"Well, no... And yes?". He pauses, "I mean, it is nothing compare to yours.".

"Eon. Do not think it that way. If your power is not as special and useful as you think it is, you would have died on the day Denver attacked you.".

Eon falls silent and still hesitates. But he manages to find his inner courage. He thought, "Another goal is to be selected. I belong in this realm. I am going to prove it to them.".

Odette smiles as she sees the look on Eon's face - full of determination. She just watches him, focusing on his movements.

Eon closes his eyes and puts his arms on his sides. He opens them wide and lifts them up. He is summoning the water and it comes to him. In his hands is a big ball of water. Eon opens his eyes and focuses on it. He imagines making the water into small spikes and the water forms into many spikes. He then moves the spikes forward hardly to meet the target. Holes are added to the wall.

Odette claps her hands, "Nicely done.". Eon smiles at her, "Really?". He catches his breath. He breathes in and out deeply. Odette looks at Eon with worry, "Are you okay?".

Eon replies, "I am okay. It is just my body is not used to exerting too much energy and effort yet.". Odette nods, "We have just to keep practicing. You can do this.". He smiles at her and nods as a sign of courage. The library has become their training ground. Eon and Odette use the two days to practice. They would just stop for a break and if they are hungry. Eon has finally mastered using his powers without getting exhausted aftermath.

They are both feeling accomplished. Eon is so grateful to Odette, "I could not have done it without your help. Thank you.". Then he hugs her. Odette's eyes widen and could not move. Eon feels that Odette has become tense so he slowly lets go of the hug. "I am so sorry. I was grateful.". She smiles at him after recovering from the shock, "It is okay. And it is no problem, I am glad I could help.".

Eon and Odette decide to go home for them to have a good rest. Upon arriving at the house, Eon is greeted by his parents. "Are you ready for tomorrow, Son?". But he could answer, his mother speaks, "Do not be nervous and just believe in yourself. We know you will be chosen.". Eon cannot reply because of confusion. So he asks his parents, "Mom? Dad? I really want to respond but I am really tired. The training wore me out. Can I sleep early?".

His parents immediately nod then his mother responds, "Yes, dear, of course. Go ahead, take a very good rest. It is a big day tomorrow.". Then his father added, "Yes, Son, your mother is right. Take a good night's sleep.". Eon smiles at his parents genuinely, "Thank you, Mom, Dad.". He immediately enters his room and lays on his bed. He feels relax but suddenly remembers what happened earlier at the library. "I hugged her. I just hug her without thinking. I am just so grateful that I had the urge to hug her.", Eon thought. He then puts his arms on his face, covering his eyes, and falls asleep.

Odette, on the other hand, cannot stop thinking about the hug. She keeps imagining the way Eon hugs her. She even scolds herself for not hugging him back. "No, no, no, no. Stop thinking that. You are surprised he did that so of course, you cannot react immediately.". Odette keeps speaking to herself, convincing herself that she had acted right. She then puts her right hand to her left chest. "Then why my heart is beating unusually? And thinking about the hugs makes me feel all tingling inside". She cannot understand the sensation that she is feeling yet.

Odette decides to sleep it all over. She tells herself, "Maybe this will be all gone tomorrow. I must focus so that I will not fail.". She immediately let herself fall asleep.

The day has come for the higher council to designate every fairy at magic school. Eon and Odette come to magic school early than everyone else. Odette is the first one to be called. She does her routine. After putting her arms straight on her sides, she flicks her hands, and then the leaves are scattered around her. Odette makes the leaves form into a sharp knife and then controlling it to move around. She aims one leaf on an empty chair and releases it, making the chair falls down because of the impact.

Odette is not yet done. She commands the leaves to collide with each other and make a strong shield. All fairies are amazed, some even clap. The higher council immediately give their decision. Odette is clearly for offense and defense. Eon is also clapping and as she approaches her, "You did great.". She smiles at him as a response.

Denver is next. Eon is just watching him doing his routine. Eon feels terrified by watching him. Denver's routine is the same on the day he attacked Eon. "I cannot believe he would use that moves in here.". The event is still clear on his mind and the anger in Denver's eyes is what Eon feared. Eon thought, "I hope it will not happen ever again.". After few minutes that have passed, Denver is finished and is selected for offense and defense. He is on the same team as Odette.

Other fairies come next and a few of them are rejected. Eon is getting anxious and afraid he would mess up his routine. He looks at Odette and he was given by her an encouraging smile. He clears his mind and focuses on his breathing and strength. Then he begins by closing his eyes and positions his arms. Eon starts summoning a big body of water that amazes everyone. He then forms the water into spikes. He is making it all into position when suddenly he feels pain in his feet. Eon loses its focus because of this and drops the water spikes. It looks like rain and the higher council becomes wet.

Eon is angry. He looks around and sees Denver on the back smirking. It turns that Denver intentionally makes a spike out of a branch and wounded Eon in the feet. He planned on messing with Eon so that he will not be selected. Eon loses his temper and forms a spike out of the water, then attacks Denver. Denver falls down to the ground because of the impact. He stands up instantly and looks at Eon with rage.

But before they could attack each other, a higher council build a wall between them. "What is the meaning of this? We are in the middle of something important and you did this!". Denver and Eon fall silent. Then the superior whispers something to the council."

"So you two are the ones who caused a commotion here last week. It was not enough for you and now you two start another one?!".

Eon starts speaking, "If you may, Sir. Denver started all of this. What happened last week was his fault. He kept attacking me even though I am not the one he was seeking.".

Denver then defends himself, "That is not true. He is the culprit, I am sure of it.".

A sound of thunder echoed on the place, "This has nothing to do with you two. This day is designation day, which you ruin. You two will leave this premises. You will not be designated.". Horror is visible in Eon's face and at the same time, has pleading looks. "Please, Sir, give me one more chance. I cannot lose this just because of him and his baseless accusation.".

Later that day, after the event, the higher council decides to conduct another designation day just for Denver and Eon. "If I do not like what I see, You are out.". Eon nods nervously and begins his routine again. After a few minutes, he finished successfully his routines The council is amazed by it and Eon smiles out of contentment. When it is Denver's turn, Eon could see the dissatisfaction in their faces. Unfortunately, Denver had forgotten his routine and invent another one that clearly is not to the higher council's liking.

Minutes later, it is decided that Eon makes the team with Odette and Denver is undetermined. It is a problem for the council to designate a fairy with character issues. Denver is so angry that he storms outside the magic school.

Odette is so happy about Eon's achievement that she cannot help but hugs him. "You did great as welL. I am so happy for you. Keep it up, okay?". She lets go of the hug shyly and continues talking, "You should have seen his face? You cannot even draw it.". Odette laughs and is stopped when Eon hugs her again.

Odette is motionless again. Her eyes widen and she can feel her heart beating fast. While hugging, Eon smiles and said, "Thank you so much, Odette. Thank you.". She regains her senses and smiles, "We are friends and that is what should a friend do". She is about to hugs him back when Eon lets go of the hug.

"Let's go. Our parents are definitely waiting for us. We will celebrate tomorrow, just the two of us.".

Odette's cheeks suddenly feel hot. She holds her both cheeks with both hands and can feel that it is a little hot. Her cousin looks at her, "Why are you blushing?". She immediately puts down her hands, "Nothing. I am just feeling hot, that is all.". Odette goes to her bedroom and rolls over on her bed. "We already hug thrice. Is it normal for friends to hug?". She is confused and could only fall asleep.

Eon, however, goes straight home. Before reaching the house, he could see his parents waiting outside. He calls them and informs them about the good news. His mother squeals because of happiness, "Oh my, Fero. Our son is designated to the offense and defense!." His mother hugs him tight while saying, "We are so proud of you, dear.".

Eon smiles, "Thank you, Mom and Dad. I could not have done it without your support.". After celebrating with this parents, he goes to his bedroom, lays on the bed, and stares at the ceiling. The hug with Odette comes into his mind. While hugging her, he could her heart beating. Eon could also feel his own heart and he denies what it felt.

"I will not fall in love again. Never again.".